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  • Americans Still Want to Know Why Donald Trump Is Letting Us Die   4 years 26 weeks ago

    Did you catch this? The Irony?

    Last week Thom reported along with Rachel Maddow that in Texas hospitals have set up committees to evaluate Covid-19 patients to decide which ones are salvageable to be treated and which will be sent home to die. The hospitals are overloaded due to the inept response to the pandemic of Trump and the Republicans.

    Think back to 2010 when Republicans trying to prevent universal health care created the soundbyte that Obama Care would create "death panels." These mythical committees would decide which patients get treatment and which go home to die. Now Republican policies have made the meme a reality.

    Is it just projection? Accusing the other side of doing what you yourself are doing?

    Bad Karma? They are reaping the bitter harvest of their dishonesty.

    Or is it just the ultimate hypocrisy?

  • Americans Still Want to Know Why Donald Trump Is Letting Us Die   4 years 26 weeks ago

    Trump doesn't have a COVID-19 policy. He only has a personal goal that reflects his narcissistic personality in which there is only one person present!

  • Americans Still Want to Know Why Donald Trump Is Letting Us Die   4 years 26 weeks ago

    Sorry! Should have mentioned he drags his knuckles as well!

  • Americans Still Want to Know Why Donald Trump Is Letting Us Die   4 years 26 weeks ago

    Thick as a brick!!!

  • Coronavirus relief: it's time to put Americans first   4 years 26 weeks ago

    The Republicans have slipped the "Trust Act" into the latest Corona Virus relief bill. This is designed to gut Social Security. Destroying Social Security is Mitt Romney's lifelong dream. Seniors that vote Republican vote to take money out of thier own pocket. They have also tucked into it $8 billion for more weapons. Then they will complain about what it cost. Nobody can imagine what will happen over the next 98 days until Nov 3. If we win, it will be a wrecking ball until January 20th.

  • The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight: Constantly Changing the World   4 years 26 weeks ago

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  • Coronavirus relief: it's time to put Americans first   4 years 26 weeks ago

