Thom's blog
How to Fight the New GOP Scheme To Kill Social Security & Medicare
 Let's take the first small step rolling back Reagan's neoliberalism by making "income†from Social Security, unemployment benefits, and tips tax-free once again! It's The Ronald Reagan Memorial Competition: which Republican can make the rich richer and the poor poorer the fastest? This week, Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin wants to one-up Republican Senator Rick Scott of Florida in this perpetual GOP contest over who can most effectively screw working people. Johnson wants Congress to vote every year whether or not to continue funding both Social Security and Medicare, while Scott says it should only be every five years. Read more at -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
The New GOP Scheme To Do Away With Social Security & Medicare Unveiled
Article: " Amtrak" by Wikipedia.
Article: " Acela" by Wikipedia.
Hour Two: Joe Walsh's MAGA warning: If Trump is indicted, expect "major violence"- Rep. Joe Walsh, Host, "White Flag w/Joe Walsh" (on Apple podcasts / Former U.S. Congressman (R-IL, 8th District) & former Presidential Candidate / Author, "F*ck Silence: Calling Trump Out for the Cultish, Moronic, Authoritarian Con Man He Is" / Former Republican, now an Independent 
The GOP Plan to Purge Un-Loyal Civil Servants Is Going to Be YUGE in 2024
Hour Three: Was the Pentagon, corrupted by Trump, Part of the Jan 6th Coup?
Will These Republicans Go Down In Flames Because Of Abortion?
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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It's Anything Goes Friday!
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Why Former Republican Warns Us To Expect "Major Violence" Featuring Rep. Joe Walsh
Will Railway Workers Strike? Featuring Dennis Pierce
The "Share Buyback" Scam of American Business