Thom's blog
Why a little insurrection is no big deal to Republicans

By Thom Hartmann A...

It seems inexplicable.
A group of Americans invaded the US Capitol with a plan to kidnap and kill the Vice President and the Speaker of the House, hoping that would throw the Electoral College vote to the US House, where Republicans would declare Donald Trump the winner.
The inescapable truth about rightwing billionaires and Trump

By Thom Hartmann A...

Some very wealthy people helped put Donald Trump in office, and have continued to subsidize the Trump presidency and those Republicans who enable it.
Trump & the Big Lie must be exposed and cast out

By Thom Hartmann A...

A 40-year Republican Big Lie brought us to this crisis point in America.
When Ronald Reagan was running for president in 1980, one of his biggest boosters was the political heavy hitter Paul Weyrich, who was also a cofounder of the Heritage Foundation and multiple other rightwing think tanks and operations.
Weyrich told a group of political activist in a church basement in Dallas that the GOP was changing their strategy to win elections.
Will the "Trump Train's" 3rd attempted coup be successful?

By Thom Hartmann A...

It's all one thing, and the oligarchs and fascists aren't done yet. They want complete control of America.
When Donald Trump first ran for president, it was a stunt to squeeze more money out of NBC and to polish his brand.
But when he was unexpectedly elected, he took cues from the corrupt oligarchs he admired around the world and began a serious project to remake and remold America in their image.
Insurrection: A reckoning is essential for the real & powerful villains

By Thom Hartmann A...

The media narrative today is that "right wing crazies" are the only people involved in this attempt to disrupt Congress and even kidnap or murder some of our elected representatives. But they're missing, almost entirely, the big question: Why did so many people show up?
American fascism: it ain't over yet

By Thom Hartmann A...

And in the US Capitol, and state capitols around the country that were similarly attacked, Trump's fascist followers learned that the personal price they'd pay for sedition and treason is less than the penalty for drunk driving.
Tyrants often turn on their own people: it's time to remove Trump from office

By Thom Hartmann A...

This is why it's so vital that Donald Trump be removed from power immediately. Be it through the 25th Amendment or immediate articles of impeachment and a vote in the Senate, it must be done.
The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way

By Thom Hartmann A...

Essentially, Trump asked Pence to ignore the electoral college votes from a few swing states and thus declare Trump president for the next four years.
Only public trials and humiliation can save the American experiment from the Trump/GOP coup attempt

By Thom Hartmann A...

Science, religion, and conspiracy theories are all, essentially the same thing: systems or attempts to explain the unknown, to make sense out of things beyond our senses or immediate, touchable reality. Thus, our vulnerability to conspiracy theories and con artists like Trump.
It's impossible for any individual to know or understand everything. We believe electrons make our computers work, but for all but a few scientists who've actually seen and measured electrons, it's only a belief. We must trust their word.
Trump Isn't Our Biggest Problem: It's the Authoritarian Fascist Movement He's Launched

By Thom Hartmann A...

One of the most widespread stories about their motivation is that they're "afraid of Trump" or are "worried about being primaried." Both ideas are wrong.