Thom's blog
Wednesday - July 22 2009

Hour One: "Euthanasia...a slippery slope or a merciful end to suffering?" Thom tackles the issue head on with Dr.
Tuesday - July 21 2009

Hour One: “What is the nature of the debate about peace in the Middle East through the eyes of Israel” Thom with David Horovitz, Editor in Chief of the Jerusalem Post
Monday - July 20th 2009

Hour One: "Can Doing What Seems to Be the Right Thing Turn Out to Be the Wrong Thing?" Thom debates protectionism with journalist Danny Schechter Read more
Our Best and the Brightest Led us to the Moon and Now We’re Leaving Them Behind

It is not surprising that it would take Forbes, the magazine that, for years, had as its slogan "Capitalist Tool," to point out that the way money is spent in the field of education is truly bizarre.In their November 21, 1994 issue, an article by Peter Br
July 17th 2009 - Friday

Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions
July 14th 2009 - Tuesday

Quote: Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it --Thomas Jefferson
Hour One: Are we disconnecting ourselves into oblivion?