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Republicans are filibustering while they're sitting by the pool with their billionaire donors...

Like the House – the Senate is now on vacation too – but not before Republicans could latch on to a procedural gimmick to keep President Obama from making a recess appointment of Richard Cordray to head up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Daily Topics - Wednesday August 3rd, 2011

The Big Picture "On Air" Questions or Comments for Thom?

Hour One: Revealed...The Tea Party take over you didn't know about!

Hour Two: The debt deal and the economy...what's next? Professor Richard Wolff

If a plane goes down this month – call Speaker Boehner

FAA workers are screwed. With the debt-limit deal out of the way – it’s time for Congress to resolve the FAA funding impasse right? No. Instead of figuring out a way to restore full funding to the agency in charge of making sure our airplanes don’t fall out of the sky – and also figuring out a way to get 4,000 furloughed FAA employees back to work – Republicans are going on vacation.

Daily Topics - Monday August 1st, 2011

The Big Picture "On Air" Questions or Comments for Thom?

Hour One: Latest on the debt ceiling deal and what it means

Republicans should be Dancing in the Streets

Republicans should be dancing in the streets. So says Democratic Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver after an 11th hour debt-limit deal was struck yesterday between President Obama and Congressional leaders to avoid our nation from defaulting. Unfortunately – once again – the President let right-wings take the American people hostage and then gave in to the hostage-takers. The deal – which still needs to be approved by lawm

We're turning into a nation of peons....

As debt-limit talks stall - the economy hit a wall. Economic growth in the second quarter of this year was less than expected – only 1.3%. Not only that – first quarter economic growth was revised downward showing that our economy grew by less than a half-point at the beginning of the year – just .4%. The reason why our economy stalled is consumer spending which only grew by .1% - the slowest growth rate in two years

Daily Topics - Friday July 29th

The Big Picture "On Air" Questions or Comments for Thom?

Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!

Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) - Senator Sanders takes your calls

Want to reboot the economy?

Want to reboot the economy?

Daily Topics - Thursday July 28th, 2011

The Big Picture "On Air" Questions or Comments for Thom?

Hour One: Thanks to Ronald Reagan, we are all peasants now

The Real Leaders of the Republican party - Rush Limbaugh and Grover Norquist - are quite happy

Speaker of the House John Boehner probably had a few more cocktails and cigarettes than normal last night – it was a rough Tuesday for him. One day after a source at Standard and Poor’s credit rating agency warned that passing Boehner’s short-term debt-limit plan will still lead to a United States credit downgrade – the Congressional Budget Office piled on even more bad news. According to the CBO – the plan that Speaker Bo

Welcome to the next Great Depression...

After Democrats said a short-term debt-limit deal that kicks the can down the road to be picked up again 6-months from now in the middle of an election season is a NON-STARTER – guess what Speaker of the House John Boehner did yesterday? He released a short-term debt-limit deal that kicks the can down the road to be picked up again 6-months from now in the middle of an election season. That’s right – a few days after Boehn

Daily Topics - Tuesday July 26th, 2011

The Big Picture "On Air" Questions or Comments for Thom?

Hour One: Is right wing rhetoric in America fueling Christian terrorism around the world?

Right-wing Terrorism...

Norway is in mourning after Friday’s terrorist attacks that killed more than 90 people – including more than 80 people gunned down on a remote island campsite. Shortly after the attack – Conservatives here in the United States pointed to Norway’s lack of a state security complex as a reason why they were vulnerable to a terrorist attack. But now we realize Islamic terror had nothing to do with Friday’s chaos in the Nordic

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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