Thom's blog
Today on the Show - December 27 2007

Hour One - In the News
Hour Two - Guest: Marjorie Cohn Topic: Developing legal scandals in the White House
Hour Three - Guest: Tim Carpenter Topic: Mobilizing the Progressive Vote
Guest: Rob Kall Topic: The Best of the Rest of the News
Did the Cigna Insurance delay kill 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan?

Did the Cigna Insurance delay kill 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan? Isn’t it fascism when we give corporations higher status then human
December 26 2007 show notes

- It is Boxing Day, a day to box up all those unwanted gifts and give to the poor.
- Did The Cigna insurance delay kill 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan?
- Should corporations get the death penalty?
- Ron Paul on fascism, the Civil War.
- Are we moving towards friendly fascism?
- Economic news. Debt. What do we do?
- Guest: Alex Frankel. Author, "Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventure of a Front Line Employee".
- Guest: Larry Scott, Founder and Editor of VA Watchdog.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
Thom's Blog - December 26th 2007

Did The Cigna insurance delay kill 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan? Should coporations get the Death penalty?
Because of a mistaken interpretation of a Supreme Court reporter's notes in an 1886 railroad tax case, corporations are now legally considered "persons," equal to humans and entitled to many of the same protections guaranteed only to humans by the Bill of Rights - a clear contradiction of the intent of the Founders of the United States
If corporations are considered “persons” then shouldn’t they be given the “death penalty” for murder?
Isn’t it fascism when we give corporations higher status then humans?
— Thom Hartmann
On the Program Today - December 26 2007

Hour One - Did the Cigna Insurance delay kill 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan? Should corporations get the death penalty?
Hour Two - It's much easier for economic powers to colonize a third world nation when it's Government has become authoritarian and it's middle class has been wiped out - are we moving to friendly Facism?
Hour Three - Everything you Know is Wrong Alex Frankel Topic: Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-line Employee
Guest: Larry Scott- Founder & Editor of VA Watch Dog
December 21 2007 show notes

- It is winter solstice tonight.
- "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
- The shows Monday and Tuesday next week will be best of shows.
- On Sunday December 23 at noon and 10pm EST C-SPAN2's Book tv will be showing Thom.
- Winter Solstice and Christmas traditions and myths.
- Guest: Greg Palast. The Amazon and oil.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
Thom debates Cliff Kincaid

Thom debates Cliff Kincaid - Are Michael Savage's rants "hate talk" or his right to free speech?
December 20 2007 show notes

- Is there a war on the American way, an attempt to replace law with Sharia law?
- Guest: Cliff Kincaid, editor, "Accuracy in Media". Should Michael Savage's anti-Muslim statements be considered "hate" talk or his 1st Amendment right to free speech?
- On Sunday December 23 at noon and 10pm EST C-SPAN2's Book tv will be showing Thom.
- The EPA denied California a waiver for tighter auto standards.
- Guest: Washington Governor Christine Gregoire. EPA, auto emission standards.
- Presidential straw poll.
- Guest: Naomi Klein, the Nation. "Guns Beat Green: The Market Has Spoken ".
- Guest: Christy Harvey, Center for American Progress.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
Thom interviews Greg Palast 12/21/07 on his trip to Equador - The Locals vs. Big Oil

Thom interviews investigative journalist Greg Palast on his recent trip to Equador - The Local Community vs. Big Oil
On the Program Today - December 21 2007

Anything Goes Friday! Happy Holidays!!!!
Hour One - Senator Bernie Sanders - Brunch with Bernie! Taking your calls.
Hour Two - Greg Palast Topic: Greg drops in on his recent trip to Equador and the battle of the local community vs. big oil.
Plus the Best of the Rest of the News...including the real history of Santa Claus - Why does he have flying reindeer and wear a big red suit?