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  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    I don't get any of this

    Appears like navel gazing

    The US has a population of ~400 mil and this blog is making claims that have absolutely no relevance to humanity within the current estimated population of ~6 billion

    Get off your horses folks

    A lot of women abort

    And, I know a lot who have out SE Asia way

    Men need to take more responsibility for the outcome of their lust

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Give us an example.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Incorrect. There is no taxpayer funding for abortions. The primary focus of Planned Parenthood is to make birth control available to low-income people. Beyond this, it does also provide such things as breast cancer screening.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    What has been the Democrats' agenda for the poor over the last 20 years, including many of those who can't work (health, etc.)? The Clinton administration ended actual welfare aid, signed onto NAFTA (leaving more in poverty), and took the first steps to similarly "reform" Social Security, targeting the disabled. While Obama did an outstanding job of job creation, US corporations have been shipping out jobs since the 1980s. The last I heard, there are 7 jobs for every ten jobless Americans. What do Democrats say to the three who are left out?

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago


    I guess you didn't go to school, otherwise, "believes that insane nonsense, such as a clump of tissue is a human being". You would know, every living thing starts out as a "clump of tissue" and grows into a representative of their species, unless that " clump of tissue" is terminated.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Deepspace, come on tax payers fund planed parenthood, who fund abortions. Also if you are in a insurance pool that funds abortions then your costs are slightly higher so again to a small degree you are funding them as well.

    Just because your religion is against aborting babies doesn't mean you are at war with women. That is ridiculous.

    10 k give me one example where Gorsuch made a decision based on religion instead of law. Good luck.

    For the record I am for choice but some states allow it way to late in the term in my opinion. I am with Trump that this should be a state decision. Not the fed.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago


    No one is "pro" abortion, and no one's tax money goes to a woman who must make a difficult choice about her own body. That decision is nobody else's business, especially the smug "ilk" who wants to tell people that they must practice their lives according to (the right's) hypocritical standards.

    Neither should anyone's tax money support a delusional, violent, so-called "religion" that brainwashes children at indoctrination centers called charter schools, and that believes insane nonsense, such as a clump of tissue is a human being. That means fundamentalist Christianists are pro whack jobs.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    If that Republican gets in the Supreme Court, it will give a whole new meaning to your book 'Screwed'. Being republican means you only care about the rich, and screw the average and poor people any way you can.

  • Is Trump's Infrastructure Plan More Welfare For Giant Corporations Or A Great Stimulus?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Look no further than the parking meter debacle in Chicago. Former Mayer Daley sold off all the parking meters for a quick money injection. The new owners are now in the process of increasing the fees again on the heels of the Cubs championship.

    An infrastructure privatization will mean NO roads, bridges, tunnels, and (who knows) walking paths will be free. Greed is never fulfilled. Eisenhower is crying now.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago


    It seems you are leaving out the rest of the Claus.

    "nor prohibit the free exercise of". It sure sounds like your ilk wants to tell people that they must practice their religion according to your (the left's) standards.

    Women's rights Thom? We all know you mean the legal ability to kill a human being while in the womb. That means you are pro-abortion.


  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Kend : It appears your alt right reality conveniently disregards our First Amendment. If congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, then certainly a member of the judicial branch shall not be allowed to manipulate law to favor a particular religion either.

    That would also apply to Betsy DeVos diverting public school funding to build her personal vision of "God's Kingdom." I'm still waiting for the United Federation of Teachers to file a lawsuit regarding the current taxpayer funding being diverted to anti science-pro superstition schools.

    The First Amendment is quite clear.

  • The Kochs vs Trump - Who Will Win On Healthcare?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Recently in an interview with Amy Goodman, Ralph Nader spoke about "universal single payer" and wondered why Dems were not bringing this up now as it seemed to him the perfect time. Bernie Sanders could be a spokesman for this. I think the removal of medical benefits and subsidies in exchange for a massive tax cut for the wealthiest in the US may be the big STORY that needs to be on national TV news! Communicating in simplest terms with Trump supporters about what Trump is doing, what THEIR party is doing to them, seems a no brainer. Headlines: With the failure of the Republican Trumpcare bill, Trump moves on to tax cuts for the wealthy while his base of support awakens. Rewarding a Koch bro (owner of the large oil refinery in Texas) with the Keystone Pipeline- another no brainer. Another headline: Trump connected to massive voter fraud operation "interstate crosscheck". Trump under oath admits to "quid pro quo" with Russians for email hacking during campaign. Trump tax returns reveal .....

