Sue's daily stacks

  • Wednesday 20 September '17 show notes

    • What GOP Healthcare "Choice" Means
    • Thom takes YOUR calls
    • Charles Sauer, The Market Institute: Don't Get Sick! And, If You Do, Die Quickly?
    • World Leaders Skip Out On Trump
  • Tuesday 19 September '17 show notes

    • Did Trump's UN Speech Bring Us Closer to the North Korea Apocalypse?
    • The Chance of 'Catastrophic' Climate Change Completely Wiping Out Humanity By 2100 is Now 1-in-20
    • Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK/Global Exchange: North Korea, Myanmar & Trump's UN Speech
  • Monday 18 September '17 show notes

    • In for Thom, Alex Lawson, Executive Director-Social Security Works
    • Jon "Bowzer" Bauman, Senior Votes Count/Social Security Works: Help Defeat Trumpcare...Again
    • Rock Newman,, The Rock Newman Show: Is Colin Kaepernick Today's Muhammad Ali?
    • Kymone Freeman, We Act Radio: Remembering Dick Gregory & Honoring His Legacy
  • Friday 15 September '17 show notes

    • In for Thom today, Richard "RJ" Eskow, Host-The Zero Hour (radio & TV) / Senior Fellow-Campaign for America's Future
    • Nancy Altman, Social Security Works/Social Security Works! Why Social Security Isn't Going Broke and How Expanding It Will Help Us All: Medicare for All
    • The Fast and Furious News Cycle
    • Who is the Mystery Leftist?
    • Trump Calls for End to Estate Tax
  • Thursday 14 September '17 show notes

    • In for Thom today, Rebecca Vallas, Center for American Progress Poverty Team/Off Kilter Show-We Act Radio & Progressive Voices
    • Dr. Jared Bernstein, Center on Budget & Policy Priorities: Trump's Budget vs. Poverty
    • Liz Kennedy, Democracy & Government Reform - Center for American Progress: Protecting Our Voting Rights
    • Andy Slavitt, BiPartisan Policy Center: Medicare For All...the Time Has Come!
    • Tracey Ross, All In Cities Initiative-Policy Link: Irma/Harvey Victims Bracing for "Second Disaster"
  • Wednesday 13 September '17 show notes

    • Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District): Mid-day with Mark
    • Greg Palast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: Trump's Voter Fraud KKKommission...
    • "We Will Win This Struggle" - Bernie introduces Medicare for All!
  • Tuesday 12 September '17 show notes

    • How the GOP Wants to Steal Your Tax Refunds & Give Them to Billionaires...
    • Economist & UMKC Professor William Black: On the Scandal Scale...the Equifax Breach is a 10
    • Jason Kander, (former) Secretary of State (D-MO) /DNC Commission to Protect Democracy/Let America Vote: The GOP's Voter Fraud Dilemma
  • Monday 11 September '17 show notes

    • When Will Republicans Stop Taking Fossil Fuel Money and Start Telling the Truth?
    • Ben Cohen, Stamp Stampede/Ben & Jerry's: Stamp Money OUT of Politics...
    • It's 9/11...we should never forget the stupid mistakes Bush made
    • China's doubling down on alternative energy & what that means in the future
  • Friday 8 September '17 show notes

    • Richard McGregor, Asia's Reckoning: China, Japan, and the Fate of U.S. Power in the Pacific Century: The Fate of U.S. Power in the Pacific Century
    • Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN, 5th District): Issues of the Day
    • Anything Goes Friday...
  • Thursday 7 September '17 show notes

    • Why Trump Is Joining the Democrats
    • Climate Denialism Is Killing Us
    • How Nikki Haley & Trump Are Preparing For War

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