January 2009

  • On the Program - Jan 9th 2009

    "AnythingGoes Friday"

    Hour One "BrunchWith Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.gov

    Hour Two "TakingOur Country Back" Tom Geoghegan www.geogheganforcongress.com Topic: Running for Rahm Emanuel's House Seat (specialelection 3/3/09)

  • Transcript: Obama's economic speech and the Two Santa Claus Theory rant, 08 January 2009

    Thom comments on Barack Obama's economic speech today and explains how the Republicans deliberately have played the Two Santa Claus Theory - spending government money and giving away tax cuts, bankrupting the country in the process.

    Thom Hartmann on Obama's Economic Speech and the Two Santa Claus Theory, 08 January 2009

  • On the Program - Jan 8th 2009

    Quote: "Perfect freedom is as necessary to the health and vigor of commerce as it is to the health and vigor of citizenship." - Patrick Henry

    Hour One - The Best of the Rest of the News

    Hour Two - Tina Brown www.thedailybeast.com Topic: Her new venture "The Daily Beast" website...rethinking the competition, the launch, how it's doing and the future...

    Hour Three - Former CIA strategist Retired Air Force Colonel Robert Chandle www.regnery.com Topic: Will Western Capitalism survive? 3 choices for the future: autocracy, democracy or theocracy (his new book is Shadow World)

    Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News Under the Radar

  • January 05 2009 show notes

      • Guest: Jeremy Ben-Ami, Executive Director, J Street, the political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement.
      • Guest: Ray Hanania. Award winning journalist, stand up comedian & author (hosts a daily radio show on Chicago's WJJG 1530AM). A Palestinian American "Defining the moderate Palestinian Arab voice, offering reason to the American, Israeli and Arab publics. He has been a participant in peace talks in the past, meeting Yasser Arafat.

      • Guest: Carrie Lukas, Vice President for Policy and Economics, Independent Women's Forum. What should be included in the '09 economic stimulus package?

      • Guest: Andy Barr, Communications Director for Al Franken. Not one bit of effort was wasted, it is so close. The board will meet in hour and half, and is expected to declare Al the winner.

      • Guest: Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation magazine. New book, "The Nation Guide to The Nation.

      • Guest: Bill Samuel. AFL-CIO and the new Administration. They are launching a green jobs for America programme.

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • On the Program - Jan 7th 2009

    Hour One - The Best of the the Rest of the News - Thom's Take
    Hour Two - Adam Michaelson www.us.penguingroup.com Topic: the real story of what happened with the implosion of Countrywide
    Hour Three "Everything You Know is Wrong" Jim Rubens www.oversuccess.com Topic: Is there an epidemic with wealth, fame, and power in America?

  • on the Program - Jan 6th 2009

    Quote: "Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh

    Hour One - The Best of the Rest of the News....Thom's take on the news.

    Hour Two - Russ Baker www.familyofsecrets.com Topic: "Family of Secrets" (how we got Bush in the first place and how can we make sure we don't end up with another one in the White House?!)

    Hour Three - Bill McKibben www.350.org Topic: Why is "350: the most important number on earth"?

  • January 02 2009 show notes

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • On the Program - Jan 5 2009

    Quote:"It's not too late to seek a newer world."- Alfred Lord Tennyson

    Hour One - Executive Director JStreet Jeremy Ben-Ami www.jstreet.org & Palestinian Journalist Ray Hanania www.themediaoasis.com Topic: Gaza...Israeli ground attacks

    Hour Two - Carrie Lukas www.iwf.org Topic:Thom and Carrie debate - What should be included in the '09 economic stimuluspackage?

    Hour Three - Karina Vanden Huevel www.thenation.org Topic: newbook "The Nation Guide to The Nation"

    Guest: Bill Samuel www.aflcio.org Topic: AFL-CIO and the new Administration

  • December 31 2008 show notes

    • New Year's Eve.

    • Gaza.

    • Guest: Ray Hanania. Award winning journalist, stand up comedian & author (hosts a daily radio show on Chicago's WJJG 1530AM). A Palestinian American "Defining the moderate Palestinian Arab voice, offering reason to the American, Israeli and Arab publics.

    • Guest: Former U.S.Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, American Enterprise Institute.

    • Guest: Gerald Celente, Director of the Trends Research Institute. Trends Journal: Top Trends 2009.

    • Guest: "Everything You Know is Wrong": Kat Tansey. Author, "Choosing to Be: Lessons in Living from a Feline Zen Master".

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • On the Program - Jan 2 2009

    Quote: "When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property." - Thomas Jefferson

    Anything Goes! Friday

    Hour One "Brunch With Bernie " Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.gov
    Hour Two - Lamar Waldron www.legacyofsecrecy.com Topic: "Legacy of Secrecy;" the Cuba connection (yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution)

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