Listening for Republican bragging about the stock market. Crickets. Trump is itching for war. To the point that they do not want South Korea talking to North Korea as it could mess up the war. Even Lindsey Grahem is pushing for war. South Korea and North korea will have millions of deaths in a war. LET THEM TALK!
Thank you, Thom, for helping us stay sane in a time of mass insanity, with constant prospects of ever greater madness. I'm a retired psychiatrist and convinced that Trump is in and out of a paranoid distortion of reality in order to shore up his constant need for narcissistic reassurance and self-esteem support. He has managed to show-boat his way into such prominence among a certain weak-minded sector of our frustrated citizenry that they are now engulfed in his delusions of persecution and grandeur. I call this condition "folie a foule", or the madness of the crowd. You may or may not be familiar with Charles McKay's 1852 treatise,"Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds", but it certainly applies to this Trump phenomenon and these mass delusional episodes always go south eventually. Freud, were he still alive, would no doubt be warning us about the "thanatos" or death instinct driving the intentional destruction of the democratic republic it has taken our brave forefathers two hundred and forty two years to build. Trump and his zombie force are destroying America and the Republicans are largely standing by and clapping. They are, by all definitions, insane and far right-wing deconstructionist Republicans, Libertarians, and media, especially the Rupert Murdoch mouthpiece FOX News, have taken them there. FOX runs Trump's brain, as it maximally feeds his constant need for adoration, at all cost to the nation. Trump is a Russian asset and anyone who doubts this has not been paying attention to the MSM. Mueller better get off his Republican ass and set Trump straight or we won't have a country worth saving very soon. Perhaps Wall Street will grow a conscience and rein-in the Goldman Sachs cabinet, but I'm not holding my breath. The rest of the world, other than a tiny group of fellow dictators, are aghast at what we are allowing to happen to what had been the great democratic experiment--a symbol for all the rest of the oppressed peoples of the world. Now, we've become little more than just another two-bit dictatorship, supported by a legislative chamber filled with clapping seals and a populace that just doesn't want to see anymore of Hillary Rodham Clinton or her ilk, and are willing to sell their souls toward that goal. We have lost our way and your honest, sincere, thoughtful voice stands out for history to remember. If I were'nt retired and living on SS, I'd send you money, but I gave every last spare nickel to Senator Sander's campaign and look what the Democratic machine did to him. Thank you and carry on!
Page 2 #3. I agree with your 3 points. Especially that in 1974 we did not have Fox News brainwashing the weak minded. Interesting it was Nixon that proposed GOP TV which eventually became Fox News. Your third point is the result of Fox News and others. The Republican Party has dumbed down the population.
Another excellent Democratic Progressive Candidate is Kamala Harris.
From what I've "now" read about Tulsi Gabbard, yes she sounds like a politician l would support for higher office. Elizabeth Warren would be another. But l NEVER was a Hillary supporter...
Yes, l went into the voting booth ( and held my nose ever so tight) and pulled the lever for her. And if circumstance repeated.. Considering the two choices we had... I'd do it again!
And whats this shit... throwing rocks into the left wing sexual predator pond?
Do you really want to go there?
Because the right wing sexual predator pond is wide and deep too!!
How about Roger Ailes or Bill O'Reilly or Roy Moore, or Patrick Meehan... Or... The womanizing, " pussy grabbing," commander n chief, himself!!
Hypocrisy cuts both ways...
What is interesting is the "distraction" factor so common among those that just will not face the simple truth. Why is it that those that think to the "far right" (what the hell is that supposed to mean?) call the "other side" leftie/socialists and so on...and so on.. Jeepers, get off of the Hillary Clinton downer...for christ's sake...enough! When I was young and in trouble for something I did, I was not allowed to try and side-step by calling out what someone else did, or was doing. Okay, already! Hillary did not win, is not the president and has nothing to do with what Mr. Trump says and does! He does that all on his very own. By the way, the Presidential Campaign is over, Trump got elected. Legally or otherwise (unfortunately, from my point of view).