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Gorsuch is for equal rights for all Americans. Period. He has proven it over and over in his career. It is clear he will follow the law not a political agenda. So of course he isn't good for the Democrats.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Good question why Reid did not use the nuclear option,

    Now that the repubs have it why should they not use it?


  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    No, he's Bannon's Trojan horse for 'deconstruction of administrative state' by reversing Chevron rule of deference to agency findings, women's rights will be trampled as he's already shown in his many dissents and infamous concurrences. He's a bloodless, pedantic ideologue Libertarian member of the right wing Federalist Society.

  • Can We Trust Gorsuch On Women's Rights?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Gorsuch is so slick, it looks as sif he's studied for these hearings for years. We cannot allow him a seat on SCOTUS or we are doomed for decades... or the rest of my life anyway. How come the GOP can pass this crap with the nuclear option and Harry Reid never pulled it? Why? Why do we always lose?

  • The Kochs vs Trump - Who Will Win On Healthcare?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Why do none of the democrats and liberal commentators (other than Thom) mention the destruction of Obamacare by Justice Roberts (state choice for medicaid expansion) and Marco Rubio (risk corridor damage causing higher premiums)?

  • Daily Topics - Friday March 24th, 2017   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Thom, You mentioned Bush's "Clean Air" and "Clean Water" acts. Don't forget his "Healthy Forests" act which allowed private lumber companies to come in and clear cut our public lands for profit. :)

  • Is Trump's Infrastructure Plan More Welfare For Giant Corporations Or A Great Stimulus?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    It's just another method by the Great Grifter and his toadies and to loot the treasury by giving public tax money to private investors.

  • The Kochs vs Trump - Who Will Win On Healthcare?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    Floating eerily above the forest in a pool of stars, a snow-covered volcano glows with violet, ghostly phosphorescence, an imposing presence impossibly close in the formless light of early dawn. The profound tranquility of this silent immensity spills down the slopes and into the open window, brushing aside every thought, every worry. Time slowly fades and then vanishes.

    Jolted awake, the light is blinding! The sun explodes in brilliance, cresting above the peak like an eruption -- golden beams flickering through craggy ridges like fire, ordering all in the land to witness the glory. A shade of deep purple with streaks of regal red slips from the volcano's bright white tip toward a shadowy terrace; a bank of glowing fog settles into the deep crevice of a lower valley. On nearby foothills are scattered treetops, indistinct shapes emerging from lingering mists, pale green apparitions marching forward with the promise of another day, another chance.

    Suddenly, someone kicks the door open! Frantic voices burst in, and a fuss of activity swirls around the room -- machines and wires and tubes; yet, the physical struggle seems pointless now, strange and far away.

    Outside, an astonishing display of color and light, a scent of unspoiled mountain air, an overwhelming panorama of raw, unbounded beauty fills the senses, numbs the pain. Beckoned onward, the spirit quietly slips away.

    Healthcare is a right for all human beings.

  • Do Gorsuch's Views on Women Disqualify Him?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    HOW WE GOT TRUMP {1.40 limericks}

    Let me clear up the mystery

    that Trump besmirches our history: -

    - Our process elective

    was so defective

    that we got a prez of {sophistry} sophistery

    and of words a thesaurus includes*

    to describe the ways of such dudes. …

    … {* Such as casuistry, chicanery, mendacity, subterfuge}


  • Do Gorsuch's Views on Women Disqualify Him?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    THE MERCERS {a limerick}

    Lord have mercy!! The Mercers!!

    “Dark Money’s” big-time disbursers, -

    - out-koching the Kochs

    with masterful strokes

    as the Alt-Right’s wet-nursing nursers.


  • The Kochs vs Trump - Who Will Win On Healthcare?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    They vote at 8 am EDST.

  • The Kochs vs Trump - Who Will Win On Healthcare?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    ErinRose - Your sweeping generalisation about English (by hwich I assume you might mean Britain) desplays not a little ignorance and a likely lack of wordliness

    The Koch are not of British decent

    And, nothing to do with England

    Where do you get the idea that English are "type of miserly selfishness is culturally"

    Where do get this from... Fox?

    You tin pot!

  • The Kochs vs Trump - Who Will Win On Healthcare?   7 years 48 weeks ago

    wmleidy - I said prior 'cometh hour cometh the man' (qt)

    We have the hour now where is the man

    America needs a leader

    Loads of commentators and opinionators

    Sadly, no leader

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