If it takes a secession of "blue" America to achieve all of this - then so be it. It's time to let small-minded bigots go back to their plantation-style economies and let them run their states...
Jesselyn Radack, Government Accountability Project, joins Thom Hartmann. Edward's Snowden's revelations about the NSA's spying program have quite literally changed the world. What does Snowden...
The Good! Pope Francis I! The Bishop of Rome is making headlines again -- and for all the right reasons. During Thursday Mass last week -- the Pope called out religious extremists -- calling...
Richard Eskow, Campaign For America's Future, joins Thom Hartmann. The New York Federal Reserve Bank is now in the middle of a lawsuit filed by a former empl...
Joshua Holland, Bill Moyers.com, joins Thom Hartmann. Obamacare's bumpy rollout is the latest gristle for the media's scandal mill - but who's really to blam...
Dr. Joe Romm, Climate Progress joins Thom Hartmann. Right now - we still have have a chance to save our planet from the greatest threat it's ever faced: climate change. But at what point will...
Dr. Joe Romm, Climate Progress joins Thom Hartmann. Right now - we still have have a chance to save our planet from the greatest threat it's ever faced: clim...