Raed Jarrar, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, joins Thom Hartmann. Today is the tenth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. What will the lon...
Tonight's "Big Picture Politics Panel" discusses the 10th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, Rush Limbaugh's take on why Romney lost and Elizabeth War...
It was science that determined that global warming and climate change were real - and now it's science that's determined that the Republican Party is full of...
Lauren Drain, Banished: Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church, joins Thom Hartmann. Everything U Know is Wrong - Banished...Westboro Baptist Chur...
Matt Heimbach, White Students Union at Towson University, joins Thom Hartmann. Thanks to Republican-backed voter suppression ID laws - minorities all across ...
The Good! Hillary Clinton! The former Secretary of State and possible 2016 Democratic presidential nominee came out in support of same-sex marriage this morn...