Its time you both get an education on how charitable foundations work. Also there's quite a difference between private charitable foundations and public charitable foundations.
Your numbers are twisted, incorrect, right wing"nut"- propaganda... bulllshit!!
812 great post and to think she almost became president. I have a feeling the Clinton's are going to be locked up some day.
10K it is all trickle down. The debate is whether it trickles down from the government through your hard earned taxes or through private companies. It is clear from 812's post it should not go through a foundation.
All those numbers and figures (on line that, and line this) that you rattled off on your #35 post, and you cant give even one website, article, publication etc.,from which you got this (so called) (smoking gun) information?!?
Come on...
#38 not to mention thousands laid off at the same time. Again they throw a bone to the lower and middle class. What do you think the Walton Family will make from this tax cut?
Yes, more progressives in the Democratic party would be a good start. Though, a pretty tall order to make it happen. Takes too damn much money to run a campaign for a House or Senate seat... And, l believe it would be an upward battle against the entrenched interests in the DNC. Bernie discovered just how much so!
I know l come across as very pessimistic. Id really like to have more hope for the system...
Personally... I'd rather see a Proportional Representation form of government for this country. Though, l know thats just a fuckn pipe dream.
Mr and Mrs, Diane Kend: A bonus doesn't validate trickle down. For 40 years it hasn't's just another fascist effort to fool fools.
BTW: The only Walmart workers slated to get the $1000 bonus are those with 20 or more years of service...the pay raise is to compete with other box stores already paying $11 or more per hour. Of course the corpse media will not mention any of these inconvenient truths...might make Wall Street nervous.
Bachmann: How about some real dirt about Trump's foundation, not to mention his University. LMAO. BTW: What happened to Clinton's emails and Benghazi?..oh that's right, that was all just pre-election propaganda, with a lot of help from Putin.
Jefflisse: After reading your posts....I take it your solution would be to take over the Democratic Party with infitration of more progressives? The Kochs were able to privatize the Republican Party with the Teabagger movement....turned it into their own Kochpublican Party. We need to turn the Democratic Party into a power to the people party.
Wonder why the Clinton Foundation folded so suddenly after she was no longer in a position of influence? Perhaps this summary will give some insight??
They list 486 employees (line 5)! It took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION
This is real. You can check the tax return yourself (see below). The real heart of the Clintons can be seen here. Staggering but not surprising. These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014. The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website. You can get the latest tax return on any charitable organization there.
Number of employees (line 5) 486
Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612.00
Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (that's less than 3%) Total expenses of $91,281,145.00 Expenses include: > Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00 > Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00 > Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00 (Not Itemized) > T ravel $8,000,000.00 > Meetings $12,000,000.00 Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00
It took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION And they call this a CHARITY?
This is one of the greatest white-collar crimes ever committed. And just think---one of the participants was the president and one wanted to be elected president of the United States.
If justice was served they should both be in prison.
#30. Get out of the 80's. Yes I did not agree with LBJ on the Vietnam war and strongly opposed, Trolls on this site love to say that Lincoln was a Republican. The times are changing. What do you want today?
#29. Again you post reference with no facts facts. Try this for a fact. The Dow has has had continuous rise for 10 years. Trumps pledge of tax cuts and the actual tax cuts have had an effect but minimal as the chart shows. This is an extension of the Obama Regime. Notice the first year That is what the last Republican regime did.
I know its been slow this weekend. With no blogs from Tom on Thursday and Friday. And the crazy neocon trolls, took their time crawling out from under their "faux" news bridges.
So... I guess l was the one, for you to get your frustration out on.
You want references from me. Okay!
This is info easily found in the public domain...
The Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981. "BIPARTISAN"passed. Signed into law in Aug. of 81.
The Tax Reform Act (TRA) of 1986. "BIPARTISAN" passed. Signed into law in Oct. of 86.
The North American Free trade Agreement (NAFTA) of 1993. "BIPARTISAN" passed. Signed into law in Dec. of 93.
The Gramm-Leach- Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999."BIPARTISAN" passed. Signed into law in Nov. of 99...
A law repealing important parts of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. "A fuckn Christmas present for the banksters!!"
In fact; both of the Reagan tax cuts could have easily been stopped in the house by the Dems. They had about a 50 seat advantage back then... But, no. They voted for them "BIPARTISAN"...
In fact; NAFTA and the GLBA could have been stopped as they crossed the executive branch desk... But no. They were signed into law.
Thanks Diane. I can always count on you. Here is a fact.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 6.8 percent unemployment rate for black workers in December, the lowest in the 45 years the data has been tracked.
Trump could use a PC lesson but let's be honest the economy is doing extremely well and that is good for everyone. I think we can all agree on that.
Good post Kend. Maybe some of those good jobs will come from the dozens of stories like this and help pay for "the wall"
"DETROIT — Fiat Chrysler is moving production of heavy-duty trucks from Mexico to Michigan and paying bonuses to US workers in response to the passage of US tax reform late last year.
