Thom's blog
There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?

A new study published in Science argues that we as a civilization need to move "rapidly" -- as in almost immediately -- towards a carbon emissions free future if we are to have any chance of holding off runaway global warming:
GOP Tax Myth & Junk Economics

If there's one thing all Republican politicians are really good at, it's straight-up lying through their teeth about how their tax cuts for the rich are actually tax cuts for the middle-class.
Reagan did it, George W. Bush did it, and now that he's officially unveiled his own so-called tax reform plan, Donald Trump is doing it, too.
Conservatives supposedly hate freeloading. So why are they trying to legalize it?

Conservatives supposedly hate freeloaders.
So why do they support right to work laws - which literally legalize freeloading?
Our nation's nine unelected monarchs on the Supreme Court are poised to deal yet another blow to organized labor.
The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared

Like an alcoholic family that won't discuss alcoholism (and proving Don Quixote's warning to never mention rope in the home of a man who's been hanged), far too many Americans are unwilling to acknowledge or even discuss the ongoing collapse of democracy in the United States.
Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger

Republicans failed to repeal Obamacare - but they still might succeed in throwing the healthcare system into chaos.
Even though it had been on their calendar for months, Congress did nothing about the deadline for reauthorizing the popular federal Children's Healthcare Insurance Program or CHIP which expired September 30.
What the Corporate News Industry Won't Ever Tell Its Audience

We were watching the TV at the airline departure area.
"Is it a terrorist incident?" Wolf Blitzer asked. Nobody knows, was the apparent answer.
How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years

The Republican Party has been running a long con on the American people, and Trump's new tax cut proposals are just the latest iteration on it. This con involves getting Democrats to shoot Santa Claus (Clinton cutting welfare/Obama proposing the chained CPI cut to Social Security) and using tax policy to put a jolly old Saint Nick outfit on the Republicans.
So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History

With the crazed assault in Las Vegas that killed over 50 and wounded hundreds as only the most recent example, America's gun violence problem has reached a breaking point, and while we can talk all we want about assault weapons bans, universal background checks, and terror watch lists, there's only one real solution to this problem: We need to repeal the Second Amendment.
Have Oligarchs Finally Seized Major Control Of Our Government?

Donald Trump's tax-cut isn't just a hand-out to the rich - it's also proof that the predatory billionaire oligarchs have finally seized major control of our government.
A study out of Princeton released last year concluded that the U.S. was an oligarchy, finding that:
Republicans are trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate

Is Roy Moore - the gun-toting, Muslim hating, same-sex marriage opposing Alabama Senate Candidate - the American version of ISIS?
Republicans are obsessed with fighting what they call "Radical Islamic Terrorism".
So why are they trying to send the American version ISIS to the Senate?
Judge Roy Moore is officially the Republican candidate for Senate in Alabama.