Thom's blog
Inadequate Prison Release Programs Blamed for High Recidivism Rates

The Department of Justice's Inspector General issued a report recently that echoed one of the biggest complaints about criminal justice in America: when inmates are released, they are rarely prepared for their return home.
Keep Foreign Nationals Out Of U.S. Elections

The Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint recently with the Federal Election Commission calling for a full investigation and enforcement of the law that bans foreign nationals from spending on U.S. elections.
Bus Drivers Shouldn't Pay More Taxes Than Millionaires

Way back in 1985, President Ronald Reagan outlined a very simple principle of tax fairness during a speech at Northside High School in Atlanta, Georgia.
Loopholes that allowed millionaires to pay less in taxes in bus drivers, he said, were crazy
Trump Could Learn From the "Rat Park" Experiment

Even as Donald Trump's surrogates are re-tweeting photoshopped images of Hillary Clinton in blackface, Trump himself is trying to win the black vote by simply asking black Americans "What the hell do you have to lose?!"
And in response to the news that NBA star Dwyane Wade's cousin had been shot in Chicago, he sent out two tweets talking about how bad the crime rate is getting.
Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is

Even the though the season doesn’t start for another two weeks, the NFL is already embroiled in controversy.
The latest lightning rod for sports radio hot takes is San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who surprised pretty much everyone last week when he refused to stand for the national anthem during a preseason game against the Green Bay Packers.
Nuclear Plant Has Been Leaking For Four Years

According to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Entergy Corp has allowed highly radioactive waste to leak into a contained area at the FitzPatrick nuclear power plant for the last four years.
The FitzPatrick plant is near Oswego, New York, but the NRC has said that the leak "poses no immediate risks to any residents or the environment."
CEO's Putting Profits Before Country Are Un-American

If I declared right now that I won't be paying any taxes until the U.S. government lowers my taxes to a "fair rate", I'd almost certainly be arrested for tax evasion.
How Funding the Vote, Schools & Police Could Change America

One of the most amazing things about Donald Trump as a presidential candidate is his ability to say something interesting or at least hint at something interesting when he appears to be saying absolutely nothing.
We Are All Pharma-Bro Suckers

"Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli became one of the most notorious people in America for hiking the price of a rarely used life-saving drug by 4,000 percent in September of 2015.
And nearly a year later, dozens of reports are now coming out about how Mylan Pharmaceuticals hiked the price of the very common life-saving EpiPen by over 450% since Mylan bought EpiPen in 2007.
How Obama May Help Trump Become President

If President Obama doesn’t want to be followed by President Trump, he’s doing a poor job of showing it.
For months now it’s been obvious that THE single biggest thing hurting Hillary Clinton’s chances of getting elected president is the Trans-Pacific Partnership.