Thom's blog
Hey Rush Limbaugh, who’s the prostitute now?

On Saturday – the radio voice of the Republican Party – Rush Limbaugh – issued a non-apology to Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke who he called a “slut” and a “prostitute” last week. Limbaugh said his “choice of words was not the best” – yet he repeated his lie that Fluke was asking Americans to pay for birth control.
Limbaugh’s senseless attack on Fluke has so far cost his radio show seven sponsors, which is probably the re
Now they want to put Union Picketers in Prison...

Mistreated workers are screwed in Georgia, where the Peach State has opened a new front in the war on working people. This week – legislation was passed by a state Senate Committee that would criminalize union picketing outside places of business. The new law would definite union picketing as, “interfering with the resident's right to quiet enjoyment," and hits union picketers with jail time.
With estimates that gas might hit $5 a gallon this summer - Americans are screwed at the pump

But here’s the truth: high gases prices have nothing to do with lack of available gas in America. That’s because for the first time in 62 years – the United States became a net exporter of oil products. In 2011, our nation sent 439,000 more barrels of oil overseas than we imported. That means we’re awash in oil and gasoline, it’s just in the hands of oil barons who are making more money shipping it overseas than selling it to U.
The Banksters like Stealing Candy from Little Children

The Banksters like stealing candy from little children. No, I'm not exaggerating...they really do. At least according to a new study out of the University of California Berkeley and the University of Toronto. Two teams of researchers discovered that wealthy upper-class Americans are more likely than middle-class or poorer Americans to break traffic laws - lie for financial gain - and yes - steal candy from children.
Welcome to the Corporatocracy - where Life is Nasty, Brutish, and Short

The Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could give corporations the power to commit genocide with no consequences. The High Court has agreed to hear the case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum which could give corporations immunity from any civil suits for engaging in some of the worst violations of human rights around the world that you can think of.
Rick Santorum wants America to be more like Iran?

Speaking of Iran – Rick Santorum wants the United States to be more like the rogue Arab nation. In an interview with ABC on Sunday – Santorum said, “I don’t believe in an America where the separation between church and state is absolute.”
Is our Afghanistan troop withdrawal in doubt?

Conflicts between Afghan Security forces and US and NATO troops are on the rise in the fallout from the Koran-burning incident more than a week ago. Our withdrawal plans hinge on NATO officials working with Afghan security forces after American troops leave – but after two NATO officers were killed by an Afghan Security official – that working relationship is in doubt.
A top UN Commander has recalled his forces from Afghan ministr
Global power shift to the Bric nations?

The Republican vision of America is that of costly and perpetual warfare.

Republicans held – literally – their 20th debate last night. With a pivotal Michigan primary just 5 days away – and polls showing Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum neck-and-neck – the four candidates took to the stage in Arizona to see who can win the race to the bottom. And with the exception of Ron Paul – everyone in the debate thinks the United States needs to be involved in another war – this time with Iran.
Why do Republicans let sick Americans die just to avoid a legislative victory for President Obama?

The Republican Party claims to represent religious America. But when it comes to healthcare – the two couldn’t be farther apart. As the Supreme Court gets ready to hear arguments on Obamacare – a broad coalition of religious groups in America filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the high court in support of Obamacare.
From Methodists to Presbyterians to Catholics – several different d