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Listen to Thom's Daily Newscast

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Friday - September 17th 2009

Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions
Thursday - September 16th 2009

Hour One: China has eaten our lunch - are they now working on dessert? do we stop them? Clyde Prestowitz, Jr
Hour Two: Healthcare....
Tuesday & Wednesday- September 15 & 16 2009

Thom broadcasts live from radio row at the annual "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" event in Washington DC where he'll be challenging conservatives from around the country on immigration reform www.fairus.
Monday - September 14th, 2009

Medicare Part E – “Everybody”

The President this morning admitted on national television that he lost control of the message with health care. It’s time to reboot – and use a very, very, very simple message so all Americans can understand it.
Friday - September 11th 2009

Sep 11 - 2pm Pacific/4pm Central - "The Great Health Care Debate!" Thom debates conservative Michael Medved on Chicago's Progressive Talk station WCPT AM & FM.
Thursday - September 10th 2009

Wednesday - September 9th, 2009

Hour One: Thom and Dan Gainor debate Thom's Healthcare reform bill - Medicare Part E