I don't necessarily agree with her or tactics she used, is using, will use in the future. What I am sick of is the far-right "faction". The damn civil war is over, and if a person can't stick to the problem at hand without drifting off into la la land, they will never solve any problem or even come close to finding resolution. You just want to hate and jab at others all the time. I am not responsible for anyone else's actions. I stand alone. If others do something I don't think is the proper or right thing to do, I have the right to disagree and call them out on it. Quit getting off on personal tangents and stick to the relevancy of the issues.
So looking back we know some in the FBI sabatoged the point of trying to get him to commit sucide... so we know there can be corruption. Why not lay everything out on the table so we can all see what's going on?
I don't trust whats going on especially considering all the bias texts between the lovers,et al. Do you? Why?
Why have SECRET courts? Lay out the case for all to see.
Yes Legend. I remember it well. My parents followed it closely.
There is striking similarities. But also stark differences.
When Nixon had Archibald Cox fired as the special prosecutor of the Watergate investigation. It energized congress to start the impeachment process. But back then both branches of congress were controlled by the Democrats.
Unfortunately that's not the case this time..
[Another reason why the midterms are so IMPORTANT!]
Back in the early 70s, we had hundreds of legitimate, unbiased, news agencies that actually had investigative journalists.
Unfortunately that's also not the case this time..
Now we have a small handful of giant corporate media conglomerates with slanted political ideologies, who cater to a specific group of followers. And their only interest is in spreading propaganda and making a profit... Offering nothing more than sensationalism with one line headlines. And absolutely no investigative journalism anymore.
And one of the most stark differences between then and now is..
Back then we actually had a well informed public who (regardless of political views) wanted to see a crook brought to justice!!
To the contrary, I actually showed you a progressive, assertive democratic woman.
I think you passed over my comment because she has all you claim to like, yet is cappable of maintaining her dignity in the process. Her name is Tulsi Gabbard, Dem. Hawaii.
Please tell me ....what ISN"T hippocritical about a bunch of Harvey Winestein huggers..Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner lovers calling out Trump with Pussy hats. You claim that Trump offends the children with his tweets, yet the fowl mouths on the left betray your claims.You claim to stand for women, but vote for someone who tried every way she could to destroy women for exposing her husband....give me a break!
All you are doing is muddying up the truth so you won't have to discuss the facts.
I know it's wide & deep but perhaps you should pull your head out of hillary's.....
I remember Watergate also. It would seem to be even more scary, as it seems the "faction" that backs this country's leader are far more corrupt and you watch stupid crap coming out of the woodworks. Makes me wonder if it can be stopped. (?)
You are definitely on to something there Jefflisse. I don't know when ( I wonder if anyone does) it started to happen, but it is at a level far surpassing when it originated. We have been slowly spoon-fed all of the above in your comment. Subliminal. That is why I say that we need to STOP the current way we think of most things. Facts are different than opinions of something. However, as a man I used to work with said, "If you put up the bluff long enough, people wil eventually give you the benefit of the doubt".
It is unfortunately an inert ability, that seems to have outgrown its' original intent. To be trusting of those around you, like children around the adults we grew up with. Some adults are devious and prey on the children. We used to have a natural impluse to believe and trust. However, we unfortunately have to live in a culture that is full of constant marketing where we are inundated with this and that, and feel like we have to make emotional decisions immediately or we will be frowned upon by others. I say to more. My decisions are made by strict observation and forthright evidence to ensure it is right.
When we purchase fuel for our automobiles, we surely believe it is not watered down and cause us to have problems with our cars. How long would we tolerate for this kind of thing to happen? The same goes for the political end of nonsense. I for one do not feel like I would follow the leader if he was going to step off of a cliff (with him the only one wearing a parachute) and believe it was going to be okay. I think not. However, there are those that will and do just that. Therefore, we have the problems we now have.
