Thom's blog
Friday...broadcasting live from the Talkers New Media Seminar 2009 in New York, NY

Thursday...broadcasting live from UN Radio Day with Talk Radio News in New York, NY

Thom speaks with news makers and shakers live from the United Nations
Hour one - Eamonn Fingleton Topic: 20th anniversary of Tiananman Square massacre
Wednesday June 3 2009

Hour One: Healthcare - What's a trigger?
Hour Two: "America's labor shortage...are revised immigration laws the answer?" Thom mixes it up with Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute
Monday & Tuesday June 1 & 2 2009...broadcasting live from "America's Future Now" in Washington, D.C.

Thom talks issues and answers with progressive heavy weights including Jim Dean, Congressman John Conyers, and Katrina Vanden Heuvel among others. Plus a special visit from the Honorable Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
May 29th Friday

Hour 1: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joins Thom for his weekly nationwide town hall meeting
Hour 2: "News Under the Radar" Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress stops by
Hour 3: David C. Korten on the Economy...
May 28th 2009 Thursday

Hour 1: Abu Ghraib rape photos, Judge Sonia Sotomayor and the economy.
Hour 2: Should there be mandatory teaching of "gay tolerance" in our public schools? Thom challenges Susan Allen, Former First Lady of Virginia
May 27th Wednesday

Hour 1 - Is Sotomayor a corporate tool? Is too big to fail too big to exist? Is China going to save the world from North Korea or do we all need to be saved from China?
Hour 2 - Dr. Ravi Batra - Should we be considering a national tax? Is there a depression still looming?
Hour 3: "Start Where You Are" Chris Gardner, Author of "The Pursuit of Happyness" talks with Thom about how to go from homelessness to happiness
May 26th - Tuesday

Hour 1: Judge Sonia Sotomayor - How will the media and conservatives go after her? Chris Slattery
Hour 2: Is GM the tipping point for Free Trade? Thom confronts Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute
May 25th 2009 - Monday

KPOJ's Carl & Christine host for Thom
Topic: "From bailout to bankruptcy" Ralph Nader stops by on America's failing auto industry
May 22 2009 - Friday

Topic: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joins Thom for his weekly nationwide town hall meeting