Thom's blog
Conservatives are scared straight by a Frenchman

Conservatives are scared straight by a Frenchman. French economist Thomas Piketty has released his newest book, Capital in the 21st Century, and it’s got Conservatives all up in arms. Piketty’s book delves deep into t
The Gulf - Four Years Later.

This past Sunday was the fourth anniversary of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Despite what we've heard from BP, the wildlife, the environment, and the residents of the Gulf are still dealing with the effects of that massive oil spill.
It's time to fix the system!

Last year, median CEO pay jumped to $10.5 million dollars – an increase of about 13 percent. However, most workers didn't see their paychecks go up by a single dime. According to an analysis by USA Today, corporate executives scored huge pay bumps thanks to big gains in the stock market. But, earnings for average workers stayed pretty much stagnant – only increasing 1.4 percent in all of 2012.
Each one of us is a toxic super fund site...

We are all lab rats in one giant, toxic, and deadly experiment. The Environmental Defense Fund has released a new report, titled Toxics Across America, which looks at the billions of pounds of toxic and potentially deadly chemicals that are currently in the American marketplace. The report lo
The Middle Class is not “Normal”

There’s nothing “normal” about having a middle class.
Why ordinary citizens have no say...

The United States could be at the forefront of creating a global green economy that runs on renewable energy.
American Democracy No Longer Works.

Washington politicians don't give a damn about you or me. They only answer to billionaires and giant corporations.
We've lost 90 years in the fight for economic equality.

The wealth gap today is as bad as it was in the 1920s. New research from economists Emmanual Saez and Gabriel Zucman shows that those at the very top hold more of the wealth than at any time since 1928. In fact, only the super-wealthy, the top tenth of the top one percent, have seen huge gains in assets over the last three decades.
The Conservative Death Panel

It’s time to kick the bums out of office. Right now, millions of Americans across 23 states are uninsured, because their Republican lawmakers have refused to expand Medicaid under Obamacare. As a result, they fall into the “Red State Donut Hole,” that was drilled into Obamacare by Supreme Cou
The Climate Deniers Are Using the Same Tactics as the Tobacco Industry

As it becomes increasingly obvious that global warming is entering doomsday scenario territory, the fossil fuel industry is ramping up the propaganda war. Last week, the so-called Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Read more