Thom's blog
Senator Ted Kennedy - I will miss you

Cash for Geezers? Lower the Retirement Age to 55 Now!

One of the most powerful forms of stimulus we could apply to our economy right now would be to lower the current Social Security retirement age from the current 65-67 to 55, and increase the benefits back to where they were in inflation-adjusted 1960s dollars by
Highlights Friday August 28th 2009

Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions
Hour Three: Wendell Potter "Don't Drink the Co-Op Kool-Aid"
Highlights Thursday August 27th 2009

Hour One: "Who ARE the uninsured?" Thom spars with Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute
Hour Two: Pamela & Mary Anne Aden on the Economy - are we getting better or worse?
Highlights Wednesday August 26th 2009

Hour One: remembering Senator Ted Kennedy
Hour Two: Why should private health insurance companies exist? with Dr. Fred Shessel
Highlights Tuesday August 25th 2009

Hour One: "Obama Finally Gets It Right - Government Run Health Care Will Be Exactly Like the Postal Service" Thom debates Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root
Highlights for Monday August 24th 2009

Hour One - Who's winning the battle at the townhall meetings...public or "for profit" for healthcare? Thom mixes it up with Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute
Dear President Obama,

I understand you’re thinking of dumping your “public option” because of all the demagoguery by Sarah Palin and Dick Armey and Newt Gingrich and their crowd on right-wing radio and Fox. Fine. Good idea, in fact.
Thursday August 20th 2009