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Daily Topics - Tuesday March 23 2010

healthcare is right imagesHour One - Why should the United States be the only country in the world that allows for profit health care? Economist Dr. John Lott

"A politician looks to the next election. A statesman looks to the next generation."

healthcare imagesSenator Ben Nelson (D-NE) released a statement tonight saying that he would vote against the House's reconciliation package.

Daily Topics on the Program - Monday 3/22/10

Quote: Health is worth more than learning. -- Thomas Jefferson

Hour One - What is the real impact of health insurance reform and who's Waterloo will it be?

The Republican's Waterloo?

Former Bush speechwriter David Frum says that while he opposes the health care reform plan, its passage is a major defeat for the Republican Party. In his words, it will be the GOP’s "Waterloo." Frum points out "radical" Republicans like Jim DeMint who made the decision to not negotiate with President Obama, and instead they all focused on a strategy of obstruction, failed the Republican Party.

Daily Topics - Monday - March 22 2010

healthcare is right imagesQuote:  Health is worth more than learning. -- Thomas Jefferson

Hour OneWhat is the real impact of health insurance reform and who's Waterloo will it be?

The Republican's Waterloo?

republican imagesFormer Bush speechwriter David Frum says that while he opposes the health care reform plan, its passage is a major defeat for the Republican Party.

Healthcare: everything half price?

healthcare is right imagesEver seen a local rug company with a huge sign out front that says, "Going out of business - everything half price"?  And they keep that sign out for a year or two?

Daily Topics - Wednesday - March 17th 2010

healthcare imagesQuote: "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - John F. Kennedy

Here's a 1967 Flashback: "Gov. Romney Would Quit Church For Social Justice"

angry imagesHere's a 1967 Flashback: ‘Gov. Romney Would Quit Church For Social Justice’. Faux News Mormon Glenn Beck warned his listeners to “run as fast as you can” if their church preached “social justice,” claiming it is a “perversion of the Gospel.” In 1967, Michigan Gov.

Daily Topics - Tuesday March 16th 2010

evolution 3 imagesQuote:  Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. ~Edward Everett

Hand germs to help identify criminals and victims?

bacteria imagesA new study by the UCLA-based Center for Health Policy Research shows 1 in 4 Californians under the age of 65 had no health insurance last year.  8.2 million people were without coverage in the state during 2009.

Daily Topics - Monday - March 15th 2010

peal oil imagesQuote:  The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun. -- Ralph Nader

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's wife is launching a 'tea party' group

tea party imagesSupreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's wife is launching a 'tea party' group.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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