Thom's blog
And Gilmore makes 17...

You need to know this... Support for Donald Trump's campaign is still growing nationally, and in early primary states, but he's not just gaining support in early primary states. A new poll from Florida shows that Trump is leading Jeb by 6 percentage points - and he's leading Rubio by 16 points.
50 Years Later - it's time for Medicare "Part E!"

Fifty years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the bill that created Medicare and ensured that senior citizens would never again have to go without life-saving medical care.
And now, it’s time to reboot – and use a very, very, very simple message so all Americans can understand it.
What’s the Difference Between Cancer and Donald Trump?

So-called “free market" or "unregulated capitalism” is really nothing more than the cancer-stage of capitalism. And that uninhibited cancerous growth has spread, so that now even our political system is infected with the cancer of corporatism.
Donald Trump’s candidacy is an example of how our political system is being eaten alive by the cancer-stage of capitalism.
Who Does Our Economy Serve?

During a speech at New York University Friday, Hillary Clinton took aim at “quarterly capitalism,” her name for corporate America’s endless - and senseless - pursuit of profits.
It's time for the SEC to expose CEO pay!

The Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 requires corporations to disclose their CEO-to-median worker pay ratio, but that information is still being hidden from workers, shareholders, and the American public.
That's why the AFL-CIO,, CREDO Action, and other groups delivered a massive petition to the Securities and Exchange Commission last week.
Fox-So-Called-News Is GOP TV in the 21st Century

It’s time to stop calling the Fox cable TV network a “News” network and to start calling it what it is: a propaganda network for the billionaires, like Rupert Murdoch, who own the Republican Party.
And, it’s Roger Ailes’ dream of GOP TV come to life.
The win-win of putting a price on carbon.

Electricity bills in the Northeast have dropped $460 million dollars since that region put a price on carbon.
Back in 2011, nine Northeastern states established the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – better known as RGGI. And, the benefits of that regional cap-and-trade system just keep adding up.
Trump is Right On One Thing...It's the Trade Stupid!

After one month on the campaign trail - Donald Trump is still leading the Republican field according to recent polls.
The media has spent most of the last month fanning the flames around Trump’s inflammatory statements about immigration. And this weekend he conquered the headlines by saying that he likes “people who weren’t captured” while talking about John McCain’s service record.
What a Walker Presidency Would Look Like: Let's Turn Back the Clock to a Dark Period in US History

If you want a glimpse of what the US would look like under President Scott Walker, you need to turn back the clock to one of the darkest periods in 20th-century US history: the Lochner era.
Here's a little history lesson, in case you don't know what I'm talking about.
Let's fix our IN-Justice System.

The United States is home to five percent of the world's population, but we house 25 percent of the world's prisoners. That is just one of the reasons why President Obama is calling for sweeping reforms to our Justice System.