Thom's Articles
Index of Articles by Thom Hartmann

The following articles by Thom Hartmann have all appeared on Buzzflash.
Blood & Oil - by Michael Klare
The 11th Hour (DVD)

The 11th Hour (DVD)
by Thom Hartmann
How bad are things? Worse than you ever could have imagined.
How good can they become? Better than you ever could have imagined.
Al Gore's film is about global warming and the life of Al Gore. Leonardo DiCaprio's new movie, "The 11th Hour," is about Everything.
At the Tea Party by Laura Flanders

At the Tea Party by Laura Flanders
This great book is available from OR Books in several formats.

By Thom Hartmann and Lamar Waldron
Thom Hartmann Adds to Media Empire

The Thom Hartman Program makes the news today at the respected Radio Syndication Talk website.
This article shows how the world of talk radio is changing and how the Thom Hartmann Program is setting the pace.
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Welcome to the Thom Hartmann Programm website ("Site") which is owned by MYTHICAL RESEARCH, INC. and WYD MEDIAMANAGEMENT, LLC. This Site is operated by MYTHICAL RESEARCH, INC. and WYD MEDIAMANAGEMENT, LLC and materials on the Site are owned, for the most part, by MYTHICAL RESEARCH, INC. and WYD MEDIAMANAGEMENT, LLC. The Site may also include materials owned by third parties and posted on the Site by virtue of a license, grant or some other form of agreement between the third party and MYTHICAL RESEARCH, INC. and WYD MEDIAMANAGEMENT, LLC. MYTHICAL RESEARCH, INC.
Killing Them with Kindness: The Key to Obama's (Reid's) strategy of "compromise"

If Mike’s comment to me below is right about this, then Harry Reid has been reading Sun Tzu's Art of War and is one of the great tactical geniuses of our time. Or Obama is running the show now, and he fits that bill. On the "pro" side is the fact that they got the stimulus bill through, and the Republicans seem to be impoloding. On the "con" side is that it's a deeply flawed bill, and Harry was unwilling to challenge the Republicans in the previous legislative session when the Republicans hit him with a record-breaking 90 or so filibuster threats. My suspicion is that Obama is now calling the shots (Harry's protests aside) and when the chips are really down Harry will call the Republican's bluff. Your thoughts?
An Interview with Michael Hutchison

With extraordinary lessons for us all
This is from an interview first published in 2002 in AVS (Audio/Visual Stimulation) magazine, reprinted with the permission of the publisher and of Michael Hutchison, an old and dear friend of Thom’s. Since then, an edited version of this interview has been published in the new and updated edition of Michael's Book of Floating: Exploring the Private Sea" book.
Taking Equality Seriously

Tom Athanasiou is the author of the brilliant book Divided Planet: The ecology of rich and poor and this is an article he wrote and contributed to this website.
The story of Carl

How humans are affected by the legal doctrine that corporations should have 'human rights' such as the right to privacy that allows them to conceal knowledge of how deadly their products are...and what we can do about it.
The Lost People

As you wise Native American elders here have shared, you know your roots. You know the languages of your great-grandmothers, from before the White Europeans arrived and murdered your people and stole their lands.
Still Recovering

A short story.
"There was something about the tomato plant that just wasn't right."
Something Will Save Us

Surely someone, somewhere is working on saving the planet? Something will be discovered..... won't it?
America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest

The Boston Tea Party
I shall therefore conclude with a proposal that your watchmen be instructed, as they go on their rounds, to call out every night, half-past twelve, “Beware of the East India Company.”
-Pamphlet signed by “Rusticus,” 1773