I can't speak for Thom, but I find Quote Investigator to be the most thorough of the quote fact check sites that I have seen, though sometimes a president's official archive site is more likely to have addressed the quote in question.
The D-party did well to decide Biden's VP as senator Kamala Harris. But if they ("deep" D's) really want the young people to come out and vote and support them, they still have a lot of talking (bargaining?) to do with their expert on the issue, namely senator Bernard Sanders. And they better hurry up. Last minute announcements risk of being seen as fake and intended only for a quick and "dirty" political gain.
Unless, D-party wants to ignore for the second time (second warning) its "left" (whatever that is supposed to mean) wing. There may be no third warning. Things (thanks to technology) are moving rapidly, and so does the train, which maybe ahead of its estimated time of arrival.
"I have a case for the American people. It is to deliver the ultimate verdict on the high crimes and misdemeanors of Donald. J. Trump. You are the witnesses, the victims and — most important — the judges and jury. Only you can stop him — or allow the high crime spree to continue." -- Norman Eisen
Reklama w tramwaju to miecz obosieczny, którym bardzo łatwo możemy ośmieszyć zarówno swój biznes, jak i samych siebie. Nie warto oszczędzać, chcąc wywołać zamieszanie i podziw. Należy dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby takie zabiegi marketingowe wypaliły. Także starań finansowych. Potraktuj to jako inwestycję i zgłoś się do jakiejś firmy specjalizującej się w takim marketingu w Twoim mieście.
Reklama w tramwaju to miecz obosieczny, którym bardzo łatwo możemy ośmieszyć zarówno swój biznes, jak i samych siebie. Nie warto oszczędzać, chcąc wywołać zamieszanie i podziw. Należy dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby takie zabiegi marketingowe wypaliły. Także starań finansowych. Potraktuj to jako inwestycję i zgłoś się do jakiejś firmy specjalizującej się w takim marketingu w Twoim mieście.
Just like any abuser, the most dangerous time for the victim is during the separation process. Who knows what else America will suffer by January 2021.
I just read "Dark Towers", and from that and other books, I agree Trump and his family are in deep doodoo. Actually Putin has a problem as well. With all he has stolen from the Russian people, he's afraid to leave office too. Looks like Israelis aren't waiting for Netanyahu to leave.
Rumor had it, the only reason Barr returned to DC was FOR A PAYCHECK. That could be why he doesn't want to get fired. He may be property rich and cash poor.
Perhaps, even more than Putin’s sock puppet, Trump is William Barr’s sock puppet. After all, Barr, likely has more on Trump than even Putin. It’s very possible that Barr inserted himself into the Attorney General’s job, rather than Trump making him the Attorney General.
Of course Putin wants Trump to be the President of the United States. Not because he thinks he will necessarily get a better deal from Trump, though he no doubt he will. Even more importantly, he knows a Trump presidency is the perfect vehicle to bring ruin to the United States as Trump has done to every business he has owned. Much easier for Putin to destroy the enemy from within by abetting the most incompetent, mentally unstable, bigoted and divisive person to ever inhabit the Whitehouse. The Trump time-bomb is ticking and for Putin its just a matter of waiting for the “Make America Great Again” implosion to cripple the US.
He knows it is proven that a large segment of the US is susceptible to being ruled by an authoritarian. A perfect example of this was on display at Trump’s golf course this week when a crowd of Trump’s wealthy supporters cheered him on as he issued unconstitutional, so called Executive orders and engaged in a stream of lies that were exceptionally overtly transparent, even by his standards.
I was astounded to learn that there is no solid evidence that Lincoln actually used this adage. Would you please examine its provenance?
Quote Investigator: Abraham Lincoln died in 1865. Two decades later in September 1885 a version of the adage was used in a speech by a Prohibition Party politician named William J. Groo who provided no attribution for the remark. In March 1886 another Prohibitionist politician employed the saying, and this time the words were credited to Lincoln. These citations constitute the earliest evidence of closely matching statements located by QI. Details are presented further below.
The attribution to Lincoln was wide-spread and oft-repeated, but other names were occasionally mentioned. For example, in 1899 a writer in “The Engineering Times” of London noted that the popular maxim had been credited to the famous promoter P. T. Barnum in an unnamed magazine:
The same well-known magazine credits Barnum, the showman, with the authorship of the truism, “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
We really would have thought that our contemporary, of all others, would have known that this was a famous utterance of a late President of the United States Republic.
