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Was the Gulf Oil Disaster a Result of a BP BigWhig Party?

The Times-Picayune reported last week that an oil worker who survived the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, that killed 11 people and started a disastrous oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, said a key safety measure was not being implented on the rig.

Daily Topics - Wednesday - May 12th 2010

Quote: Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery of party, faction, and division of society. -- John Adams

Hour One - Hour One -Has the President "dummied down" the Supreme Court? Thom challenges Bay Buchanan

Tea Party Protesters Give a Big Wet Kiss to Hedge Fund Managers

Even though there are Tea Party protests about high taxes, a USA Today analysis of federal data shows that Americans paid the lowest level of taxes last year since the Harry Truman’s presidency.

Federal, state, local, property, sales, and other taxes are 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950. This is also true of multimillionaires and billionaires, who pay a maximum 35 percent income tax on salaries and not a penny in Social Security taxes on the vast majority of their income.

Daily Topics - Tuesday - May 11th 2010 - Mercury goes Direct!!

Welcome to our newest affilate TV stations: Baltimore Grassroots Media in Baltimore, MD and also Fort Collins Public Access Media in Fort Collins, CO

Hour One: Is America facing "My Big Fat Greek Bankruptcy?!" Thom mixes it up with Libertarian Wayne Root

Kagan: A Sleeper Socialist or Right Winger?

Today President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court, positioning the court to have three female justices for the first time.

Daily Topics - Monday - May 10th 2010

Hour One - Who is Elena Kagan?

Hour Two - How do we stop the hedge fund wolfpacks from destroying the European economy?

The Brits...No Diebold!

Britain's opposition Conservatives got more votes than either Labour or the Liberal Democrats in the UK's parliamentary elections yesterday, although those two left-wing parties together got well over half of all votes cast, leading to speculation that Liberal Democratic leader Nick Clegg will lead his party to form a ruling coalition with Labour's Gordon Brown, keeping Brown in the position of Prime Minister.

Daily Topics - Friday May 7th 2010 Anything Goes! Friday...

Anything Goes! Friday...

Hour One - "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders

Hour Two - Ralph Nader "Wealth for Justice", battle against corporate personhood, campaign finance reform, etc..Booksigning for Ralph Nader - Saturday, May 8, First Unitarian Church Sanctuary at 1211 SW Main Street, Portland...7:30pm, talk at 8pm

Dear Leader...Who is and Who isn't a Citizen?

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) is proposing a new law to strip Americans of their citizenship if they're involved with foreign terrorist organizations. Lieberman will introduce the bill, along with Rep.Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has expressed support as well.

Daily Topics - Thursday - May 6th 2010

Hour One - Why do conservatives want to turn America into Pakistan?

Hour Two - Dan Gainor Should all terrorists on the "terrorist watch list" be able to buy a gun?

Plus...Geeky Science Rocks - can you improve your eyesight with mind over matter?

Big Oil Pulled the Wool Over the Eyes of The New York Times

ProPublica is reporting that a "conservation group," the Gulf of Mexico Foundation, took an "it's not so bad" angle in a front-page New York Times story on the Gulf oil spill disaster. Problem is that this so-called "conservation group" is made up largely of oil industry executives. Transocean -the owner of the rig that exploded - hosted this so-called "environmental group's" most recent board meeting.

Daily Topics - Wednesday May 5th 2010 - Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

Hour One - U.S. Congressman (D-IL, 4th District) Luis Gutierrez Is it possible to build a society that doesn't depend on poverty level wages?

Is European socialism bleeding like a stuck PIG?

Is European socialism bleeding like a stuck PIG?

The conservatives are yelling from the rooftops that we are witnessing the slow death of European Socialism due to massive spending on social programs. They say the countries bleeding the most red ink are Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain or the P.I.G.S. of Europe as they are known in financial circles.

Daily Topics - Tuesday - May 4th 2010

Hour One - Are native Americans being profiled by the Arizona Police?

Plus...Remembering Kent State - 40 years ago today

Plus...Justin Hughey Will Hawaii be the first state to say Corporations are not people

Daily Topics - Monday May 3rd 2010 - The Birthers, Oil Spills and Corporate Personhood...Oh My!

Hour One: Gulf oil spill blows up seafood industry...("how's that de-regulation thing working out for you?????") Attorney Mike Papantonio talks to Thom about lawsuit he filed for damages to the vulnerable seafood industry

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

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Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

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