Thom's blog
Still doubt we’re living under an Oligarchy?

Check out a new report by the Associated Press today – showing that average CEO compensation topped $9.6 million in 2011 – the highest mark since the AP started looking at compensation numbers back in 2006. Meanwhile – wages for working people have barely budged – and it would now take the typical American worker 244 years just to make what their CEO makes in one year.
And among Fortune 500 CEOs – it’s even worse - they mak
Big Pharma is The Biggest Tax Dodger in America

The pharmaceutical industry is the single biggest defrauder of Americans taxpayers in the country – surpassing the Defense Industry for the first time. A new Public Citizen report finds that over the last twenty years the pharmaceutical industry has accounted for 25% of all violations of state and federal law when it comes to the False Claims Act.
Among the infractions include illegally promoting drugs for purposes not approved by
Just in case you thought our Congress wasn’t the best that money can buy...

– This election year, the Chamber of Commerce is looking to confirm it. At a meeting in Washington, Chamber President Tom Donohue told members that his organization is, “planning on having a good year,” and will spend more money this election than they did in 2010, when they spent more than $30 million catapulting corporate shills calling themselves Tea Partiers into Congress.
Peter G. Peterson wants your Social Security money

Meet Wall Street billionaire – Pete Peterson – the man trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as we know it. According to tax documents – between 2007 and 2011 – Peterson has given nearly a half-billion dollars to his Peter. G.
Protesters bring the message of anti-war/anti-austerity to world leaders at the NATO summit in Chicago

Tens of thousands of activists stormed Chicago to protest against war and inequality while the city hosts the annual NATO convention. Today is day two of the summit and more protest demonstrations are planned. At least 45 people were arrested during peaceful marches and rallies over the weekend. While some are applauding the Chicago Police Department’s professionalism in dealing with protestors – others are pointing
The Occupy Movement confronts the NATO Summit this weekend in Chicago

All eyes are on Chicago this weekend – where an annual NATO Summit is going up against the Occupy Movement. Tens of thousands of demonstrators are expected to attend this weekend’s marches and rallies, calling for peace and economic fairness. Chicago police have already spent more than a million dollars on riot gear and high-tech crowd dispersal technology like long-range acoustic devices to use against the peaceful Occupy demonstrators.
Judge Blocks a portion of the NDAA

The highly-controversial indefinite detention provision signed into law by the President at the end of last year has been ruled unconstitutional by a U.S. District court judge in New York. The provision allows the military to detain anyone indefinitely if they are suspected of associating with terrorists – whether they realize it or not.
Why is it legal for foreigners to write our laws?

House Republicans plan to vote on House Resolution 568 – which calls on the President to take our nation to war should Iran even become capable of building a nuclear weapon - without building one. The resolution also takes containment – like sanctions and diplomacy – off the table as an adequate response to a nuclear Iran – leaving military action as the only possibility.
So, despite U.S.
Could a lawsuit put an end to the Senate filibuster?

The organization Common Cause filed suit today against the United States Senate claiming current filibuster rules are unconstitutional. In a statement released today – Common Cause President Bob Edgar said the abuse of the filibuster by minorities on both sides of the aisle – especially Republicans – is, “an affront to our democracy and not the way the Senate was supposed to work.”
Citing a previous Supreme Court decision ruling t
The Euro crisis, and the revolt against trickled-down austerity, enters a new phase

Europeans stocks are tumbling and investors around the world are keeping a close eye on Greece as the Euro crisis enters a new phase. On the heels of elections that ousted the pro-austerity government in Greece – new anti-austerity parties have – so far – been unable to form a coalition government. Greek President Karlos Papoulias is desperately trying to bring together party leaders for a meeting today in hopes of finding a coalit