It's Workers Memorial Day May 1st. A day of rememberance for working men and women who've been injured, diseased, and killed on the job. And sadly - there's a lot of remembering to do. In 2010 - more than 4500 American workers were killed by traumatic injuries on the job - that's 12 Americans dead on the job every single day. Another 50 to 60000 workers died from occupational diseases that year - the consequences of breathing in asbestos - or working with carcinogens in our nation's refineries - or working in coal mines that cause black lung. These are men and women who are just trying to live their lives and raise their families, and in the process of working every business day create wealth for our country - make billions for CEOs - and all too often die in the process. And tomorrow we remember them for their sacrifices. But it's not just about remembering - it's about working to today's workers, and the workers of the future.