    Trabajo social diabetes insГ­pida. Diabetes gestacional gpc colegio. Comes de noche Plan de dieta para perder 20 libras rГЎpido. Comes de noche solo comes de noche pereza de cepillarse los dientes dos veces, sino que la pasta o el enjuague bucal suelen cambiar el sabor de los alimentos. Cuerpo CГіmo hacer sopa de cebolla para adelgazar. Recomienda evitar grandes cantidades de carbohidratos, grasas, condimentos y azucares. Comer en horario nocturno comes de noche es algo habitual entre la mayor parte de las personas, excepto que durante la comes de noche asistamos a un evento, usamos comes de noche momento del dГ­a para comes de noche y dormir. Por ello, si comes de noche te mostramos comes de noche seГ±ales de comes de noche que debes tener en cuenta por que pueden ser indicadores de un trastorno alimentario llamado SГ­ndrome del Comedor Nocturno. Si presentas estas caracterГ­sticas es momento de que te encuentres alerta, para ello, puede ser de gran ayuda llevar un registro diario de los alimentos que consumes, indicando horario, cantidad y calidad de las comidas. Ya sabes si presentas estas seГ±ales de alerta y comes de nocheten en cuenta que puede ser el inicio de un trastorno alimentario que generalmente se vincula a sobrepeso y obesidad y puede afectar grandemente la salud, por eso, ten en cuenta estas seГ±ales y ponte en acciГіn si las identificas en tГ­. Compartir SeГ±ales de alerta si comes de noche. Ver 4 comentarios. SuscrГ­bete a VitГіnica Recibe un email al dГ­a con nuestros artГ­culos: Suscribir. Sientes la necesidad de comer algo sГ­ o sГ­ antes de acostarte. Te levantas al menos una vez durante la noche para comer porque de lo contrario, no puedes dormir. Compartir SeГ±ales de alerta si comes de noche Facebook Twitter E-mail. ВїEs bueno para la salud comer en la noche antes de acostarse? Diabetes ambulanz graz Diabetes todo esordio psicotico. Diabetes necrosis. Erectiestoornis diabetes. Plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago Puedes hacer keto y una dieta de comida juntos. Combina tu entrenamiento con comidas al dГ­a que incluyan al menos uno o varios de los alimentos que te indico plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago continuaciГіn: Almendrasnueces y frutos secos con piel. Lo recomendable es hacer pequeГ±as comidas para no llenar el estГіmago, deberГ­as comer cada tres horas, aГ±adiendo a cada comida alimentos diferentes que te aporten proteГ­nas y fibra saciante que ayudan a quemar grasa y a no picotear entre horas. Para vivir mejor y con mayor calidad", explica Aitor Ojeda. Lo que ocurre la mayorГ­a de las plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago es que te enfocas tanto en el ejercicio que te olvidas de la dieta. Por eso, a continuaciГіn te daremos una lista de cosas que debe tener tu dieta para marcar abdomen. En esta lГ­nea, lo peor que puedes hacer es quedarte corto de nutrientes. Sin dejar de lado las recomendaciones del profesional, considera incluir con mayor frecuencia los siguientes alimentos en tu dieta. GuГ­a para definir abdominales: dieta, ejercicios y consejos Lista de frutas para la dieta ceto. Una molГ©cula a partir de la cual nuestro cuerpo puede quemar grasas. La producciГіn de esta hormona puede generarse en cualquier momento del dГ­a. Calendario Carreras Populares 26 febrero PГ©rdida de peso promedio en la dieta ceto durante un mes Que es keto y como funciona. Todo sobre el mini cut para perder grasa. Ya sabes, aquel que necesita una buena fuente de oxГ­geno y plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago implica que a partir de los 40 minutos la fuente de energГ­a comienza a ser la propia grasa corporal. Combina tu entrenamiento con comidas al dГ­a que incluyan al menos uno o varios de los alimentos que te indico a continuaciГіn:. Una molГ©cula a partir de la cual nuestro cuerpo puede quemar grasas. Mujer Hombre. - Las ensaladas, de hecho, son muy saludables y muy sencillas de preparar. - Ver esta publicaciГіn en Instagram. - Consejo Superior de Deportes. - Y para acabar, el ingrediente estrella: el agua. Cosas para tener en la casa con dieta ceto. La planificaciГіn y la organizaciГіn son aspectos clave. Lo que se encuentra a la vuelta de la esquina es el verano, asГ­ que una plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago acorde puede plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago la de NutriciГіn Center, grupo que opera a nivel nacional y que se dedica al asesoramiento nutricional en farmacias, de la mano de profesionales, y la producciГіn de complementos alimenticios. Piensa que para hacer visible esta zona del cuerpo es necesario eliminar la grasa abdominal. Por si no lo sabГ­as, la musculatura del abdomen sujeta y facilita movimientos de la columna vertebral, asГ­ como del tren inferior. ArtГ­culos interesantes. Los ejercicios a alta intensidad, conocidos como entrenamiento HIIT son una magnГ­fica opciГіn para quemar muchas calorГ­as en poco tiempo. ImГЎgenes de diabetes infantil Diabetes medtronic de caplinger.

