Thom's blog
The Racist Republican Party Has Nothing Left But Voter Suppression

By Thom Hartmann A...

It's no coincidence that in this same month that Republican state legislatures have introduced over 250 proposed laws to make it harder for people to vote, Arizona Republicans are also standing before the US Supreme Court trying to make voting more complicated, as well.
Here's the Genuine Litmus Test for Biden's Support of Unions

By Thom Hartmann A...
The Fate and Future of American Democracy Hangs On the Minimum Wage

By Thom Hartmann A...

It looks like President Joe Biden is going to cave on the $15 an hour minimum wage. And it looks like Chuck Schumer is going to cave on ending the filibuster.
While these are disappointing failures to progressives because of the harm they'll do to working people, they're also extraordinarily dangerous to the future of American democracy.
Time to Add the Republican Party to the Domestic Terrorism Watchlist

By Thom Hartmann A...

It's time for American media to tell the truth about what's happening in the GOP: As the Republican Party continues to embrace Donald Trump and his white supremacist fascist ideology, that party is making the transition into a full-blown domestic-terror-supporting organization.
No American political party should ever condone terrorists within its ranks.
The Real Story of the Covid Catastrophe is Larger Than You Know

By Thom Hartmann A...
There's a Nefarious Plot Underway Around the State of the Union Address

By Thom Hartmann A...

Multiple Republicans, from former NRA spokespersons and rightwing talkshow hosts, to Republican congressional candidates, to the rightwing media are speaking out, loudly, about their concern that Joe Biden has not yet held a State of the Union address.
Blowing the lid off the billionaires’ big con — and its deadly link to the coronavirus pandemic

By Thom Hartmann A...

About 75 percent of Americans trusted the federal government to "do what is right" when polled during most of the last years of the Eisenhower administration and early years of Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency.
In 2019, when the Pew Research Center released its most recent poll of public trust in the government, only 17 percent of Americans trusted their government.
Republicans Go To War While Democrats Try To Negotiate

By Thom Hartmann A...

There's a recurring pattern to American politics that began in the 1980s, right after the Supreme Court legalized billionaires owning individual politicians in 1976 with their Buckley decision.
Prior to that, Democrats and Republicans worked together to craft legislation that involved some compromise on both sides but moved, generally, in the direction of enhancing the general health and welfare of the American people.
"Know Nothing" Republicans Must Be Held Responsible for the Death and Suffering They've Caused

By Thom Hartmann A...

Two weeks ago Jerry Schneiderman, my best friend for 50 years, didn't answer my call when I phoned his home to say hi. Instead, his stepson told me he'd been taken by ambulance to the hospital with Covid pneumonia.
When I finally got through to him at the hospital ER, he told me between gasps for breath that the doctors "aren't optimistic," that he missed his beloved wife, and his final words to me that day were, "I don't want to die here all alone."
This Week the GOP Will Again Roll Out The Brutal Scam They've Used To Con America for 40 years

By Thom Hartmann A...