Sue's daily stacks
- Do you want your cell phone wired into the 9/11 system? Is it big brother??
- Franco Ripple, Southeast Regional Director - Florida Young Democrats. Latest on the war on democracy...Florida.
- Noel Flasterstein, Constitutional attorney & gun advocate. In the interests of health & safety, should doctors be able to ask about guns in the home?
- Conservative blogger and oil industry advocate Steve Maley.
- Sabrina Schaeffer, Senior Fellow - Independent Women's Forum. Have 30 years of Reaganomics impoverished us so much that we can't afford benefits for working moms?
- Marjorie Cohn, Professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and past President of the National Lawyers Guild. Rule of law...The Targeted Assassination of Osama Bin Laden
- Former Minnesota Governor and Navy Seal Jesse Ventura.
- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Wisconsin Republicans rushing to pass agenda ahead of recalls.
- Bill Keller, Founder - Live Pilot refuses to fly two Muslim men to tolerance conference.
- Peter Ferrara, Director of Policy-Carleson Center for Public Policy. Reaganomics Vs.
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie".
- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine.
- That's NOT who we are!
- Jamie Weinstein, Deputy Editor-Daily Why are we giving tax breaks to billionaire yacht owners?
- Les Rayburn, Political Realist and Highly Decorated Combat Veteran serving in every conflict since Vietnam. Torture was used to get intel on Bin Laden and it should be works.
- Paul Gunter, Director, Reactor Oversight Project - Beyond Nuclear.
- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Bin Laden, Cheney, Recall, oh my...
- Ryan Streeter, Editor - Conservative Home USA. Are liberals really the "secret enemies" of the poor?
- Dennis Knowles, Benton Harbor City Commissioner.
- Has Barack Obama shattered George Bush's legacy?
- Mike Ervin, Activist w/ADAPT (national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action). Holding a sit in (thru Wednesday 5/4) to protest Paul Ryan's budget plan.
- Dr. Arthur C. Caplan, Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania / author.
- The crime of the century!
- John Amato, Founder/Editor - Crooks and Liars. Bin Laden's dead...can our troops finally come home?
- Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service News Agency, investigative journalist and historian specializing in U.S.
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie".
- Dr. Ravi Batra, Professor of Economics at Southern Methodist University / International bestselling author.