Sore losers...
We are ALL the losers! RIGHT and LEFT!!
At least us on the LEFT can "see" it! Our once great "Democracy"...
The "envy of the world" according to Kend. Has been subverted and taken over by the corporate elite.
The puppet masters who are pulling the strings in..not just our federal and state houses! But, in damn near everything we need to survive in this world! They control most of the...
Food we eat.
Energy we use.
Currency we spend.
Health care we need.
Media we digest.
Weapons we buy.
The roof over our heads.
The clothes on our backs.
The drugs we're addicted to...
And yes, even the toilet paper we use to wipe our asses everyday!!
It is disheartning to read the response of vitriol and sarcasm from those that feel a "blind loyalty" to anyone, either out of fear or ignorance in holding condemnation to others who do their homework in discovering the wrongdoing, or possible wrongdoing of someone in a leadership role. How long would our personal communities, churches, law enforcement, schools and places of employment last if we allowed a few "diehards" loyal to the one responsible for undermining true value, to continue in their personal and possibly profitable ventures without being called on the carpet.
It isn't as if "nothing" is going on. Contrary to popular "belief" SOMETHING is going on to make others sit up and pay attention. President Trump likes to make the people of this country think that just because he is President, that he has our needs in mind. Wouldn't seem so, just by "objective" observation. People, it seems, have become distracted by their own subjective mind-set, let alone their cell phones, and uninformed ego's to a point of not being able to sort through the chaos with any kind of opinion that makes sense (common sense). Trump is not a King, a deity, a god, or an exalted leader. His demeanor, his language (body and vernacular) give him away so many times. I hold no hate for anyone. I do however, have come to distrust and disrespect him on many levels.
I think a good percentage of people have lost the ability to discern any information that is given, rather they just utilize reactionary measure to those they oppose which speak on observation to any situation regardless if it is their own family, their political party, President (they voted for) or any person they blindly follow. Case in point: How many priests' have been brought out of hiding and prosecuted for their sex crimes. Or, because a person is Catholic, just could not subscribe to the idea that they did wrong?
As Thom has pointed out. How many laws and changes to correct wrongdoing in the past have been implemented to prevent and block the way people have been treated and created to protect environment, persons and human rights, etc. to allow one.....just one ( with the backing and "vetting" of the percentage of certain citizens) to change it all with the whimsical sweep of the hand, so to speak? It defies common sense, period.
Like those that believe our blood is blue. Even after being demonstrated with pure science that our blood is red, there are still those that go, "nope, our blood is blue", and will believe it until they pass out of our dimension. That is scary for sure. Then there is our Republican "Party" full of followers whom really have one adenda......themselves. It isn't rocket science folks! Plain old OBSERVATION! When you write an address on an envelope, do you notice if it is correct? If not, will it reach its destination? The same goes for anything in this world, our PLANET, If it doesn't look right I don't care how much you feel loyal to an ideal, it must change to the proper address to complete its mission.
Diane, It is your constant repetition of low IQ complaining. There is nothing intelligent about it and you are contstantly repeating the same thing. Your calling people names is really immature. Where did you get that from? Oh yeah, the immature POTUS.
At least, Daffy Di, we are aware of the loss that the nation and the world is suffering under the moronic, delusional, so called leadership of our first Russian president, while the Trumpers, like the frog in the slowly heated pan of water, are blissfully pigheaded, content to never consider the reality of their eventual doom or that they have the option to jump out of the pan. Instead they dutifully line up, dragging along their children and grandchildren for another dose of kool-aid.
1. While you are scouring Al Gores internet searching for facts, please point out where conservative posters here are "always complaining". It would be very telling for you to point out the difference between jabbing and complaining. I need not follow my own advice and point out to you where leftie/socialists go off the rails. All you have to do is spend one minute reading some of the above posts.
