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On the Program - Dec 1 2008

Quote: "If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another." Winston Churchill
Hour One - Victoria Schofield Topic: The Kashmir conflict and how it may relate to last week's attack in Mumbai
Hour Two - Dr. Walter M. Brasch Topic: The Media 'Auto' Know Better: Fueling Anti-Union Fires
Hour Three - Jonathon Alter Senior Editor, Newsweek Magazine www.newsweek.comTopic: book "THE DEFINING MOMENT: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope,"
Guest: Don Siegelman Former Governor, State of Alabama Topic: The court will hear his appeal 12/9
November 27 2008 show notes

- Thanksgiving, best of Thom Hartmann show.
- From the 05 November '08 show...
- Obama won the election. America won the election.
- Thom received calls from all over the world.
- Guest: Mark Thomson, Sirius Radio.
- From the 13 November show...
November 26 2008 show notes

- It is Thanksgiving tomorrow.
- Guest: Kenneth C. Davis, author of "Don't Know Much About
The Thom Hartmann Program - Nov 28 2008

Quote: "Light one candle for all we believe in, that anger not tear us apart...And light one candle to find us together, with peace as the song in our hearts" - Peter Yarrow (Lyrics from "Light One Candle")
Hour One - "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders Topic: Economy, another bailout, auto industry, etc...
Hour Two - Mark Begich Topic: Thanks and the future ahead in the US Senate
Hour Three - Peter Yarrow Topic: Politics, performing and the future of our country
On the Program - Nov 26th 2008

Quote: "I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land." - Jon Stewart
Hour One - Kenneth C. Davis author of Don't Know Much About® History Topic: So you think you know about the First Thanksgiving
Hour Two - Scott Horton Contributing Editor, Harpers Magazine Topic: Justice After Bush: Prosecuting An Outlaw Administration (his piece in the December issue of Harper's)
Hour Three - "Everything You Know is Wrong" Jeff Golden Topic: What would the world be like if JFK had survived?
Guest: Larry Scott Topic: Veteran's issues
November 25 2008 show notes

- Guest: Tax attorney Roni Deutch. Economic crisis and your 401K, should you cash it out or ride the market waves?
- Guest: Thomas Bowden, Analyst at the Ayn Rand Center, focusing on legal issues. Should we ban fast-food TV ads if it means saving our children?
- Guest: Mark Anderson, CEO of The Strategic News Service. Did Japan just drop an economic neutron bomb on the United States?
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Nov 25th 2008

Quote: "There's the country of America, which you have to defend, but there's also the idea of America. America is more than just a country, it's an idea. An idea that's supposed to be contagious." - Bono, 2002
Hour One - Roni Deutch Attorney/tax expert Topic: Economic crisis and your 401K, should you cash it out or ride the market waves?
Hour Two – Should we ban fast-food TV ads if it means saving our children? No more “I’m Loving It!”
Hour Three - Mark Anderson Topic: Did Japan just drop an economic neutron bomb on the West?
November 24 2008 show notes

- Guest: Carrie Lukas, Vice President for Policy and Economics, Independent Women's Forum. If the Obama kids get school choice
On the Program - Nov 24th 2008

Welcome Back from the Air American Cruise...
Quote: “I’ve been racking my brain to find methods of openly, actively, and legally opposing this tyrant in the making. Any suggestions?” --Fox News’ Sean Hannity asking his website visitors for their help in how best to attack Obama
Hour One – The Cruise - Who pee’d on Ron Reagan (trickle-down? Cruise) and the economic meltdown)
Hour Two - Carrie Lukas Topic: Thom and Carrie mix it up – If the Obama kids get school choice – why not everyone?
Hour Three - Martha Burk Ms. Magazine Money Editor and author of "Your Money and Your Life: The High Stakes for Women in '08" Topic: How to avoid being a bag lady?
Guest: Dennis Rivera Topic: Health care for all must be a priority for the new administration
November 21 2008 show notes

- Thom is working on the Air America Cruise all this week. The show was guest hosted by Jay Marvin, host on Denver's Progressive Talk Channel (760 AM).
- Guest: David Sirota, columnist, author of The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington and Hostile Takeover:
- The automotive industry bailout.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.