The automaker will invest $1 billion in its Warren Truck Assembly Plant to make the Ram Heavy Duty Truck starting in 2020. That truck is currently made in Saltillo, Mexico, where workers will continue to make commercial vehicles.
FCA says the Warren plant will add 2,500 new jobs."
#25. There are way too many people that say that Republicans and Democrats are the same when there are vast differences. It only hurts the party to post false claims.
l do align more with the Dem viewpoint. And just because l do vote on the Dem side in elections, doesn't mean that my eyes are blind to the corruption on their side too! Both parties are corrupted by "big money"... Yes, the Republicans to a larger scale than the Dems.
And yes, l believe the Republicans have done much more damage to the poor, the working poor, and the middle class... But, in the last 40 years, a large amount of destructive legislation has been passed and signed into law... BIPARTISAN!
As far as upper tier tax cuts go... The FIRST one (1981) passed the DEMOCRATIC controlled,Tip O'Neill house. Then passed the Republican Senate. Then was signed into law by Reagan.. This is where the fuckn crazy "trickle down" insanity started!
Dont even get me going on the insane, destructive, BIPARTISAN laws that were passed in the 90s...
I'll leave it at that for now. Just another"stupid" post by me.
Thom seems to be stuck on how much money the Republicans spend on the elections. Didn't the Democrats out spend Trump in the last election. Didn't the Dems lose. Social media like this have more impact on elections then TV. No one gets there information from the news they are all option shows not news. Also why do the poor always vote for the left. The Democrats haven't done a thing for the poor ever and they never will until they quit voting for them. Once their vote is uncertain then both parties with suck up to them. Bernie has been saying the same thing for decades and has accomplished nothing. The Dems better be careful, nothing gets votes more then a good job or a raise. Well unless you don't want a job, if you are one of those Trump must scare the &$?@ hole out of you.
@Rick Steves #32
You struggling to tell us the rise in the stock market and business confidence skyrocketing is due to obama, is like a turd making fun of a sunset.
Even Hartmann gets tongue tied when this bogus statement is mentioned by a caller.
I hope you know better than to actually believe that BS.
Kend and 812
Its time you both get an education on how charitable foundations work. Also there's quite a difference between private charitable foundations and public charitable foundations.
Your numbers are twisted, incorrect, right wing"nut"- propaganda... bulllshit!!
812 great post and to think she almost became president. I have a feeling the Clinton's are going to be locked up some day.
10K it is all trickle down. The debate is whether it trickles down from the government through your hard earned taxes or through private companies. It is clear from 812's post it should not go through a foundation.
All those numbers and figures (on line that, and line this) that you rattled off on your #35 post, and you cant give even one website, article, publication etc.,from which you got this (so called) (smoking gun) information?!?
Come on...
#35 the site where you would find the information is posted. It requires real research, not simply reposting what someone else says.
Actually... "Trickle down economics" has worked perfectly for the last 40 years!!
"Chuckling" It's because the pyramid has been (precariously balanced) on it's point, totally up side down... TOTALLY!!
Its "wobbling"really bad....
Gonna fall soon!
Clinton Foundation
#38 not to mention thousands laid off at the same time. Again they throw a bone to the lower and middle class. What do you think the Walton Family will make from this tax cut?
#35. Would you post a link for that info.
Yes, more progressives in the Democratic party would be a good start. Though, a pretty tall order to make it happen. Takes too damn much money to run a campaign for a House or Senate seat... And, l believe it would be an upward battle against the entrenched interests in the DNC. Bernie discovered just how much so!
I know l come across as very pessimistic. Id really like to have more hope for the system...
Personally... I'd rather see a Proportional Representation form of government for this country. Though, l know thats just a fuckn pipe dream.
Mr and Mrs, Diane Kend: A bonus doesn't validate trickle down. For 40 years it hasn't's just another fascist effort to fool fools.
BTW: The only Walmart workers slated to get the $1000 bonus are those with 20 or more years of service...the pay raise is to compete with other box stores already paying $11 or more per hour. Of course the corpse media will not mention any of these inconvenient truths...might make Wall Street nervous.
Bachmann: How about some real dirt about Trump's foundation, not to mention his University. LMAO. BTW: What happened to Clinton's emails and Benghazi?..oh that's right, that was all just pre-election propaganda, with a lot of help from Putin.
Jefflisse: After reading your posts....I take it your solution would be to take over the Democratic Party with infitration of more progressives? The Kochs were able to privatize the Republican Party with the Teabagger movement....turned it into their own Kochpublican Party. We need to turn the Democratic Party into a power to the people party.
Clinton Foundation !!!
Wonder why the Clinton Foundation folded so suddenly after she was no longer in a position of influence? Perhaps this summary will give some insight??
