Thom's blog
January 23 2008 show notes

- Guest: US Senator Jim DeMint. Co-author, "Why We Whisper: Restoring Our Right to Say It's Wrong".
- Guest: Investigative reporter Robert Parry, Consortium News. Obama's Dubious Praise for Reagan.
- Guest: Ben Shapiro. "Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House".
- Guest: Larry Scott, founder and Editor of VA Watch Dog.
- Bush vetoed SCHIP. Congress failed to override it.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
One Day In Iraq

I found this YouTube video to be brilliant and thought you'd want to see it and share it with others. Lemme know what you think, too...
-- Thom
On the Program - Jan 24 2008

Hour One: Guest: Gabriel Roth Topic: What’s wrong with socialist police departments, fire departments, and roads?
Hour Two: Topic: How have republican policies driven
Hour Three: Guest: Stephen Marks www.sourcebooks Topic: I’ll be challenging Mark on his book Confessions of a Political Hitman My Secret Life of Scandal, Corruption, Hypocrisy and Dirty Attacks That Decide Who Gets Elected (and Who Doesn't)
Guest: Christy Harvey Topic: News Under the Radar
January 22 2008 show notes

- Should the Republican Party reinvent itself as the party of Bill Clinton?
- Guest: David Frum. Author, "Comeback: Conservatism That Can Win Again".
- The latest Democratic presidential debate.
- Are we poised on the edge of a great depression?
- Guest: Kevin Gray, civil rights organizer in South Carolina and former president of the state ACLU.
- Guest: Geoffrey Kleinman, DVD talk, live from The Sundance Film Festival.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Jan 23 2008

Hour One - Guest: US Senator Jim DeMint Topic: Thom and Senator Jim DeMint will be taking opposite sides - What would be wrong if we turned into a secular country? WHY WE WHISPER: Restoring Our Right to Say It's Wrong
Hour Two - Guest: Robert Parry Topic: What is the true legacy of Ronald Reagan?
"Everything you Know is Wrong" Guest: Ben Shapiro Topic: Project President Bad hair & Botox on The Road to The White House
Guest: Larry Scott Founder and Editor of VA watch dog Topic: Veteran's Issues
Do we need religon for morality?
January 21 2008 show notes

- Markets crashing around the world.
- Martin Luther King day.
- Guest: Alex Epstein, Ayn Rand Institute. Little medical clinics.
- Economics rant.
- Dr. Jonathan Kaplan. "Housing Discrimination as a Basis for Black Reparations".
- Guest: Terry O'Sullivan, Laborers' International Union of North America.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Jan 22 2008

Hour One - David Frum Topic - Should the Republican Party reinvent itself as the party of Bill Clinton? And his new book - Comeback Conservatism That Can Win Again.
Hour Two - Topic: Are we poised on the edge of a great depression?
Hour Three - Topic: Is the Democratic Party going to return to its roots?
Guest: Kevin Gray civil rights organizer in
Guest: Geoffrey Kleinman www. Topic: “Live” from The Sundance Film Festival
On the Program - Jan 21 2008

Hour One - Guest: Alex Epstein Topic: Are little medical clinics in CVS drug stores or Safeways going to be the salvage of for profit medical health care in America?
Hour Two - Guest: Scott Ritter Topic: Is America still going to attack Iran?
Hour Three - Less than a year to go before Bush is gone - what will the year bring?
Guest: Terry O'Sullivan http@// Topic: Labor Issues