2. Regarding your constact facts BS, I will follow and agree with Thom Hartmann's statement that he is not a journalist but he is just expressing his opinion. I will do the same and if it bothers you please do not respond. It will ease your IBS and keep you much healthier.
Simply put, 83% of the tax cut benefits go to corporations and the wealthy, 17% to everyone else.
Also, it will add, at minimum, $1.5 trillion more to the debt. That will trigger automatic spending cuts which will diminish funding for Medicare, Medicaid, small business, education, rural and farm subsidies, higher education, and everything else non-military. (as you know that the GOP will always increase military spending).
The average American will lose more in government programs and services than they will gain in tax cuts. The average member of the bottom 60% economically will average a gain of $1/week.
Somebody has to pay for the corporate wealthy's new gift from the GOP. As always, as I found out when working on this article, that will be the majority who received their single bag of peanuts up front. (You also have agreed to give the peanuts back in 2025)
Oh Dear Kend, Please forgive us for not turning the other cheek while we stand by and watch our democracy being stolen out from under our feet by a pathological lying, con-man thug and his sycophantic ass kissers. After all, who could deny the incredible achievements of the his majesty, Donald J. Trump. and his amazing turn around of the economy that was losing 850 thousand jobs a month when the Black African American was president? Who could doubt the amazing turn around of the stock market that had lost half its value when the N-word president was running the show? Who could deny the incredible turn around since the time when houses lost half their value and evictions were at record levels while the leftwing commie Kenyan was president? Who could imagine such a miraculous economic recovery since the crazy socialist leftwing Obama plunged us into the worst recession since the great depression? Not to mention the American auto crisis that nearly shut down all our major auto companies and the free fall of our banks and loan companies during the horrible and terrible rein of the terrible dictator Obama.
Yes, were an ungrateful bunch. Trump certainly deserves all the credit for turning around all the terrible things that Obama did to this country.
What? What…all these terrible things actually happened during the Conservative Bush administration? What…Bush left the economy in shambles and it was actually Obama that did all these things to turn around the housing crisis, the auto industry crisis, the home mortgage crisis and the banking crisis? What…it was Bush that lied us into a never ending war that has plunged the US into trillions of dollars of new debt?
But of course, Republican conservatives expect us to bow down and kiss the ass of this pussy-grabbing , thin-skinned, egomaniacal blowhard that actually lost the election by 3 million votes, despite the help of his Russian oligarch buddies and treasonous Republican vote suppressing, confederates. Yes, we are supposed to kneel down and kiss the ring of Herr Trump as he takes credit for all the progress that was made during the Obama era and rides the prosperity tidal wave of the Obama presidency. Even as he re-institutes the very same policies of the Bush era that brought the economy and the country to its knees.
But just like he inherited the wealth of his father and takes credit for being a financial genius, now he takes credit of the achievements of the previous administration and pretends to be a great president. And of course, his bigot sycophant supporters believe every word of their great white savior.
I know! How could we not be gracious by not honoring Trump's one great achievement…the 2 trillion dollar looting of the treasury for the purpose of doling out massive tax breaks to his billionaire supporters while tossing out chicken feed to his drooling, wide eyed, adoring followers?
I'm sorry Kend, if I don't bend over and take a good rightwing fucking like Obama did when he chose not to seek accountability for the crimes and excesses and treasonous doings of the Bush/Cheney cabal. But war is war! Republicans have declared war on American democracy and need to be held accountable.
Listening for Republican bragging about the stock market. Crickets. Trump is itching for war. To the point that they do not want South Korea talking to North Korea as it could mess up the war. Even Lindsey Grahem is pushing for war. South Korea and North korea will have millions of deaths in a war. LET THEM TALK!
