On the Program - Jan 26th 2009
Jan. 26, 2009 7:01 amBy Thom Hartmann A...
Today is Chinese New Year...welcome to the the Year of the Ox (President Obama born during the year of the Ox)
Quote: "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." -- Thomas Jefferson
Hour One - The best of the rest of the news - Thom's take
Hour Two - Carrie Lukas www.iwf.org Topic: Should Congress expand the FMLA and other govt mandated leave acts?
Hour Three - Philip K. Howard www.philipkhoward.com Topic: his new book "Life Without Lawyers"
Guest "Labor Segment" Director of the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council Bob Baugh www.aflcio.org Topic: Should we "Buy American" and help keep jobs at home?
Telephone number for today only: 866 452 0620
The Thom Hartmann Program - This week - Jimmy Carter, Tony Blankley and Dean Baker and more...
Jan. 25, 2009 8:22 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Highlights on the Show...Jan 26-30th 2009
Topic: The Bush administration weaken protections for workers including access to family and medical leave in the midnight hours. Thom debates Carrie Lukas of the Independent Womens Forum www.iwf.org on how to bring them back.
Topic: What would life be like without lawyers? Thom talks with attorney/author Philip K. Howard about his new book www.philipkhoward.com
Topic: Why are conservatives freaked out by local governments adressing climate change? Thom confronts Dan Gainor of the Business and Meida Institute www.businessandmedia.org
Topic: Helping you with this year's taxes and prepping for next year. Thom talks with attorney/tax expert Roni Deutch www.ronideutch.comWednesday
Topic: "Plunder and Bubble: The Rise and Fall of the Bubble Economy." Economist Dean Baker talks to Thom about his new book www.cepr.net Topic: Do you need help keeping or finding a job? Career coach Wendy Gelberg joins Thom to answer listener questions www.gentlejobsearch.com
Topic: "Everything You Know is Wrong" Ever wonder what makes someone a serial killer? Thom talks with Tom Philbin author of "The Killer Book of Serial Killers" www.sourcebooks.comThursday
Topic: President Jimmy Carter joins Thom to talk about his new book "We Can Have Peace in the Middle East: A Plan That Will Work" www.cartercenter.org
Topic: "What will it take to survive and prosper in the 21st century?" Thom talks to conservative pundit/author Tony Blankley about his new book "American Grit"www.americangritbook.com
Topic: What do President Obama and Thomas Paine have in common? Professor Harvey Kaye joins Thom to celebrate Paine's birthday www.amazon.com (for his book "Thomas Paine and the Promise of America")Friday
"Brunch With Bernie" Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator (I-VT) www.sanders.senate.gov
Events with Thom Hartmann Coming Up….Feb. 26th and 27th - Radio Row at CPAC 2009 (Conservative Political Action Conference) Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC www.cpac.org for tickets and informationMarch 7th Saturday – Seattle, WA "One Day Cruise with Thom & KPTK am1090" from Noon-3pm aboard the Royal Argosy -Tickets will be $49pp includes 3hour cruise of Elliot Bay and the Puget Sound, brunch and nonalcoholic beverages - prize giveaways onboard www.am1090seattle.comMarch 19th – Chicago, IL "Thom Hartmann vs Michael Medved" Sponsored by WCPTMay 1 & 2 – Denver, CO – Green Festival – Thom is keynoting
Thom in black wool coat with blue scarf holding video camera in lower left. 1
Jan. 25, 2009 1:37 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Thom in black wool coat with blue scarf holding video camera in lower left. 2
Jan. 25, 2009 1:33 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...January 23 2009 show notes
Jan. 24, 2009 7:57 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...- "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
- 'Anything Goes' Friday.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
January 21 2009 show notes
Jan. 24, 2009 12:00 amBy Thom Hartmann A...- Show live from Washington, DC.
- Thom went to the Eastern ball last night, Obama gave a short barnburner speech.
- Guest: Richard Greene, author, "Words That Shook The World", host, "Clout" on Air America. The inaugural.
- Guest: David Madland, Director of the American Worker Project.
- Guest: Kandy Stroud who has been booking the guests for Thom and others at the radio row.
- Guest: CNS Editor-in-Chief Terence Jeffrey.
- Guest: "Everything You Know is Wrong": Ken Davis, "Don't Know Much About" series. Presidential inauguration history & little known facts.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
January 20 2009 show notes
Jan. 23, 2009 6:12 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...- Today Barack Obama became president of the United States. His swearing in and speech.
- Thom was broadcasting live from the platform at the Capitol and Ron Reagan from a studio in Seattle (for the first 2 hours).
- Reactions.
- Other news of the day.
On the Program - Jan 23 2009
Jan. 22, 2009 8:10 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Quote: "My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from the earth." -- George Washington
"ANYTHING GOES FRIDAY"Hour One "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.govThe Thom Hartmann Program - Jan 22 2009
Jan. 22, 2009 8:40 amBy Thom Hartmann A...
Quote: "All of this will not be finished in the first one hundred days, nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin." -- John F. Kennedy
Hour One - Joe Madison - "The Black Eagle" www.joemadison.com Topic: Why the The "hold" on Eric Holder...by Arlen Specter?
** Thom leaves for airport after first hour - Peter B. Collins subs for hours two and three **Thom 30 paces from Obama/Bush
Jan. 22, 2009 8:06 amBy Thom Hartmann A...
Thom 30 paces from Obama/Bush at President Obama's inauguration, January 20 2009. Photo taken by Jay Tamboli, Talk Radio News.