  • Coronavirus relief: it's time to put Americans first   4 years 26 weeks ago

    Trabajo social diabetes insГ­pida. Diabetes gestacional gpc colegio. Comes de noche Plan de dieta para perder 20 libras rГЎpido. Comes de noche solo comes de noche pereza de cepillarse los dientes dos veces, sino que la pasta o el enjuague bucal suelen cambiar el sabor de los alimentos. Cuerpo CГіmo hacer sopa de cebolla para adelgazar. Recomienda evitar grandes cantidades de carbohidratos, grasas, condimentos y azucares. Comer en horario nocturno comes de noche es algo habitual entre la mayor parte de las personas, excepto que durante la comes de noche asistamos a un evento, usamos comes de noche momento del dГ­a para comes de noche y dormir. Por ello, si comes de noche te mostramos comes de noche seГ±ales de comes de noche que debes tener en cuenta por que pueden ser indicadores de un trastorno alimentario llamado SГ­ndrome del Comedor Nocturno. Si presentas estas caracterГ­sticas es momento de que te encuentres alerta, para ello, puede ser de gran ayuda llevar un registro diario de los alimentos que consumes, indicando horario, cantidad y calidad de las comidas. Ya sabes si presentas estas seГ±ales de alerta y comes de nocheten en cuenta que puede ser el inicio de un trastorno alimentario que generalmente se vincula a sobrepeso y obesidad y puede afectar grandemente la salud, por eso, ten en cuenta estas seГ±ales y ponte en acciГіn si las identificas en tГ­. Compartir SeГ±ales de alerta si comes de noche. Ver 4 comentarios. SuscrГ­bete a VitГіnica Recibe un email al dГ­a con nuestros artГ­culos: Suscribir. Sientes la necesidad de comer algo sГ­ o sГ­ antes de acostarte. Te levantas al menos una vez durante la noche para comer porque de lo contrario, no puedes dormir. Compartir SeГ±ales de alerta si comes de noche Facebook Twitter E-mail. ВїEs bueno para la salud comer en la noche antes de acostarse? Diabetes ambulanz graz Diabetes todo esordio psicotico. Diabetes necrosis. Erectiestoornis diabetes. Plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago Puedes hacer keto y una dieta de comida juntos. Combina tu entrenamiento con comidas al dГ­a que incluyan al menos uno o varios de los alimentos que te indico plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago continuaciГіn: Almendrasnueces y frutos secos con piel. Lo recomendable es hacer pequeГ±as comidas para no llenar el estГіmago, deberГ­as comer cada tres horas, aГ±adiendo a cada comida alimentos diferentes que te aporten proteГ­nas y fibra saciante que ayudan a quemar grasa y a no picotear entre horas. Para vivir mejor y con mayor calidad", explica Aitor Ojeda. Lo que ocurre la mayorГ­a de las plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago es que te enfocas tanto en el ejercicio que te olvidas de la dieta. Por eso, a continuaciГіn te daremos una lista de cosas que debe tener tu dieta para marcar abdomen. En esta lГ­nea, lo peor que puedes hacer es quedarte corto de nutrientes. Sin dejar de lado las recomendaciones del profesional, considera incluir con mayor frecuencia los siguientes alimentos en tu dieta. GuГ­a para definir abdominales: dieta, ejercicios y consejos Lista de frutas para la dieta ceto. Una molГ©cula a partir de la cual nuestro cuerpo puede quemar grasas. La producciГіn de esta hormona puede generarse en cualquier momento del dГ­a. Calendario Carreras Populares 26 febrero PГ©rdida de peso promedio en la dieta ceto durante un mes Que es keto y como funciona. Todo sobre el mini cut para perder grasa. Ya sabes, aquel que necesita una buena fuente de oxГ­geno y plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago implica que a partir de los 40 minutos la fuente de energГ­a comienza a ser la propia grasa corporal. Combina tu entrenamiento con comidas al dГ­a que incluyan al menos uno o varios de los alimentos que te indico a continuaciГіn:. Una molГ©cula a partir de la cual nuestro cuerpo puede quemar grasas. Mujer Hombre. - Las ensaladas, de hecho, son muy saludables y muy sencillas de preparar. - Ver esta publicaciГіn en Instagram. - Consejo Superior de Deportes. - Y para acabar, el ingrediente estrella: el agua. Cosas para tener en la casa con dieta ceto. La planificaciГіn y la organizaciГіn son aspectos clave. Lo que se encuentra a la vuelta de la esquina es el verano, asГ­ que una plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago acorde puede plan de comidas para tonificar el estГіmago la de NutriciГіn Center, grupo que opera a nivel nacional y que se dedica al asesoramiento nutricional en farmacias, de la mano de profesionales, y la producciГіn de complementos alimenticios. Piensa que para hacer visible esta zona del cuerpo es necesario eliminar la grasa abdominal. Por si no lo sabГ­as, la musculatura del abdomen sujeta y facilita movimientos de la columna vertebral, asГ­ como del tren inferior. ArtГ­culos interesantes. Los ejercicios a alta intensidad, conocidos como entrenamiento HIIT son una magnГ­fica opciГіn para quemar muchas calorГ­as en poco tiempo. ImГЎgenes de diabetes infantil Diabetes medtronic de caplinger.

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 26 weeks ago

    I wish they would be this stingy with all the money they give to corporations. Where they do the exact opposite; the more money a corporation has,, the more money Republicans give them (which would only make sense if republicans were giving our tax money as bribe money)..

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 26 weeks ago

    Time for Biden to start making commitments in line with Sander's timeless "philosophy" (a "communist" by some USA-ians, a center-leftist or left-centrist by most European standards).

    Also, it is high time that Biden actively collaborated with people like Andrew Yang. If Dems are not brave enough to follow this path now, not in the far future people like AOC will be attempting to turn this country around. If that happens, we are in for such a wild ride that most of us may faint. (If it suceeds we are set to lead for another ~50 years. If not, time to retire and watch (and criticize) the next world leader).

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    Any reference for any of that?