They list 486 employees (line 5)! It took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION
This is real. You can check the tax return yourself (see below). The real heart of the Clintons can be seen here. Staggering but not surprising. These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014. The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website. You can get the latest tax return on any charitable organization there.
Number of employees (line 5) 486
Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612.00
Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (that's less than 3%)
Total expenses of $91,281,145.00
Expenses include:
> Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00
> Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00
> Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00 (Not Itemized)
> T ravel $8,000,000.00
> Meetings $12,000,000.00
Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00
It took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION
And they call this a CHARITY?
This is one of the greatest white-collar crimes ever committed.
And just think---one of the participants was the president and one wanted to be elected president of the United States.
If justice was served they should both be in prison.
How about a truce? You and l agree, way more than disagree, on most things political...
What do l want today?
To go pump iron at the gym... So later. :-)
#30. Get out of the 80's. Yes I did not agree with LBJ on the Vietnam war and strongly opposed, Trolls on this site love to say that Lincoln was a Republican. The times are changing. What do you want today?
#29. Again you post reference with no facts facts. Try this for a fact. The Dow has has had continuous rise for 10 years. Trumps pledge of tax cuts and the actual tax cuts have had an effect but minimal as the chart shows. This is an extension of the Obama Regime. Notice the first year That is what the last Republican regime did.
Post reference with your lies.
I know its been slow this weekend. With no blogs from Tom on Thursday and Friday. And the crazy neocon trolls, took their time crawling out from under their "faux" news bridges.
So... I guess l was the one, for you to get your frustration out on.
You want references from me. Okay!
This is info easily found in the public domain...
The Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981. "BIPARTISAN"passed. Signed into law in Aug. of 81.
The Tax Reform Act (TRA) of 1986. "BIPARTISAN" passed. Signed into law in Oct. of 86.
The North American Free trade Agreement (NAFTA) of 1993. "BIPARTISAN" passed. Signed into law in Dec. of 93.
The Gramm-Leach- Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999."BIPARTISAN" passed. Signed into law in Nov. of 99...
A law repealing important parts of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. "A fuckn Christmas present for the banksters!!"
In fact; both of the Reagan tax cuts could have easily been stopped in the house by the Dems. They had about a 50 seat advantage back then... But, no. They voted for them "BIPARTISAN"...
In fact; NAFTA and the GLBA could have been stopped as they crossed the executive branch desk... But no. They were signed into law.
Thanks Diane. I can always count on you. Here is a fact.
Trump could use a PC lesson but let's be honest the economy is doing extremely well and that is good for everyone. I think we can all agree on that.
Good post Kend. Maybe some of those good jobs will come from the dozens of stories like this and help pay for "the wall"
"DETROIT — Fiat Chrysler is moving production of heavy-duty trucks from Mexico to Michigan and paying bonuses to US workers in response to the passage of US tax reform late last year.
The automaker will invest $1 billion in its Warren Truck Assembly Plant to make the Ram Heavy Duty Truck starting in 2020. That truck is currently made in Saltillo, Mexico, where workers will continue to make commercial vehicles.
FCA says the Warren plant will add 2,500 new jobs."
Who knows, the Aden sisters may even decide to bring their wealth from offshore Costa Rican banks back to the US.
#25. There are way too many people that say that Republicans and Democrats are the same when there are vast differences. It only hurts the party to post false claims.
#24. Another factless, his opinion only post by Kend. References?
#20 Legend
Gezz Ledge. I must have hit a nerv...
l do align more with the Dem viewpoint. And just because l do vote on the Dem side in elections, doesn't mean that my eyes are blind to the corruption on their side too! Both parties are corrupted by "big money"... Yes, the Republicans to a larger scale than the Dems.
And yes, l believe the Republicans have done much more damage to the poor, the working poor, and the middle class... But, in the last 40 years, a large amount of destructive legislation has been passed and signed into law... BIPARTISAN!
As far as upper tier tax cuts go... The FIRST one (1981) passed the DEMOCRATIC controlled,Tip O'Neill house. Then passed the Republican Senate. Then was signed into law by Reagan.. This is where the fuckn crazy "trickle down" insanity started!
Dont even get me going on the insane, destructive, BIPARTISAN laws that were passed in the 90s...
I'll leave it at that for now. Just another"stupid" post by me.
Thom seems to be stuck on how much money the Republicans spend on the elections. Didn't the Democrats out spend Trump in the last election. Didn't the Dems lose. Social media like this have more impact on elections then TV. No one gets there information from the news they are all option shows not news. Also why do the poor always vote for the left. The Democrats haven't done a thing for the poor ever and they never will until they quit voting for them. Once their vote is uncertain then both parties with suck up to them. Bernie has been saying the same thing for decades and has accomplished nothing. The Dems better be careful, nothing gets votes more then a good job or a raise. Well unless you don't want a job, if you are one of those Trump must scare the &$?@ hole out of you.