In 2003 and 2005 the history of the quotation was analyzed in articles printed in the Newsletter of the Abraham Lincoln Association of Springfield, Illinois. The 2003 article noted that by 1904 some individuals began to claim that Lincoln had used the expression in a speech in 1858. In 1905 two newspapers, “The Chicago Tribune” and “The Brooklyn Eagle” gathered and reviewed information, but the question remained unsettled. Over time other witnesses came forward; however, no contemporaneous written evidence from the 1850s has ever been discovered. Human memories of events that transpired forty years in the past are notably unreliable.
Nothing new here folks. He has betrayed everyone who ever trusted him. His wives, his backers, his contractors, those who naively voted for him and those in his Cabinet who showed any brains. The man is incapable of telling the truth and probably believes whatever magical thinking comes out of his mouth. Hopefully in January he'll have a nice short trip from the White House to the mad house, the resort where he can live out his days rewriting history in his own mind. Sadly, there will be people who still long for him.
Reklama na pojazdach tramwajowych jest postrzegana przez wszystkich użytkowników dróg bez ograniczeń. Często linia tramwajowa dzieli pasy ruchu jak szeroka centralna wyspa. Tutaj pośrodku porusza się bez przeszkód w godzinach szczytu. A jeśli tramwaj nie jedzie na osobnym środkowym pasie, reszta ruchu musi poczekać. Ze względu na szczególną uwagę, jaką przywiązuje się do tramwaju, reklama na tramwajach jest również aktywnie postrzegana. Dlatego tramwaj przyciąga wzrok w ruchu drogowym. reklama na tramwajach należy do najciekawszych ze względu na dotarcie do klienta kampanii reklamowych
Reklama na pojazdach tramwajowych jest postrzegana przez wszystkich użytkowników dróg bez ograniczeń. Często linia tramwajowa dzieli pasy ruchu jak szeroka centralna wyspa. Tutaj pośrodku porusza się bez przeszkód w godzinach szczytu. A jeśli tramwaj nie jedzie na osobnym środkowym pasie, reszta ruchu musi poczekać. Ze względu na szczególną uwagę, jaką przywiązuje się do tramwaju, reklama na tramwajach jest również aktywnie postrzegana. Dlatego tramwaj przyciąga wzrok w ruchu drogowym. reklama na tramwajach należy do najciekawszych ze względu na dotarcie do klienta kampanii reklamowych
Rainbows on the horizon: children are immune; someday the virus will just disappear; the numbers look great -- best in the world; it's the DemocRATs' fault, and China's too; mail-in ballots are bad, very bad (except in Florida and Arizona); absentee ballots are okay though. All those COVID deaths? "It is what it is."
Re: getting money out of politics Please look at the website therevolvingdoorproject.org. The op ed, “On Climate Policy, Biden’s Advisers Reveal More Than His Proposals Do”. It outlines the people Biden is listening to from the Obama admin. who were the oil and gas fracking folks who then went into oil and gas companies, investment companies, think tanks for fossil fuel industry, and law firms. Heather Zichal, Jason Bordoff, Ernest Moniz, and Brian Deese. This article was originally on The Intercept, so you can find it there too. This is not a good sign for the Biden admin as relates to climate change and the Green New Deal. As the Dems need all of the people who voted for Bernie and others who had programs to address climate change, we surely do NOT need a dem president who does not understand the urgency of this problem. Ya think the pandemic is bad? A mask and social distancing is not going to save anyone from the destruction and violence of climate change.
Think I have "Susan Sarandon" syndrome, because I also believe DJT will be reelected.
And, this country, through all the misery and death we've sown around the globe for decades, deserves every malignant thought and deed that blossoms from his sociopathic mind.
Anyone who believes that one of history's worst liars would keep his promises or possess the ability to govern effectively and intelligently is a goddamn fool of the first order. There is only one party in the United States that attracts such hopeless fckheads like flies to sht. Guess.
