Thom's blog
February 04 2008 show notes

- Show live from AM 1600 WWRL, NYC.
- Guest: Gordon Fischer, attorney, former chair of the Iowa Democrats.
- Why Thom hasn't endorsed anybody.
- Guest: Al Franken, running for Senate in Minnesota.
- Guest: Senator John Kerry, for Obama.
- Guest: Senator Evan Bayh, for Hillary Clinton.
- Guest: Jeff Cohen. Stepford Republicans.
- Guest: Ambassador John Bolton, Syria, Iran, nuclear weapons.
- Welcome to new affiliate KBAI - Bellingham, WA.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Feb 6th 2008

Super Tuesday Rap-Up! Air America's Mark Green will be here to talk about the Democrats and Editor of CNS New Terrence Jeffrey will be here to talk about the Republican on the day after...
Austin Hill, author of "White House Confidential: The Little Book Of Weird Presidential History," is dropping by to talk about "Obama Republicans" and why Republicans don't like John McCain
February 01 2008 show notes

- "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders.
- Guest: Paul Hannam, author, "The Magic of Groundhog Day: Transform Your Life Day by Day".
- Last night's debate.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
January 31 2008 show notes

- Guest: The honorable Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.
- Last night's Republican debate.
- Guest: Evan Moore, CNSNews. Focus the Nation teach-in.
- Guest: Mark Green, president of Air America Radio.
- Guest: Christy Harvey, Center for American Progress.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Feb 4th 2008

Monday - Thom "live" from NYC - Thom is doing Pre-Super Tuesday Round-Up with US Senate candidate Al Franken, Former Chair Iowa Democratic Party Gordon Fischer, Senator Evan Bayh(D-IN) and Former UN Ambassador John Bolton
Guest: The Swiftboating of Hilary Begins - Thom will be challenging David Bossie - the executive producer, "Hillary: The Movie"
Guest: Media critic Jeff Cohen is here on his article "Stepford Republicans: All Caught on Tape"
January 30 2008 show notes

- John Edwards suspended his campaign.
- Bush's Iraq signing statment.
- The American economy, recession.
- Guest: Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), endorsing Hillary Clinton.
- Guest: Jennifer Palmieri, Center for American Progress. Edwards campaign.
- Guest: David Bender who will co-anchor Air America's Super Tuesday coverage.
- Why people should not vote for Edwards now.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

FYI for our Denver listeners...
And - Welcome to our newest affiliates:
KMPT - Missoula, MT
WVKO - Columbus, OH
KBAI - Bellingham, WA
KKEE - Astoria, OR
And a bit of good news: We're the number one show on the station in San Francisco! And in Monterey, our affiliate station polled their listeners ( ) and replaced the Schultz show with ours live.
January 29 2008 show notes

- It's Thomas Paine’s birthday - Would Thomas Paine approve of today's America?
- Guest: Professor Harvey Kaye, "Thomas Paine and the Promise of America".
- The State of the Union address.
- Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D - MD), State of the Union.
- Guest: Martin L. Strong, VP, Blackwater Worldwide.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Feb 1

Hour One - Guest: Senator Bernie Sanders Topic: "Brunch with Bernie"
Hour Two - Guest: Paul Hannam Topic: "The Magic of Groundhog Day"
Hour Three - Guest: Josh Tickell Topic: Josh's newest film "Fields of Fuel" winner of this year's Sundance Film Festival "Audience Award"