Thom's blog
Don't Ask, Don't Tell

According to Congressman. Barney Frank, a repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will “likely be included as part of next year’s Department of Defense authorization bill in both chambers of Congress,” It could go into effect Oct. 1, 2010.
Wyoming = Lord of the Flies Society?

Republican leaders in a South Carolina county have censured U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham for working with Democrats on a climate bill and other legislation. Fratricide reigns in the Republican Party.
Is George W Bush the Fault of the Fort Hood Shootings?

If Bill Clinton - or, presumably, Al Gore (or even Ralph Nader) - had been President in 2001, the Ft. Hood massacre almost certainly wouldn't have happened. Because George W. Bush was president, it did. Here's why it's Bush's fault:
Death Panels on Veteran's Day

Could we do better than death panels on Veteran's day? On the eve of Veterans Day, a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School released a study finding that 2,266 veterans under the age of 65 died last year because they didn't have healt
Peak Oil?

The Guardian is reporting a whistleblower at the International Energy Agency the world is saying we're much closer to running out of oil than official estimates admit. The allegations raise serious questions about the accuracy of the organisation's latest World Energy Out
Yachts or Jobs?

The three biggest banks to exit the government’s TARP program — Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s investment bank — “are set to pay record bonuses this year,” totaling $29.7 billion.
Thursday November 12th 2009

Hour One - What about classical demand side economics don't Libertarians & conservatives not understand? Thom is challenging Wayne Root
Wednesday November 11th 2009

Hour One - Why do you want big corporations to run America and ultimately your life? Fred O'Neal, Chair of the newly registered "Tea Party" (not live yet though)
Tuesday November 10th 2009

Hour One: If we're going to purge Muslims from the military, should we purge all religious fanatics? Thom is challenging Bryan Fisher