And now, unbelievably, with remarkable ignorance and arrogance, these phony flag-waving, bible-thumping authoritarian followers with the minds of gnats, who are abnormal cancerous mutations on our dying democracy, have convinced themselves, and no one else, that the rest of America is as dumb as they are, that the majority of rational humans would want another four years of the lunacy, idiocy, and depravity that is the Trump "administration."
After three and a half years of a totally dysfunctional government that has brought this once great country to its knees in every possible way, Republican dead-enders who still plan on voting yet again for even more of Trump's utter insanity and evilness deserve every disgusting descriptor that can be rightfully attributed to them. They need to be laughed off the stage and ridiculed mercilessly every time they pop their stupid heads above the trenches -- for the sake of the planet, our future, and our children's future!
Vote like your life depends on it. The stakes don't get any higher.
אתם יודעים מה אני אוהב בנערות ליווי? האמת שישנם הרבה דברים נחמדים שאני אוהב אבל אחד היתרונות המרכזיים הוא האפשרות שלי לבחור בנערה בדיוק כמי שאני רוצה. עבורי זה ממש לחיות את הפנטזיה מכיוון שישנו מבחר כל כך גדול של נערות ואפשר לסנן בדיוק כפי שרוצים. אם בא לכם בחורה שחומת עור, עם חזה גדול ודוברת אנגלית פשוט תבחרו לפי התמונות. אם בא לכם לבלות עם בחורה דקיקה ובהירת עור עם אופי מזרח אירופאי גם את זה תמצאו. אני באופן אישי אוהב את הנשים האסייתיות הכנועות. הן יודעות כיצד לפנק את הגברים ולהעניק עיסויים שגורמים לי לגנוח מרוב הנאה. אז מה הבחירה שלכם? רומנטיק 69
Yes, and it always been, During dark ages, it was two types of society.
I can't speak for Thom, but I find Quote Investigator to be the most thorough of the quote fact check sites that I have seen, though sometimes a president's official archive site is more likely to have addressed the quote in question.
The D-party did well to decide Biden's VP as senator Kamala Harris. But if they ("deep" D's) really want the young people to come out and vote and support them, they still have a lot of talking (bargaining?) to do with their expert on the issue, namely senator Bernard Sanders. And they better hurry up. Last minute announcements risk of being seen as fake and intended only for a quick and "dirty" political gain.
Unless, D-party wants to ignore for the second time (second warning) its "left" (whatever that is supposed to mean) wing. There may be no third warning. Things (thanks to technology) are moving rapidly, and so does the train, which maybe ahead of its estimated time of arrival.
Mark Meadows may think Trump will lose so is trying to steal the fixtures and burn down the house before getting evicted.
"I have a case for the American people. It is to deliver the ultimate verdict on the high crimes and misdemeanors of Donald. J. Trump. You are the witnesses, the victims and — most important — the judges and jury. Only you can stop him — or allow the high crime spree to continue." -- Norman Eisen
Gee whataboob, how despicably sexist and racist of you!
How would a Trumpee know what "intelligent people" think?
"our elections are under attack from both foreign governments and the Post Office. . ."
? ? Shouldn't that be re-worded?
Hello! Very interesting post, I want to share it on my https://www.blogger.com/about/. What do you think about it?
Thom, it's Biden's VP pick week.
Surely you must agree that most intelligent people pick their pets based on gender, color, and the smell of their hair, not a VP of the United States.
If Russians are going after this little site, imagine what they have infiltrated.
This is a good one.
Reklama w tramwaju to miecz obosieczny, którym bardzo łatwo możemy ośmieszyć zarówno swój biznes, jak i samych siebie. Nie warto oszczędzać, chcąc wywołać zamieszanie i podziw. Należy dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby takie zabiegi marketingowe wypaliły. Także starań finansowych. Potraktuj to jako inwestycję i zgłoś się do jakiejś firmy specjalizującej się w takim marketingu w Twoim mieście.
Reklama w tramwaju to miecz obosieczny, którym bardzo łatwo możemy ośmieszyć zarówno swój biznes, jak i samych siebie. Nie warto oszczędzać, chcąc wywołać zamieszanie i podziw. Należy dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby takie zabiegi marketingowe wypaliły. Także starań finansowych. Potraktuj to jako inwestycję i zgłoś się do jakiejś firmy specjalizującej się w takim marketingu w Twoim mieście.
