Thom's blog
EPA's Tie to Monsanto Could Be Disastrous For Us

Conservative politicians love to talk about how the Environmental Protection Agency only issues "job-killing regulations", especially if they're taking campaign contributions from fossil fuel billionaires like the Koch Brothers or from agrichemical giants like Monsanto.
Republicans Only Care About Children Before They’re Born

When it comes to children, Republicans are hypocrites.
They go on and on about how “pro-life” they are, but they really only care about humans before they’re born. After that, they couldn't care less.
Case in point: the so-called “Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016,” the brainchild of Indiana Congressman Todd Rokita that would decimate a key part of the federal free lunch program.
State-Owned Bank of North Dakota is a HUGE Success!

In 2014, the state Bank of North Dakota was more profitable than Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase. And, that's why every state should own their own depository institution.
Most people attributed the Bank of North Dakota's success with the oil boom in the region, but their latest report shows that last year was their most profitable year ever, despite the fact that their state's oil boom has become an oil bust.
Fossil Fuel Billionaires Kill Children

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, Prince may have had a drug problem, and a record breaking 88,000 people have been evacuated from Fort McMurray.
If you've turned on a corporate 24-hour news network in the last couple of days, those are three things that you have definitely heard about.
Republicans have Rejected the Republican Party

Now that John Kasich and Ted Cruz have dropped out, it’s pretty much official: Donald Trump is the 2016 Republican nominee for president.
The pundits never saw this coming, but they should have. The Republican Party has been running a scam on its base for decades now, and voters were bound to discover this scam sooner or later.
How Donald Trump Could Defeat Hillary Clinton…

Back in February, workers at a Carrier manufacturing plant in Indianapolis were told that the factory, and their 1,400 jobs, were being moved to Mexico.
That story was front-and-center ahead of today's Indiana primary, and it shows how trade has become the big issue of the 2016 election.
We Don't Need Another Cable Giant.

Thanks to the FCC, two-thirds of our nation's high-speed internet subscribers may soon be under the control of just two companies.
According to a recent article over at, that agency has approved Charter Communication's $90 billion dollar takeover of two other cable providers: Time Warner and Bright House Networks.
Secretary John Kerry Makes History At The UN

While much of the mainstream media was focused on 2016 election cycle, Secretary of State John Kerry was making history with his granddaughter at the United Nations. Last week, Secretary Kerry joined a gathering of the majority of the world's nations and signed on to the historic Paris Climate Accord.
Will Millennials Be The Lost Generation?

The expectation for many Americans has always been that one generation will do better than those who came before them. But, that may not be the case when it comes to millennials.
Bernie’s R.I. Win is a Rebirth for the Democratic Party

So, last night didn’t go that well for Bernie Sanders.
Despite high hopes for a strong showing in the so-called “Acela primaries,” he managed to win just one of the 5 states at play -- Rhode Island. As a result, his path to the Democratic nomination, although still open, just got a lot slimmer.