Tuesday - September 22 2009

Hour One: Are conservatives and trans-national corporations using the G-20 and the WTO to end the sovereignty of the United States?
Tuesday & Wednesday- September 15 & 16 2009

Thom broadcasts live from radio row at the annual "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" event in Washington DC where he'll be challenging conservatives from around the country on immigration reform www.fairus.
Tuesday - September 8th 2009

Friday - Sep 11 - 2pm Pacific/4pm Central - "The Great Health Care Debate!" Thom debates conservative Michael Medved on Chicago's Progressive Talk station WCPT AM & FM...details atRead more
Tuesday September 1 2009 - Highlights

Hour One: "Why do conservatives want to keep quality health care out of reach for Americans?" Thom challenges Heather Higgins of the Independent Women's Forum www.iwf.org
Highlights Tuesday August 25th 2009

Hour One: "Obama Finally Gets It Right - Government Run Health Care Will Be Exactly Like the Postal Service" Thom debates Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root www.wayneroot.com
Tuesday - August 18th 2009

Tuesday August 11 2009

Hour One -Is Felix the Cat's luck running out?
Hour Two - "Save the planet...stop having kids?" Thom debates Marc Morano from the Climate Depot www.climatedepot.com
Tuesday August 4th 2009

Hour One - Will Wilkinson www.cato.org Is inequality killing Americans?
Tuesday - July 28th 2009

Tuesday - July 21 2009

Hour One: “What is the nature of the debate about peace in the Middle East through the eyes of Israel” Thom with David Horovitz, Editor in Chief of the Jerusalem Post www.jpost.com
July 14th 2009 - Tuesday

Quote: Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it --Thomas Jefferson
Hour One: Are we disconnecting ourselves into oblivion?
June 30 2009 - Tuesday

Hour One: Should every politician have a budget for hookers? Do you really care if they have a hooker or a mistress - or is this all just a ruse to get us not to talk about healthcare?
June 23 2009 - Tuesday

Hour Two: "Has the right 'LOST' it?" Thom debates the Law Of the Sea Treaty with Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org
June 16th - Tuesday

Hour One: Is this the end financially of the American empire?
Guest: Dr. Michael Hudson www.michael-hudson.com on The future of the US Economy