It's time to start calling our oligarchs what they are - oligarchs. And tax cheats. And people who have corrupted both our politicians, our media, and our ma...
Bob Richards, Moon Express, joins Thom Hartmann. Space - the final frontier! Could Star Trek soon become reality? We'll talk to Moon Express CEO Bob Richards...
Ryan Radia, CEI, joins Thom Hartmann. Finally - some real bipartisanship! Last week - Republicans AND Democrats in the House and Senate proposed legislation ...
Max Fraad Wolff, New School University, joins Thom Hartmann. Cypriot officials finally agreed to new bailout terms with the EU and IMF this morning that stav...
Rev. D. Alexander Bullock, Change Agent Consortium, joins Thom Hartmann. Kevin Orr's reign as de factor king of Detroit begins today. So - what's next for De...
Kay Steiger, Raw Story & Adam Bitely, & Marc Harrold, Observations of White Noise, all join Thom Hartmann. Everyone's talking about breakin...
Former 2012 Republican Presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich were very close to forming a "Unity Ticket" back in February of 2012 - in an e...
Candida Moss The Myth of Persecutions, joins Thom Hartmann.Candida Moss The Myth of Persecutions, joins Thom Hartmann. For tonight's Conversation with Great ...