Thank you, Thom, for helping us stay sane in a time of mass insanity, with constant prospects of ever greater madness. I'm a retired psychiatrist and convinced that Trump is in and out of a paranoid distortion of reality in order to shore up his constant need for narcissistic reassurance and self-esteem support. He has managed to show-boat his way into such prominence among a certain weak-minded sector of our frustrated citizenry that they are now engulfed in his delusions of persecution and grandeur. I call this condition "folie a foule", or the madness of the crowd. You may or may not be familiar with Charles McKay's 1852 treatise,"Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds", but it certainly applies to this Trump phenomenon and these mass delusional episodes always go south eventually. Freud, were he still alive, would no doubt be warning us about the "thanatos" or death instinct driving the intentional destruction of the democratic republic it has taken our brave forefathers two hundred and forty two years to build. Trump and his zombie force are destroying America and the Republicans are largely standing by and clapping. They are, by all definitions, insane and far right-wing deconstructionist Republicans, Libertarians, and media, especially the Rupert Murdoch mouthpiece FOX News, have taken them there. FOX runs Trump's brain, as it maximally feeds his constant need for adoration, at all cost to the nation. Trump is a Russian asset and anyone who doubts this has not been paying attention to the MSM. Mueller better get off his Republican ass and set Trump straight or we won't have a country worth saving very soon. Perhaps Wall Street will grow a conscience and rein-in the Goldman Sachs cabinet, but I'm not holding my breath. The rest of the world, other than a tiny group of fellow dictators, are aghast at what we are allowing to happen to what had been the great democratic experiment--a symbol for all the rest of the oppressed peoples of the world. Now, we've become little more than just another two-bit dictatorship, supported by a legislative chamber filled with clapping seals and a populace that just doesn't want to see anymore of Hillary Rodham Clinton or her ilk, and are willing to sell their souls toward that goal. We have lost our way and your honest, sincere, thoughtful voice stands out for history to remember. If I were'nt retired and living on SS, I'd send you money, but I gave every last spare nickel to Senator Sander's campaign and look what the Democratic machine did to him. Thank you and carry on!
Page 2 #3. I agree with your 3 points. Especially that in 1974 we did not have Fox News brainwashing the weak minded. Interesting it was Nixon that proposed GOP TV which eventually became Fox News. Your third point is the result of Fox News and others. The Republican Party has dumbed down the population.
Another excellent Democratic Progressive Candidate is Kamala Harris.
Why don't we give Trump 2.5 billion for the wall, and tell him he can have another 2.5 billion after Mexico reimburses us for the first 2.5 billion.
Hotcoffee #50
From what I've "now" read about Tulsi Gabbard, yes she sounds like a politician l would support for higher office. Elizabeth Warren would be another. But l NEVER was a Hillary supporter...
Yes, l went into the voting booth ( and held my nose ever so tight) and pulled the lever for her. And if circumstance repeated.. Considering the two choices we had... I'd do it again!
And whats this shit... throwing rocks into the left wing sexual predator pond?
Do you really want to go there?
Because the right wing sexual predator pond is wide and deep too!!
How about Roger Ailes or Bill O'Reilly or Roy Moore, or Patrick Meehan... Or... The womanizing, " pussy grabbing," commander n chief, himself!!
Hypocrisy cuts both ways...
What is interesting is the "distraction" factor so common among those that just will not face the simple truth. Why is it that those that think to the "far right" (what the hell is that supposed to mean?) call the "other side" leftie/socialists and so on...and so on.. Jeepers, get off of the Hillary Clinton downer...for christ's sake...enough! When I was young and in trouble for something I did, I was not allowed to try and side-step by calling out what someone else did, or was doing. Okay, already! Hillary did not win, is not the president and has nothing to do with what Mr. Trump says and does! He does that all on his very own. By the way, the Presidential Campaign is over, Trump got elected. Legally or otherwise (unfortunately, from my point of view).