Just like any abuser, the most dangerous time for the victim is during the separation process. Who knows what else America will suffer by January 2021.
I just read "Dark Towers", and from that and other books, I agree Trump and his family are in deep doodoo. Actually Putin has a problem as well. With all he has stolen from the Russian people, he's afraid to leave office too. Looks like Israelis aren't waiting for Netanyahu to leave.
Rumor had it, the only reason Barr returned to DC was FOR A PAYCHECK. That could be why he doesn't want to get fired. He may be property rich and cash poor.
Perhaps, even more than Putin’s sock puppet, Trump is William Barr’s sock puppet. After all, Barr, likely has more on Trump than even Putin. It’s very possible that Barr inserted himself into the Attorney General’s job, rather than Trump making him the Attorney General.
Of course Putin wants Trump to be the President of the United States. Not because he thinks he will necessarily get a better deal from Trump, though he no doubt he will. Even more importantly, he knows a Trump presidency is the perfect vehicle to bring ruin to the United States as Trump has done to every business he has owned. Much easier for Putin to destroy the enemy from within by abetting the most incompetent, mentally unstable, bigoted and divisive person to ever inhabit the Whitehouse. The Trump time-bomb is ticking and for Putin its just a matter of waiting for the “Make America Great Again” implosion to cripple the US.
He knows it is proven that a large segment of the US is susceptible to being ruled by an authoritarian. A perfect example of this was on display at Trump’s golf course this week when a crowd of Trump’s wealthy supporters cheered him on as he issued unconstitutional, so called Executive orders and engaged in a stream of lies that were exceptionally overtly transparent, even by his standards.
I was astounded to learn that there is no solid evidence that Lincoln actually used this adage. Would you please examine its provenance?
Quote Investigator: Abraham Lincoln died in 1865. Two decades later in September 1885 a version of the adage was used in a speech by a Prohibition Party politician named William J. Groo who provided no attribution for the remark. In March 1886 another Prohibitionist politician employed the saying, and this time the words were credited to Lincoln. These citations constitute the earliest evidence of closely matching statements located by QI. Details are presented further below.
The attribution to Lincoln was wide-spread and oft-repeated, but other names were occasionally mentioned. For example, in 1899 a writer in “The Engineering Times” of London noted that the popular maxim had been credited to the famous promoter P. T. Barnum in an unnamed magazine:
The same well-known magazine credits Barnum, the showman, with the authorship of the truism, “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
We really would have thought that our contemporary, of all others, would have known that this was a famous utterance of a late President of the United States Republic.
In 2003 and 2005 the history of the quotation was analyzed in articles printed in the Newsletter of the Abraham Lincoln Association of Springfield, Illinois. The 2003 article noted that by 1904 some individuals began to claim that Lincoln had used the expression in a speech in 1858. In 1905 two newspapers, “The Chicago Tribune” and “The Brooklyn Eagle” gathered and reviewed information, but the question remained unsettled. Over time other witnesses came forward; however, no contemporaneous written evidence from the 1850s has ever been discovered. Human memories of events that transpired forty years in the past are notably unreliable.
Nothing new here folks. He has betrayed everyone who ever trusted him. His wives, his backers, his contractors, those who naively voted for him and those in his Cabinet who showed any brains. The man is incapable of telling the truth and probably believes whatever magical thinking comes out of his mouth. Hopefully in January he'll have a nice short trip from the White House to the mad house, the resort where he can live out his days rewriting history in his own mind. Sadly, there will be people who still long for him.
Reklama na pojazdach tramwajowych jest postrzegana przez wszystkich użytkowników dróg bez ograniczeń. Często linia tramwajowa dzieli pasy ruchu jak szeroka centralna wyspa. Tutaj pośrodku porusza się bez przeszkód w godzinach szczytu. A jeśli tramwaj nie jedzie na osobnym środkowym pasie, reszta ruchu musi poczekać. Ze względu na szczególną uwagę, jaką przywiązuje się do tramwaju, reklama na tramwajach jest również aktywnie postrzegana. Dlatego tramwaj przyciąga wzrok w ruchu drogowym. reklama na tramwajach należy do najciekawszych ze względu na dotarcie do klienta kampanii reklamowych
Reklama na pojazdach tramwajowych jest postrzegana przez wszystkich użytkowników dróg bez ograniczeń. Często linia tramwajowa dzieli pasy ruchu jak szeroka centralna wyspa. Tutaj pośrodku porusza się bez przeszkód w godzinach szczytu. A jeśli tramwaj nie jedzie na osobnym środkowym pasie, reszta ruchu musi poczekać. Ze względu na szczególną uwagę, jaką przywiązuje się do tramwaju, reklama na tramwajach jest również aktywnie postrzegana. Dlatego tramwaj przyciąga wzrok w ruchu drogowym. reklama na tramwajach należy do najciekawszych ze względu na dotarcie do klienta kampanii reklamowych
haha ...A disgust beyond description.
