Shahid Buttar, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, joins Thom Hartmann. The NSA spying scandal is far from over. News reports show that the agency collected phone data from tens of millions of...
Thom talks with Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi on JP Morgan's $13 Billion settlement, and with Rep. Alan Grayson on today's congressional hearing on drones. Ton...
The Good! Gina Raimondo! Rhode Island's treasurer is trying to get Ocean State public pension plans to pull out from two big venture capital firms - Wellspring Capital Partners and Summit Partners...
Jennifer Beals, Actress/Activist & Andy Igrejas, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, joins Thom Hartmann. From household cleaning products to children's toys - dangerous chemicals are lurking...
Income inequality is slowly but surely destroying the country. So what can we do to turn back the clock on 30-plus years of Reaganomics and reboot the American dream?
Nick Heltzel, The Hunter School, joins Thom Hartmann. Some people know that permaculture is a type of environmental design that develops sustainable architecture based on real - living natural...
Josh Fox, Gasland II & Thomas Linzey, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, join Thom Hartmann. 15 million Americans now live within one mile of a frac...
Lee Fang, The Nation Magazine, joins Thom Hartmann. Academics are supposed to spend their time searching for knowledge in college libraries - so why are they shilling for Wall Street on Capitol Hill?
Thom talks with Director Josh Fox and Environmentalist Thomas Linzey on the dangers of fracking, Saturday's Stop Watching Us rally with Civil Rights Attorney Shahid Buttar and toxic chemicals...