I don't necessarily agree with her or tactics she used, is using, will use in the future. What I am sick of is the far-right "faction". The damn civil war is over, and if a person can't stick to the problem at hand without drifting off into la la land, they will never solve any problem or even come close to finding resolution. You just want to hate and jab at others all the time. I am not responsible for anyone else's actions. I stand alone. If others do something I don't think is the proper or right thing to do, I have the right to disagree and call them out on it. Quit getting off on personal tangents and stick to the relevancy of the issues.
So looking back we know some in the FBI sabatoged the point of trying to get him to commit sucide... so we know there can be corruption. Why not lay everything out on the table so we can all see what's going on?
I don't trust whats going on especially considering all the bias texts between the lovers,et al. Do you? Why?
Why have SECRET courts? Lay out the case for all to see.
Yes Legend. I remember it well. My parents followed it closely.
There is striking similarities. But also stark differences.
When Nixon had Archibald Cox fired as the special prosecutor of the Watergate investigation. It energized congress to start the impeachment process. But back then both branches of congress were controlled by the Democrats.
Unfortunately that's not the case this time..
[Another reason why the midterms are so IMPORTANT!]
Back in the early 70s, we had hundreds of legitimate, unbiased, news agencies that actually had investigative journalists.
Unfortunately that's also not the case this time..
Now we have a small handful of giant corporate media conglomerates with slanted political ideologies, who cater to a specific group of followers. And their only interest is in spreading propaganda and making a profit... Offering nothing more than sensationalism with one line headlines. And absolutely no investigative journalism anymore.
And one of the most stark differences between then and now is..
Back then we actually had a well informed public who (regardless of political views) wanted to see a crook brought to justice!!
All politicians spend most of their time raising money.....from whom??? Corporations...that rule the world.
Vote with your pocket book. It might not be much, it's better than stupid hats...and loud vulgar remarks.
# 45
Finally a reasoned and well thought out response... agreeable or not.
To the contrary, I actually showed you a progressive, assertive democratic woman.
I think you passed over my comment because she has all you claim to like, yet is cappable of maintaining her dignity in the process. Her name is Tulsi Gabbard, Dem. Hawaii.
Please tell me ....what ISN"T hippocritical about a bunch of Harvey Winestein huggers..Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner lovers calling out Trump with Pussy hats. You claim that Trump offends the children with his tweets, yet the fowl mouths on the left betray your claims.You claim to stand for women, but vote for someone who tried every way she could to destroy women for exposing her husband....give me a break!
All you are doing is muddying up the truth so you won't have to discuss the facts.
I know it's wide & deep but perhaps you should pull your head out of hillary's.....
I remember Watergate also. It would seem to be even more scary, as it seems the "faction" that backs this country's leader are far more corrupt and you watch stupid crap coming out of the woodworks. Makes me wonder if it can be stopped. (?)
You are definitely on to something there Jefflisse. I don't know when ( I wonder if anyone does) it started to happen, but it is at a level far surpassing when it originated. We have been slowly spoon-fed all of the above in your comment. Subliminal. That is why I say that we need to STOP the current way we think of most things. Facts are different than opinions of something. However, as a man I used to work with said, "If you put up the bluff long enough, people wil eventually give you the benefit of the doubt".
It is unfortunately an inert ability, that seems to have outgrown its' original intent. To be trusting of those around you, like children around the adults we grew up with. Some adults are devious and prey on the children. We used to have a natural impluse to believe and trust. However, we unfortunately have to live in a culture that is full of constant marketing where we are inundated with this and that, and feel like we have to make emotional decisions immediately or we will be frowned upon by others. I say to more. My decisions are made by strict observation and forthright evidence to ensure it is right.
When we purchase fuel for our automobiles, we surely believe it is not watered down and cause us to have problems with our cars. How long would we tolerate for this kind of thing to happen? The same goes for the political end of nonsense. I for one do not feel like I would follow the leader if he was going to step off of a cliff (with him the only one wearing a parachute) and believe it was going to be okay. I think not. However, there are those that will and do just that. Therefore, we have the problems we now have.
