Thom's blog
GOP Is "Freaking Out" About ObamaCare

Republicans have literally no idea what they're going to do after they repeal Obamacare.
Publicly, they're putting up a strong face, but privately they're freaking out.
This isn't conjecture - it's confirmed fact.
The “Shock & Awe" Strategy

The Trump White House just can't seem make up its mind about the Muslim ban.
Even though Donald Trump himself has called the ban a "ban" on Twitter - both Homeland Security chief John Kelly and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer pushed back against that idea today in comments to reporters in Washington.
Is It Now Game Over For the Planet?

Yesterday one of the key members of Donald Trump's transition team broke some potentially major news about climate policy under the new administration.
Trump Confirms He Lied About Protecting Social Security

During an appearance last Thursday at the GOP congressional retreat in Philadelphia, President Trump gave a ringing endorsement of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and his budget plans, saying that the days of Ryan writing up his budgets and "nothing happening" were over.
The Corporate Media Isn't Coming Close to Holding Trump Accountable

One of Donald Trump's first official acts as president was to sign an executive order that will make it more expensive for first-time and low-income homebuyers to buy and keep their homes.
Trump's Coming War on Voting

Donald Trump is setting the wheels in motion for a major crackdown on voting rights.
Just a few days after falsely telling Congress that illegal voting cost him the popular vote, Trump announced on Twitter Wednesday morning that he would soon ask for a "major investigation into VOTER FRAUD."
The Coming War on Net Neutrality

Donald Trump and the Republican Party won't need U.S. Senate approval to destroy net neutrality in America.
While Trump has signed a flurry of executive actions this week, the media has completely ignored Trump's appointment of Ajit Pai to chair the Federal Communications Commission.
The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it

The TPP is dead - and Donald Trump killed it.
In one of his first actions as President, Donald Trump issued an executive order yesterday officially withdrawing the United States from that massive so-called free trade deal.
Speaking to reporters as he signed the order, Trump called it a win for American workers.
Republicans Don't Want To Answer Questions

During a heated confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill last week, Georgia Congressman Tom Price - Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services - refused to say whether or not he would support cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
China - Neoliberalism’s Last Hope?

Just two days before the inauguration of Donald Trump as president, China was trying to position itself as the leader of the neoliberal world.
That's right - China!