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John Nichols, The Nation Magazine joins Thom Hartmann. Thanks to Senate Republicans - NSA reform is dead - at least for the moment. So what's it going to take to bring it back? Also - Obama's executive action on immigration.
Liar liar pants on fire…or are they? The folks over at PolitiFact’s PunditFact have rated a claim I made on a recent episode of The Big Picture as “Pants on Fire,” but they’ve totally missed the point of what I was really saying. They even went straight to the source - and asked Koch Industries about the claim - which a spokesman obviously said was false. What else was a mouthpiece for the Koch Brothers going to say?
Arturo Carmona, Presente & Miriam Yeung, We Belong Together Campaign: Women for Common Sense Immigration Reform joins Thom Hartmann. President Obama is finally taking big time action on immigration reform.
Thom previews Obama’s immigration speech with Presente.org’s Arturo Carmona and the Women for Common Sense Immigration Reform’s Miriam Yeung and talks NSA reform with “The Nation’s” John Nichols. Thom takes viewer questions and comments in “Your Take, My Take Live” and in tonight’s “Daily Take” Thom discusses how Politifact missed the point when they gave him a “Pants on Fire” rating for a story on the Koch Brothers.