For those that are not old enough to remember Watergate and how it played out for 2 years. This Russiagate is very similar.
Sore losers...
We are ALL the losers! RIGHT and LEFT!!
At least us on the LEFT can "see" it! Our once great "Democracy"...
The "envy of the world" according to Kend. Has been subverted and taken over by the corporate elite.
The puppet masters who are pulling the strings in..not just our federal and state houses! But, in damn near everything we need to survive in this world! They control most of the...
Food we eat.
Energy we use.
Currency we spend.
Health care we need.
Media we digest.
Weapons we buy.
The roof over our heads.
The clothes on our backs.
The drugs we're addicted to...
And yes, even the toilet paper we use to wipe our asses everyday!!
It is disheartning to read the response of vitriol and sarcasm from those that feel a "blind loyalty" to anyone, either out of fear or ignorance in holding condemnation to others who do their homework in discovering the wrongdoing, or possible wrongdoing of someone in a leadership role. How long would our personal communities, churches, law enforcement, schools and places of employment last if we allowed a few "diehards" loyal to the one responsible for undermining true value, to continue in their personal and possibly profitable ventures without being called on the carpet.
It isn't as if "nothing" is going on. Contrary to popular "belief" SOMETHING is going on to make others sit up and pay attention. President Trump likes to make the people of this country think that just because he is President, that he has our needs in mind. Wouldn't seem so, just by "objective" observation. People, it seems, have become distracted by their own subjective mind-set, let alone their cell phones, and uninformed ego's to a point of not being able to sort through the chaos with any kind of opinion that makes sense (common sense). Trump is not a King, a deity, a god, or an exalted leader. His demeanor, his language (body and vernacular) give him away so many times. I hold no hate for anyone. I do however, have come to distrust and disrespect him on many levels.
I think a good percentage of people have lost the ability to discern any information that is given, rather they just utilize reactionary measure to those they oppose which speak on observation to any situation regardless if it is their own family, their political party, President (they voted for) or any person they blindly follow. Case in point: How many priests' have been brought out of hiding and prosecuted for their sex crimes. Or, because a person is Catholic, just could not subscribe to the idea that they did wrong?
As Thom has pointed out. How many laws and changes to correct wrongdoing in the past have been implemented to prevent and block the way people have been treated and created to protect environment, persons and human rights, etc. to allow one.....just one ( with the backing and "vetting" of the percentage of certain citizens) to change it all with the whimsical sweep of the hand, so to speak? It defies common sense, period.
Like those that believe our blood is blue. Even after being demonstrated with pure science that our blood is red, there are still those that go, "nope, our blood is blue", and will believe it until they pass out of our dimension. That is scary for sure. Then there is our Republican "Party" full of followers whom really have one adenda......themselves. It isn't rocket science folks! Plain old OBSERVATION! When you write an address on an envelope, do you notice if it is correct? If not, will it reach its destination? The same goes for anything in this world, our PLANET, If it doesn't look right I don't care how much you feel loyal to an ideal, it must change to the proper address to complete its mission.
Diane, It is your constant repetition of low IQ complaining. There is nothing intelligent about it and you are contstantly repeating the same thing. Your calling people names is really immature. Where did you get that from? Oh yeah, the immature POTUS.
At least, Daffy Di, we are aware of the loss that the nation and the world is suffering under the moronic, delusional, so called leadership of our first Russian president, while the Trumpers, like the frog in the slowly heated pan of water, are blissfully pigheaded, content to never consider the reality of their eventual doom or that they have the option to jump out of the pan. Instead they dutifully line up, dragging along their children and grandchildren for another dose of kool-aid.
Hey, Rick Steve;
1. While you are scouring Al Gores internet searching for facts, please point out where conservative posters here are "always complaining". It would be very telling for you to point out the difference between jabbing and complaining. I need not follow my own advice and point out to you where leftie/socialists go off the rails. All you have to do is spend one minute reading some of the above posts.
