Recent comments

  • What New Hell Will Trump Rain Down on America Next?   4 years 34 weeks ago

    Although you have provided no references to back up any of your charges, I have no reason to doubt your research even though strongly disagreeing with your conclusions. There's a reason Minnesota is still considered a swing state in presidential politics, however. Here are some stats from the Pew Research Center.

    Systemic racism built into America's domestic police forces is inherently a right-wing mentality transcending politics, but if you are a filthy racist then the chances are that you will vote Republican and that you are an ardent, blind Trump admirer, which certainly doesn't mean that if you are a Republican then you are an automatic racist. There are many good Republicans who make valid points. They're just getting harder to find in Trumptopia.

    But this is all of America's problem no matter the stripes of her citizenry. And it's been going on far too long -- since European invaders first started displacing, torturing, and murdering millions of indigenous peoples, and introducing slavery on a massive scale, displacing, torturing, and murdering millions of African people.

    Back to election politics:

    If Republicans insist on falsely pinning the so-called "evils" of socialism on Democrats, which they've pulled out of their collective butt (Fux News, Hate Radio, and the Swampnet) -- all the while enjoying the benefits of socialism in their everyday lives brought to them by Democrats fighting Republicans tooth and nail for the last 100 years or so -- then they should live with the well-deserved label of FASCIST, which is an accurate rendering of their right-wing policies and undemocratic mindset lo these many decades.

    Or do you not know the general arc of the history of modern American politics that has culminated with a low-IQ, egomaniacal racist occupying the Executive Branch, who loves unleashing stormtroopers against peaceful citizens exercising their right to peacefully assemble and redress their grievances, and a Republican Senate in the pocket of Wall Street tycoons? Indeed, the low-information and sadly misinformed wingers in Minneapolis and across America "should reconsider how they cast their ballot[s]."

    Absolutely, certain right-wing Democratic leaders (yes, wingerism has infected both major parties) are guilty as hell (Mayor Deblasio) insofar as they follow the lead of their Republican fellow fascists. That is fundamentally changing as we speak, so politicos on both sides of the aisle had better start listening to the People shouting (and dying) in the streets.

    Be safe. Wear a mask. Honor social distancing guidelines.

  • What New Hell Will Trump Rain Down on America Next?   4 years 34 weeks ago

    You blame Trump and I look at the leadership of states and cities.

    I did a bit of research on the politics of the state and city where this recent police issue started, that being Minneapolis Minnesota.

    Minneapolis is a city with a long history of democrat mayors and currently, twelve of the thirteen city council members are democrats with the thirteenth being a member of the green party. Both the senators that represent Minnesota are democrats as well as the governor and the Minnesota House is comprised of a large majority of democrats.

    The city has a progressive chief of police that was preceded by another progressive chief of police. The Hennepin county Sherriff is an openly gay progressive.

    The people of Minneapolis are represented by Ilhan Omar and Dean Phillips both far left politicians.

    Every single executive office in the state is held by a democrat or an officially declared non-partisan. There is not one republican holding a statewide office in Minnesota.

    I wonder if the solution to what ails Minneapolis is giving more unaccountable power to democrats.

    I hear the “protesters” shouting for change, maybe the citizens of Minneapolis should reconsider how they cast their ballot.

  • How immunity for cops and Facebook kills Americans   4 years 34 weeks ago

    By observing of his actions! This leaderless mismanagement potus is not a "very stable genius"... Shame!

    Outcomes appear to suggest stimulation of one's genitals with one's tiny hand

  • Coronavirus Crash: Worse Than Great Depression?   4 years 34 weeks ago

    I was cured from herpes with herbal Med Email:(( Robinsonbucler@ gmail )). com

  • Does congress have the courage to impeach Trump again?   4 years 34 weeks ago

    Why would it be "stupid?" At least it is showing that there are members of this government that willing stand with the American citizens and stand up against Trump. This is a watershed moment and history and our children/ our children's children will judge us.

  • How Trump's promotion of mask stupidity could lose him the election   4 years 34 weeks ago

    Did I miss your condemnation of the protestors, looters, and rioter's lack of respect for social distancing and proper mask attire during their shoulder to shoulder marches and subsequent invasions of every business that had a glass window? Seems logical that screaming loudly through masks made out of a single layer of cotton or their hundreds of maskless interviews shouting into any convenient reporters microphone only to have that reporter immediately hand the mic to the next protestor would be a very dangerous practice.

    If the lockdown/mask mantra was the correct path, we should see millions of new cases of the Chinese virus starting Monday, June 8.

  • Does congress have the courage to impeach Trump again?   4 years 34 weeks ago

    Maybe a better question:

    Is congress stupid enough to attempt another impeachment?

  • Does congress have the courage to impeach Trump again?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is important. Thank.

  • Does congress have the courage to impeach Trump again?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is important. Thank.

  • How Trump's promotion of mask stupidity could lose him the election   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is about advertisement on your website. Thank.

  • How Trump's promotion of mask stupidity could lose him the election   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is about advertisement on your website. Thank.

  • How Trump's promotion of mask stupidity could lose him the election   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? I'ts important. Thank.

  • How Trump's promotion of mask stupidity could lose him the election   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? I'ts important. Thank.

  • Friday 29 May '20 show notes   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Hi ulTRAX

    The forum messages have been removed from the website now.

    Stay safe!


  • Friday 29 May '20 show notes   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Off topic.... are the old forum posts archived but at a new URL?


  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Where is moderator?? I'ts important. Thank.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Where is moderator?? I'ts important. Thank.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Heartily agree with Zman about Thom’s 6/1 “End the Looting” post being "the most cogent, comprehensive, and concise bits of writing on the subject..." I’d just add, "maybe ever written." Many thanks, Thom. Maybe it's too real and too true for most people to absorb all at once, even though many of us have lived through it all. Many of us have come to believe in the Bizarro way it continues to be presented to us, as "trickle-down," for example, or we’ve just gotten numb. But the richest looters in the history of the world may have finally pushed too far, if the fires burning in the streets can inspire massive peaceful protests that stand in as the harbinger of a pitchfork mob, maybe the only way the looters will admit defeat and stop their crimes against humanity and the planet. And stating their crimes elegantly and succinctly as Thom did is a great step forward, to help us wrap our brains around the insanity of recent history and the urgency to change.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago


    It's being more evident every day that there are 2 groups here, being conveniently conflated as one.

    There are peaceful - though sometimes passionate, protestors. There is also an organized group through social media causing the disruotion, violence and looting, in the name of the protestors. It's frustrating that the media calls these people "protestors", because they are not. I'm seeing the same faces locally, and nationally on the news - they are not there during the day - they come out around 9 PM each night. They are neally all white, and likely organized by Right Wing organizors - no different than the disinformation during 2016 - and have no stake in protecting African American rights. We just know more about this strategy now.

    It's time we wake up and understand this before it destroys not just the movement supporting police violence, but the destruction of our demacracy.

    This is the same symptom that we saw in the 2016 election - just in different clothes.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is important. Regards.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is important. Regards.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Where is moderator?? It is about advertisement on your website. Thank.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Where is moderator?? It is about advertisement on your website. Thank.

  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

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  • How Do We End the Looting?   4 years 35 weeks ago

    Hello everyone. with expedition... I will buy cheap coffee machine Bosch CTL any model. Gone, repair, does not matter. Can be bust. For repair parts. P.S. Thank you very much ... You can reply to the Tel.:8808527353.

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