Thom's blog
Here are 8 reasons COVID is so much worse than the skeptics think

By Thom Hartmann A...

That's how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.
Trump Goes Full Authoritarian Dictator

By Thom Hartmann A...
Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?

By Thom Hartmann A...

The Trump administration, according to today's New York Times, was leaning on the CDC to provide any kind of evidence, no matter how thin or meaningless, that could be used to justify opening schools. We now know that was all a con.
Trump is Broke: Has He Already Sold Out America To Get the Money He Needs?

By Thom Hartmann A...

He then went on a massive spending binge, pouring that money into airlines, steaks, vodka, Trump-branded games, casinos, a fake university, etc. Virtually all of them failed, and he experienced multiple bankruptcies.
The Republican Party's sordid history in Florida shows just how far they'll go to save Trump

By Thom Hartmann A...

"Lawmakers on both sides indicated Tuesday that the Republican-dominated Legislature will call a special session by the end of the week to appoint its own slate of delegates to the electoral college," wrote Jeffrey Gettleman for The Los Angeles Times on November 29, 2000
Republicans ruthlessly reshaped America to hold onto power - can Dems do the same thing to save it?

By Thom Hartmann A...

Can Trump get away with normalizing a coup?

By Thom Hartmann A...

When he was getting bad press because he was having an affair on his first wife, for example, he called newspapers pretending to be his own assistant to say that Marla Maples was astonished with "the best sex ever." It changed the entire newspaper narrative, and Trump proved to himself one more time that he can normalize just about anything.
Trump has told us how he and the Republicans plan to steal this election: can we stop him and save our republic?

By Thom Hartmann A...
Trump "Never Noticed" A Modern-Day American Genocide

By Thom Hartmann A...
A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It

By Thom Hartmann A...