The Good! Prince Harry! It turns out the Prince of Wales isn't just a top-notch trooper - he's a fierce advocate of tolerance as well. According to the new m...
Eric Hovind, Creation Today, joins Thom Hartmann. The Springboro Community City School District in Ohio is considering a "critical thinking" policy - that wo...
The privatization of our national security apparatus isn't just sucking up your taxpayer dollars - it also contradicts the founding principles of our republic.
Debbie Hines, Legal Speaks, joins Thom Hartmann. The controversy surrounding Martin's death captivated the nation and reignited the tumultous debate about th...
Thom talks with trial lawyer Debbie Hines on the start of the George Zimmerman trial. Tonight's "Big Picture Politics Panel" discusses whether private compan...
Sensible security or an American dystopia: Which sounds better to you? Do we really want national security in this country looking like something out of the ...
The Good! Bernie Sanders! Over the weekend - the Vermont Senator announced a brand new jobs plan aimed at solving the nation's ongoing blight of youth unempl...
Lee Fang, The Nation Magazine, joins Thom Hartmann. Republicans in the House have voted a whopping 37 times to repeal Obamacare. But if they're this opposed ...
Professor Michael Avery, The Federalist Society: How Conservatives Took the Law Back From Liberals, joins Thom Hartmann. Most Americans have never heard of t...