Thom's blog
On the Program - April 25 2008

Anything Goes Friday!
Sen. Bernie Sanders is here taking your calls
April 23 2008 show notes

- Pennsylvania Primary results.
- Republican Attack Ads.
- Guest: Sarah Hailey Merriam who worked with the SEIU in Pennsylvania yesterday.
- Guest: CNS Editor-in-Chief Terence Jeffrey. "And the winner is John McCain".
- What would be your elevator speech for the candidate you do not prefer?
- Guest: Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus, "The United Symbolism of America: Deciphering Hidden Meanings in America's Most Familiar Art, Architecture, and Logos ".
- "Takin Back Our Country": Guest: Dan Seals. Northern Chicago.
- Guest: Larisa Alexandrova, Raw Story. Updates on Don Siegelman and Paul Minor.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
April 22 2008 show notes

- Pennsylvania primary.
- Hitting below the belt line.
- Would you vote for the other candidate if your favorite lost? Could you give an elevator speech for them?
- Guest: Richard North. Co-author, "Scared to Death: From BSE to Global Warming: Why Scares are Costing Us the Earth".
- Should the rules be changed and the popular vote be counted?
- Guest: Ambassador of Finland to the United States Pekka Lintu.
- What is Hillary Clinton's strategy?
- Guest: Jim Hightower, "Swim Against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the Flow".
- Guest: U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR). Earth Day.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - April 24 2008

Hour One - Popular Vote vs Pledged delegates - are the rules changing? Should Hillary condemn the "Willie Horten" ad on Obama
Hour Two - Jim Trippon Topic: Thom is challenging Jim on his statement - Boycotting the Olympics is a mistake…
Hour Three - Ed Begley, Jr. Topic: living green
Guest: Christy Harvey Topic: News Under the Radar
On the Program - April 23 2008

Hour One - Pennsylvania Primary results
Hour Two - Guest: Terry Jeffrey Topic: Rising gas prices/taxes; review of the PA primary; financial jihad; Pentagon puppet pundits; etc.
Hour Three - Guest: "Everything You Know is Wrong" Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus Topic: The United Symbolism of America
Guest: "Takin Back Our Country" Dan Seals
Guest: Larisa Alexandrovna Topic: Updates on Siegelman and Minor
On the Program - April 22 2008

Hour One - Topic: The Best of the Rest of the News...
Hour Two - Guest: Richard North Topic: Scared to Death: From BSE to Global Warming: Why Scares Are Costing Us the Earth
Hour Three - Guest: Ambassador of Finland to the United States Pekka Lintu Topics: Economic issues, what factors make Finland more livable, etc...
Guest: Jim Hightower Topic: New book "Swim Against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the Flow"
Guest: U.S. Congressman (D-OR) Earl Blumenauer Topic: Earth Day commemoration
April 21 2008 show notes

- Guest: Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum. Is Equal Pay Day Still Relevant?
- Ralph Nader and the Michigan vote.
- Guest: former Republican Congressman Bob Barr, Libertarian Party. Is he running for President?
- Guest: Mark Crispin Miller. Editor, "Loser Take All: Election Fraud and The Subversion of Democracy, 2000 - 2008".
- Guest: AFL-CIO Policy Director Thea Lee. Colombia. Trade.
- Article: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand.
- Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
April 21 2008 show notes

- Guest: Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum. Is Equal Pay Day Still Relevant?
- Ralph Nader and the Michigan vote.
- Guest: former Republican Congressman Bob Barr, Libertarian Party. Is he running for President?
- Guest: Mark Crispin Miller. Editor, "Loser Take All: Election Fraud and The Subversion of Democracy, 2000 - 2008".
- Guest: AFL-CIO Policy Director Thea Lee. Colombia. Trade.
- Article: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand.
- Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - April 21 2008

Hour One - Guest: Carrie Lukas Topic: Thom challenges Carrie on her article - Equal Pay Day No More ...
Hour Two - Guest: Former U.S. Congressman (R-GA) Bob Barr Topic: Is he running for President?
Hour Three - Guest: Mark Crispin Miller: Topic: new book - Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy
April 18 2008 show notes

- "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
- Stephen Colbert on the latest Democratic debate.
- Bernie will be on the Colbert report on Monday.
- It's the anniversary of Paul Revere's ride.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.