Rainbows on the horizon: children are immune; someday the virus will just disappear; the numbers look great -- best in the world; it's the DemocRATs' fault, and China's too; mail-in ballots are bad, very bad (except in Florida and Arizona); absentee ballots are okay though. All those COVID deaths? "It is what it is."
Don't hold back Deepspace, tell us how you really feel!
Like I said the other day, it is so predictable.
So predictable and why sports will not work.
Re: getting money out of politics Please look at the website therevolvingdoorproject.org. The op ed, “On Climate Policy, Biden’s Advisers Reveal More Than His Proposals Do”. It outlines the people Biden is listening to from the Obama admin. who were the oil and gas fracking folks who then went into oil and gas companies, investment companies, think tanks for fossil fuel industry, and law firms. Heather Zichal, Jason Bordoff, Ernest Moniz, and Brian Deese. This article was originally on The Intercept, so you can find it there too. This is not a good sign for the Biden admin as relates to climate change and the Green New Deal. As the Dems need all of the people who voted for Bernie and others who had programs to address climate change, we surely do NOT need a dem president who does not understand the urgency of this problem. Ya think the pandemic is bad? A mask and social distancing is not going to save anyone from the destruction and violence of climate change.
Think I have "Susan Sarandon" syndrome, because I also believe DJT will be reelected.
And, this country, through all the misery and death we've sown around the globe for decades, deserves every malignant thought and deed that blossoms from his sociopathic mind.
Anyone who believes that one of history's worst liars would keep his promises or possess the ability to govern effectively and intelligently is a goddamn fool of the first order. There is only one party in the United States that attracts such hopeless fckheads like flies to sht. Guess.
And now, unbelievably, with remarkable ignorance and arrogance, these phony flag-waving, bible-thumping authoritarian followers with the minds of gnats, who are abnormal cancerous mutations on our dying democracy, have convinced themselves, and no one else, that the rest of America is as dumb as they are, that the majority of rational humans would want another four years of the lunacy, idiocy, and depravity that is the Trump "administration."
The only path to his re-election (more accurately described as "re-cheating") is a massive campaign of voter suppression, which is well underway, and insidious Russian interference, which is also well underway.
After three and a half years of a totally dysfunctional government that has brought this once great country to its knees in every possible way, Republican dead-enders who still plan on voting yet again for even more of Trump's utter insanity and evilness deserve every disgusting descriptor that can be rightfully attributed to them. They need to be laughed off the stage and ridiculed mercilessly every time they pop their stupid heads above the trenches -- for the sake of the planet, our future, and our children's future!
Vote like your life depends on it. The stakes don't get any higher.
אתם יודעים מה אני אוהב בנערות ליווי? האמת שישנם הרבה דברים נחמדים שאני אוהב אבל אחד היתרונות המרכזיים הוא האפשרות שלי לבחור בנערה בדיוק כמי שאני רוצה. עבורי זה ממש לחיות את הפנטזיה מכיוון שישנו מבחר כל כך גדול של נערות ואפשר לסנן בדיוק כפי שרוצים. אם בא לכם בחורה שחומת עור, עם חזה גדול ודוברת אנגלית פשוט תבחרו לפי התמונות. אם בא לכם לבלות עם בחורה דקיקה ובהירת עור עם אופי מזרח אירופאי גם את זה תמצאו. אני באופן אישי אוהב את הנשים האסייתיות הכנועות. הן יודעות כיצד לפנק את הגברים ולהעניק עיסויים שגורמים לי לגנוח מרוב הנאה. אז מה הבחירה שלכם? רומנטיק 69