Tonight's "Big Picture Rumble" discusses the latest news from the NSA's spy program, the sixth-month anniversary of the Newtown massacre and the NRA's new ra...
Some people say they're not worried about NSA tracking their phone calls or hacking their emails because they have nothing to hide. But those people are sore...
The Good! The Maine House of Representatives! On Tuesday - the Pine Tree State legislature approved a bill requiring the labeling of all food containing gene...
Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL, 9th District) joins Thom Hartmann. Florida Congressman Alan Grayson - his plan to put an end to invasive NSA snooping and ask...
Rusty Humphries, The Rusty Humphries Show & Scottie Nell Hughes, Tea Party News Network join Thom Hartmann. Darrell Issa says he has definitive proof that th...
Mike Papantonio, Attorney & Host-Ring of Fire Radio, joins Thom Hartmann. Thanks to Edward Snowden - we now know that the NSA is involved in a far-reaching a...
Thom talks with Congressman Alan Grayson and Radio Host Mike Papantonio on the latest details with the NSA spy program. Thom takes viewer questions and comments in "Your Take, My Take Live,"...
The Good! Joe Biden! According to pool report published today - the Vice President proclaimed Al Gore as the winner of the 2000 Presidential election. The Bad.... Or maybe just the bizarre....Glenn...