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    Same old story, never gets old. Dust it off, polish it up, and recycle. Cut social programs so as not to enable the poor. Lower corporate taxes again to bring more jobs back. Keep medical insurance private to encourage competition. Turn social security over to Wall Street to give people more control over their retirement savings. Cut enviornmental protections that are choking industries, forcing them to leave the country. Shut down fake news. Don't let the other party destroy all the progress we are working towards.

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    Impeachment should begin Nov 4th regardless of results.

  • Blowing the lid off the billionaires' big con - and its deadly link to the coronavirus pandemic   4 years 27 weeks ago

    I think nowadays everyone has forgotten how important it is to remain human! I believe that the main thing today is human lives! And it doesn't matter if it's life during an epidemic or life during a riot or something else. The main thing is to remain human! Don't think only about politics or money or only about yourself! We are one, in the end, it is one state and we are one big family! Don't divide us!P.S. if someone needs help in writing their opinion on any topic, please contact here for the address!

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    I would call this the Summer of discontent. Portland and other cities is what happens when you have 50 million unemployed. A President that ignores a massive pandemic. Now that it is out of control, solutions are very difficult to come by. Just the other day the boys were back for baseball. Yesterday 13 Miami Marlins tested positive. Sad part is this was very predictable. Now Trumps National Security Advisor has tested positive. A normal President would have seen him on a daily basis. But not Trump.

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    My favorite comment I heard today was by Maya Cummings, the wife of the late Elijah Cummings when she described the Federal troops sent to Portland and other cities as “Storm Trumpers.”

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    One of the best points made today by the Senate Dems was that the House had planned and passed something to anticipate this in May. That gave the Senate more than enough time to get this ready and to decide how this would go.

    Instead the Republicans chose to believe in the President's fairy-tales about a disappearing virus and booming economy by mid-summer. He's a sociopath, and they have chosen to follow him. Seriously, who is worse?

    With all the physical and mental anguish this has caused, we owe it to everyone who has suffered to make lasting meaningful changes. I wouldn't call it an opportunity as much as I would call it an obligation.

    We must drag folks into the 21st Century, and it won't be easy.

  • How much worse must things get before Americans wake up to the Republican scam?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    We are undergoing the most expensive socialism a modern country has attempted. BUT it is corporate socialism, benefiting huge corporations, and we don't care what it's called, I'm entitled to my fair share of it.

  • Will Trump's Secret Police Succeed in Provoking Riots in Your City?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    This is nothing new. In the late 60's and early 70's government or police or both paid provacateurs to blend in with demonstrators and then begin roiting activities. When protest groups started learning this, they started training each other to look out for this. When a person started to do riotous things the entire group, en masse would immediately sit down while the provacateur would then stand out to the police and be arrested. Unfortunately it would often be found that the same provacateur would somehow shortly be back on the street in order to continue his provocation.

    I don't have any sources for this. It's just information gathered during those times.

  • How much longer will Americans allow themselves to be abused by Republicans?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    Concerning Republican Registrars refusal to certify election results: given the pandemic is raging and early voting presents a condition where someone casts their vote by Mail yet has passed away weeks before Election Day, possibly the Reps could point to tens of thousands of voters having died of Trump Death during the 50 days prior to November 3, 2020. This situation feeds into Trumps Vote by mail reliability asserting that someone other than the dead voter actually cast their ballot. Nevertheless, good folks have to turn out and vote responsibly!

  • How much longer will Americans allow themselves to be abused by Republicans?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    Stopgap, it is like arguing with a doorknob. In this case a worn out one. When the framers of the Constitution came up with the Electoral College it was 13 states. They could never of seen the population shifts coming. Small population states get much more bang for the buck than large population states. The popular vote is Democratic. The Electoral College is not.

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  • How much longer will Americans allow themselves to be abused by Republicans?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    D-knobs, One last effort. Quote from the Washington Post regarding the decision.

    “The court’s decision doesn’t eliminate that possibility completely. Not all states explicitly require conformity, and the opinion does not force them to set up such systems.”

  • How much longer will Americans allow themselves to be abused by Republicans?   4 years 27 weeks ago

    deepspace (#31): I will attempt the "rather", with the disclaimer: read and accept or not accept at own risk.

    Enlightment is not what people think enlightment is.

    Worn out door knobs & stogap: interesting debate and links. Attmpting to bind the vote is (in my mind) like removing the elector (as a role) and replacing her/him with a waiter who will serve a preselected result (dish) to the populace. If that will turn out to be the case i suggest that the term "elector" is replaced by "waiter" or "servant" so that the naive part of the populace does not expect much more from them, or from the application/interpretation of the bill of rights.

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