Thom's blog
Vermont will soon become the first state to ban Fracking

Last week – the Vermont House and Senate passed legislation outlawing the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing, which poisons ground water and leads to earthquakes. Democratic Governor Peter Shumlin is expected to sign the bill into law when it reaches his desk.
The GOP controlled House of Representatives fights back against marriage equality

On the same day that President Obama and the nation took a major step forward toward marriage equality – Republicans in the House of Representatives tried to drag the nation backward. Hours after the President’s endorsement of marriage equality – House Republicans passed a measure in support of the discriminatory Defense Against Marriage Act – known as DOMA – which is a federal ban against same-sex marriage.
The Republican
Most Americans now disapprove of the Afghanistan War

No more war! That’s the message the American people are sending as approval for the Afghanistan war has now dropped to an all-time low. A new AP poll shows that only 27% of Americans support the war – that’s a ten-point drop from one year ago.
On the flip-side two-thirds of Americans are opposed to the war – and 40% say they are “strongly opposed” to the war. So far – 1,834 U.S.
Up to $14 of every tank of gas you fill up is the result of oil speculation

Americans are getting screwed at the gas pump. But it has nothing to do with supply and demand or instability in the Middle East. Instead – it has to do with corruption. As investigative reporter Lee Fang at the Republic Report uncovered – a slew of lobbyists are working on behalf of Wall Street to shoot down regulations intended to curb oil speculation.
Bart Chilton, a commissioner with the Commodities Futures
A Socialist wins the French Presidency, and Greece is likely to quit the Eurozone

In votes across France and Greece over the weekend – Europeans sent a very clear message to the technocrats and banksters choking them with trickle-down austerity. That message was, “No more!” In France – Socialist candidate Francois Hollande – who campaigned against austerity – defeated Conservative President Nicholas Sarkozy in elections on Sunday. In his victory speech, Hollande told the French people that “austerity can n
The importance of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (trade) Agreement

American manufacturers are screwed. House Democrats sent a letter to President Obama on Thursday asking him to reconsider a new free trade agreement in the works that would blow up “Buy America” provisions that give priority to American manufacturers. Since the 1930’s – a “Buy American” law has been on the books that gives preference to American manufacturers bidding for government contracts. But the new Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement would essentially end the preferential treatment – giving no edge to American manufacturers over foreign manufacturers.
Why Should Gun Nuts Violate the Rights of the Average Person?

Florida Governor Rick Scott thinks it’s a good idea to arm up the Republican National Convention in Tampa later this year. With an eye on safety, the city of Tampa has banned foreign objects like crowbars, water guns, and string.
The battle between grassroots organizing and big corporate money is heating up in Wisconsin

A new poll by Marquette Law School shows Governor Scott Walker and likely Democratic opponent, Tom Barrett, in a dead heat among registered voters in the upcoming recall election. The poll shows Walker losing popularity among voters as his numbers have declined each month since January.
At the same time – Walker has dumped millions into TV advertising and announced that he raised a mind-boggling $13 million for his campaign
Exacerbated by trickle-down austerity, the Eurozone unemployment rate has risen to 10.9%

The European economy is tanking – and trickle-down austerity is to blame. New unemployment numbers show the 17-nation Eurozone now has its highest unemployment rate ever, at 10.9%. And, the two nations with the highest unemployment rates – Spain and Greece – just so happen to be the ones most hooked on austerity.
In Spain, budget cuts and massive government layoffs have driven up the unemployment rate to the Eurozone
May Day: A Day Without the 99% - Occupy General Strike In Over 135 US Cities

Workers of the world are uniting in a global day of action to commemorate International Workers Day. In hundreds of cities across America and around the world in London, Barcelona, Toronto, Kuala Lampur, and Sydney – there are calls for a general strike with no working, no shopping and no banking. The Occupy Movement here in the United States is branding it as a day without the 99%.
In response – Wall Street banks are