Full Show 5/16/12: The Only Way Romney Can Win

Thom discusses the only way Willard Mitt Romney can beat Obama in November--continue to lie. Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" panel discusses Speaker Boehner's debt limit threat, the new poll showing overwhelming support for medical marijuana and George W. Bush's upcoming book on how to "save the economy." Also discussed: the lawsuit filed to end the filibuster, the cost of "free" trade and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom looks at how we can make lawmakers start working for "we the people," and not the corporations.

Have you heard these stories in the Corporate News Media?

With endless investments from Wall Street and corporate powers - the US government no longer works for the people - but for those with the biggest wallets. Is there a way to change this - or have we the people permanently lost our say in America's government and Democracy?

The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Unguiculateously Ugly!

The Good! *Josef Miles* The nine year-old boy was walking with his mother on the campus of Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas on Saturday when he noticed a group of infamous Westboro Baptist Church members protesting and holding up signs that read "God Hates Fags." The Bad! *Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin* Fallin signed Oklahoma Senate Bill 1733 into law Tuesday - which allows Oklahomans to openly carry firearms. and the Very Very Ugly! *Florida Governor Rick Scott* Scott's war on education in Florida is taking a toll.

US-Colombia Trade Deal a New Low for Workers

Lori Wallach, Director-Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch joins Thom Hartmann. On Tuesday - a trade deal between the US and Colombia went into effect - and - according to estimates - the deal will kill American jobs and increase the deficit. Why does our government keep signing trade deals that harm the economy and American jobs?

Why Common Cause is suing the US Senate

Steve Spaulding, Staff Counsel-Common Cause joins Thom Hartmann. The Senate Republican's love of the filibuster is under attack by a lawsuit claiming current filibuster rules are unconstitutional. Could this lawsuit put an end to the Republican's games - and bring Democracy back to US Senate?

Lone Liberal Rumble - End the Death Penalty P2

Dustin Stockton, Chief Strategist-The Tea Party.Net & Marc Harrold, Libertarian Commentator join Thom Hartmann. Should millionaires and billionaires be able to buy US Senators - and when will America create a sensible drug policy? Those questions and more in tonight's Lone Liberal Rumble.

Lone Liberal Rumble - More Hostage Taking P1

Dustin Stockton, Chief Strategist-The Tea Party.Net & Marc Harrold, Libertarian Commentator join Thom Hartmann. Should millionaires and billionaires be able to buy US Senators - and when will America create a sensible drug policy? Those questions and more in tonight's Lone Liberal Rumble.

Can Romney win only by lying?

Mitt Romney has a real easy campaign strategy leading up to the November election - lie, lie and lie some more. Is there a way to stop all of the lies - or will Romney lie himself right into the White House?

Is the Facebook co-founder an American hero or anti-American?

Conservatives are quick to argue that millionaires and billionaires make their wealth on their own - without the help of the American government - but that's far from the truth. How do we stop the "greed is good" mentality taking over the country - and restore our history as a cooperative and collaborative nation?

The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Cacestogenously Ugly!

The Good! *Chuck Hagel* Hagel - the former Republican Senator from Nebraska - attacked his party in an interview with Foreign Policy magazine. Hagel said that, "Reagan wouldn't identify with this party. and the Very Very Ugly! *Reince Preibus* Despite JPMorgan Chase losing a whopping $2 billion dollars from risky trading - Republican Party Chairman Preibus thinks Wall Street needs LESS financial regulation.

Is the Americans Elect Democracy experiment a failure?

The grand "Americans Elect" experiment in democracy is a failure. The non-profit group - funded by hedge fund managers and a cadre of unknown donors - which called on Americans to use the Internet to select a third-party Presidential candidate to appear on the ballot in all fifty states, announced today that its nominating process has failed - and no candidate received the threshold of support needed to win. While Americans Elect said they were giving Americans a voice outside the restrictions of Party lines - it did all along reserve the right to pick the final nominee in backroom negotiations among its board members. Now it looks like that's exactly what's going to happen.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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