2. Regarding your constact facts BS, I will follow and agree with Thom Hartmann's statement that he is not a journalist but he is just expressing his opinion. I will do the same and if it bothers you please do not respond. It will ease your IBS and keep you much healthier.
#39. Another fact free, meaningless post from Diane. That all that right wing trolls do.
Simply put, 83% of the tax cut benefits go to corporations and the wealthy, 17% to everyone else.
Also, it will add, at minimum, $1.5 trillion more to the debt. That will trigger automatic spending cuts which will diminish funding for Medicare, Medicaid, small business, education, rural and farm subsidies, higher education, and everything else non-military. (as you know that the GOP will always increase military spending).
The average American will lose more in government programs and services than they will gain in tax cuts. The average member of the bottom 60% economically will average a gain of $1/week.
Somebody has to pay for the corporate wealthy's new gift from the GOP. As always, as I found out when working on this article, that will be the majority who received their single bag of peanuts up front. (You also have agreed to give the peanuts back in 2025)
I see it's another sore loser day in leftie/socialist land. The two most secure jobs in America, feather-brains therapist and pharmacist.
Thanks for the morning humor and Merry Christmas!!!
Nice rant stopgap... You and deepspace both have a flair for words. Very well said!
Oh Dear Kend, Please forgive us for not turning the other cheek while we stand by and watch our democracy being stolen out from under our feet by a pathological lying, con-man thug and his sycophantic ass kissers. After all, who could deny the incredible achievements of the his majesty, Donald J. Trump. and his amazing turn around of the economy that was losing 850 thousand jobs a month when the Black African American was president? Who could doubt the amazing turn around of the stock market that had lost half its value when the N-word president was running the show? Who could deny the incredible turn around since the time when houses lost half their value and evictions were at record levels while the leftwing commie Kenyan was president? Who could imagine such a miraculous economic recovery since the crazy socialist leftwing Obama plunged us into the worst recession since the great depression? Not to mention the American auto crisis that nearly shut down all our major auto companies and the free fall of our banks and loan companies during the horrible and terrible rein of the terrible dictator Obama.
Yes, were an ungrateful bunch. Trump certainly deserves all the credit for turning around all the terrible things that Obama did to this country.
What? What…all these terrible things actually happened during the Conservative Bush administration? What…Bush left the economy in shambles and it was actually Obama that did all these things to turn around the housing crisis, the auto industry crisis, the home mortgage crisis and the banking crisis? What…it was Bush that lied us into a never ending war that has plunged the US into trillions of dollars of new debt?
But of course, Republican conservatives expect us to bow down and kiss the ass of this pussy-grabbing , thin-skinned, egomaniacal blowhard that actually lost the election by 3 million votes, despite the help of his Russian oligarch buddies and treasonous Republican vote suppressing, confederates. Yes, we are supposed to kneel down and kiss the ring of Herr Trump as he takes credit for all the progress that was made during the Obama era and rides the prosperity tidal wave of the Obama presidency. Even as he re-institutes the very same policies of the Bush era that brought the economy and the country to its knees.
But just like he inherited the wealth of his father and takes credit for being a financial genius, now he takes credit of the achievements of the previous administration and pretends to be a great president. And of course, his bigot sycophant supporters believe every word of their great white savior.
I know! How could we not be gracious by not honoring Trump's one great achievement…the 2 trillion dollar looting of the treasury for the purpose of doling out massive tax breaks to his billionaire supporters while tossing out chicken feed to his drooling, wide eyed, adoring followers?
I'm sorry Kend, if I don't bend over and take a good rightwing fucking like Obama did when he chose not to seek accountability for the crimes and excesses and treasonous doings of the Bush/Cheney cabal. But war is war! Republicans have declared war on American democracy and need to be held accountable.