Full Show - 3/7/11. AWOL Wisconsin Dems Headed Home?

AWOL Democrats in Wisconsin may be returning home to allow Governor Scott Walker's anti-union bill to pass. Thom talks to John Nichols of the Nation magazine about their return and why allowing Walker and his fellow Republicans to pass the bill will back fire on the state's GOP. Then the phrase 'Made in America' is hard to come by these days. Thom explains why billionaires are to blame for so many foreign made products in the US Plus, a controversial abortion bill in Texas is one step closer in becoming law. Find out the controversial thing women will be required to do right before terminating a pregnancy. And don't miss Thom's daily take on Voter ID bills in America. Bad for the country? You bet!

Thom Hartmann: Unlike voter fraud - election fraud is rampant

Republicans aren't just targeting Democratic Party FUNDRAISERS like unions in their quest for one party rule in America. They're also targeting Democratic VOTERS.

Thom Hartmann: Does the Glenn Beck brand have an expiration date?

The New York Times is reporting that Fox News is "contemplating life without" Beck at the end of this year when his contract expires.

Thom Hartmann: Our policies are being written by transnationals

Thom Hartmann talks about taking back our politics and restoring protectionism in America.

Full Show - 3/4/11. Conversations with Great Minds with US Rep. Dennis Kucinich.

Today's conversation with Great Minds is with Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Thon asks him how he originally got into politics and what he thinks about the Ohio and Wisconsin labor protests. Then, the Big Picture Rumble this week is with Alan Nathan, host of the Battle Line, democratic strategist Erikka Knuti and Kerry Pickett, editor and blogger of the water cooler column at the Washington Times. Thom covers the Wisconsin stalemate, unions and wealth inequality, taxing millionaires, consumer safety, why Wall Street banksters aren't in jail, Libya and birther legislation. Then Thom's daily take is on Supreme Court unequal protection.

Thom Hartmann: It all boils down to "corporate personhood"

A "corporate person" - an entity that is not born - does not die - is neither male nor female - doesn't need safe food or clean water - and cannot be put in prison - yet enjoys many of the same constitutional rights that you and I do. They're now a super person.

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds - US Rep. Dennis Kucinich. Part 2

US Rep. Dennis Kucinich has been a mayor - is currently a United States Congressman - and has run for President of the United States twice. As a servant of the people - he's spoken out FOR working families across our nation - and spoken out AGAINST foreign wars and corporate power.

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds - US Rep. Dennis Kucinich. Part 1

US Rep. Dennis Kucinich has been a mayor - is currently a United States Congressman - and has run for President of the United States twice. As a servant of the people - he's spoken out FOR working families across our nation - and spoken out AGAINST foreign wars and corporate power.

Full Show - 3/3/11. Wisconsin stalemate, birthers and taxing the millionaires

Thom starts out the show talking with the Chair of the Wisconsin Democratic party Mike Tate, who is supporting the recall of some republican Senators there for supporting Walker's union-busting bill. Then Thom discusses how income inequality in the United States has skyrocketed as union membership has declined with the reporter and blogger for thinkprogress.org, Zaid Jilan. Later, Thom debates the president of Less Government, Seton Motley on republican plans to poison the public by blocking a consumer safety law. In the second part Thom talks about TSA and birthers. And finally, Thom's daily take on taxing the millionaires.

Full Show - 3/3/11. Wisconsin stalemate, birthers and taxing the millionaires.

: Thom starts out the show talking with the Char of the Wisconsin Democratic partym Mike Tate, who is supporting the recall of some republican Senators there for supporting Walker's union-busting bill. Then Thom discusses how income inequality in the United States has skyrocketed as union membership has declined with the reporter and blogger for thonkprogress.org, Zaid Jilan. Later, Thom debates the president of Less Government, Seton Motley on republican plans to poison the public by blocking a consumer safety law. In the second part Thom talks about TSA and birthers. And finally, Thom's daily take on taxing the millionaires.

Thom Hartmann: We are not the leftists

81% of Americans polled support higher taxes on millionaires to reduce the deficit. Will the Republicans listen to Americans?

Thom Hartmann asks a Birther if the pigeons were in on the conspiracy?

Birther bills pop up in numerous states ahead of 2012 with Philip J. Berg, birther/attorney.

Thom Hartmann asks a Republican to defend the poisoning of our consumer goods?

Republicans are trying to defund an online database set to launch in a few weeks that would make companies safety violations visible to everybody with a computer hooked up to the internet with Seton Motley, President-Less Government

Full Show - 3/2/11. Wisconsin and Ohio, FOX News, Drill baby drill

Thom talks to the president of the international brotherhood of Teamsters, James Hoffa about the union bills in Wisconsin and Ohio. Then, Thom debates Dan Gainor, the vice president of the business and media institute about Fox news running a California union protest video show skirmishes during a segment about Wisconsin protest. Later, is the US heading into a slippery slope by allowing drilling permits in the gulf as worldwide oil prices go up? And finally, Thom's daily take on how American companies are traitors to the middle class.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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