Thom's blog
One of the biggest dominos in Europe is about to fall

On Saturday – Spain’s Finance Minister announced his country would become the fourth Eurozone nation to have to take a bailout to stay afloat. Reports suggest that the Spanish bailout could cost as much as 100 billion euros, but will likely not come with tough new austerity measures since Spain has already passed harsh spending cuts to rein in its deficit, and that step has only made the problem worse.
Short-term Profits for Oil Barons vs. Humanity

Attention climate change deniers – the planet is rapidly heating up. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is out with a new report showing that the last year – from June of 2011 to May of 2012 – was the hottest year ever since NOAA began recording annual temperatures. That included the fourth warmest winter – the second warmest summer – and the warmest spring ever recorded. On top of that – the scienc
Is FL's Voter Purge Initiating a Constitutional Crisis?

A Constitutional crisis could be brewing between the state of Florida and the Federal Government. On Wednesday – Florida Governor Rick Scott sent a letter to the Department of Justice informing it that the state will continue with its statewide voter purge effort, despite warning form the DOJ that the state is in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Voter Registration Act. The Miami Herald reports that the letter “d
Is our democracy is now in its death throes?

Thanks to the Supreme Court, our democracy is now in deep trouble. Fueled by tens of millions of dollars in out-of-state corporate and billionaire cash – giving him an 8-to-1 spending advantage over his Democratic opponent – Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker prevailed in Tuesday night’s recall election. This is the second major election in the post-Citizens United era – and for the second straight time organized money beat organized
Florida Governor Rick Scott isn’t the only one purging Democratic voters off the rolls

In Texas – as many as 1.5 million voters could lose their right to vote, according to the Houston Chronicle. Already – one-in-ten Texans have seen their voting rights suspended – and looking at voters under the age of 30 – or people who mostly vote for Democrats – one-in-five have had their voting rights suspended.
Voter Purge...Rick Scott gives the finger to Washington!

The state of Florida told the Justice Department what it can do with its letter demanding Governor Rick Scott end his illegal purge of Democratic voters in the Sunshine State. Despite being informed via a DOJ letter they were in violation of the Voting rights Act last week – officials in Governor Scott’s government are pressing forward with a massive effort to kick supposed undocumented immigrants off the voting rolls.
Spain looks like it will be the next domino to fall in the Eurozone crisis

Over 100 billion euros have left the country in the first three months of this year – that’s more than a tenth of Spain’s GDP. Fears are growing that just like Greece – Spain will soon need a euro bailout. But unlike Greece – Spain is a huge economy – the fourth biggest in Europe – meaning a bailout would be a lot more expensive – and a default would be catastrophic for the euro.
CEOs are literally stealing workers’ wages

As CNN reports – wage theft complaints have increased 400% over the last decade – with over 7,000 lawsuits alleging wage and hour violations against employers filed just in 2011. The complaints center on workers accusing their employers of not paying them for all the hours they worked or not paying overtime that they were entitled to. Some of the companies that have had suits filed against them are Walmart, Starbucks, and Bank of A
23% of all American children live in poverty

Anyone who doubts the United States has been in an economic free fall for the last three decades should check out the new United Nations Children’s Fund report on child poverty. OF the 34 wealthiest nations looked at by UNICEF – the United States has the second highest child poverty rate of all of them – with a staggering 23% of all American children living in poverty.
70,000 more Americans cut off from unemployment insurance

The National Employment Law Project is reporting that another 70,000 Americans will be cut off from unemployment insurance next month. Already – nearly half a million Americans have lost their unemployment benefits this year thanks to austerity measures demanded by Republicans in Congress – and rubber-stamped by Democrats and President Obama – that cut unemployment insurance down from 99 weeks to 79 weeks in states that haven’t seen thei