Many great solutions above. But, does anyone here REALLY believe, even with a Biden victory, anything changes? I wish I could, but, I can't, given the state of willful ignorance in today's America.
I'll still vote, but to expect anything better than personal therapy to come of it, is a bit niave..
EVERYONE should vote. Maybe our rulers, the malignant rich, want, for whatever reasons, will throw COVID 45 "under the bus".
Successful organizations can easily achieve a large audience by means of their marketing techniques. At present, it's simple to just do that on the web. With good marketing with video content, it is possible to advertise your self to the world within minutes. The ideas in the following paragraphs can help. Whenever you create a movie for marketing functions make it beneath 2 a few minutes. You need your potential audience to watch the complete meaning, and should it be too much time you can expect to possibly get rid of people because they just click away. You can always keep on a considered or concept in a follow-up movie if required. Don't only depend upon video tutorials inside your marketing campaign. They can be great marketing and advertising equipment, however, they need to not change your other marketing techniques. Videos must not substitute information production like content creation or running a blog. Video lessons must basically be employed to improve the content material inside your advertising campaign and to formulate your website link collection. If you're marketing a product, build a video clip which conveys your prospects ways to use the product. You can start with opening the package, operate by way of the best way to use it jointly, after which prove to them how they may make use of it. As a result them appreciate simply how much you value your customers. Within your marketing with video, let the viewer know why it is that you supply the goods and services you do. They can effortlessly see the things you offer you, but inform them the primary reason for it. Available, real and honest communication engenders trust, which engages new market and retains previous buyers. Video clips have to be personal to capture the viewer's interest. Be exciting, helpful, relaxed and assured along with your watchers won't change the channel, as they say. The more available and truthful you are, the greater acquired you may be. Adhere to subjects you're truly enthusiastic about as which will turn out in your demeanor. Be sure that your video clips are marketed within a two-retract fashion. Permit your existing primary audience understand that new content is up, by means of your website and email or newsletter list. Nevertheless, also make sure you promote it to new readers by means of social media blogposts and search engine marketing techniques within your budget. Anytime anyone asks a question from the remarks in your video lessons, take into account when you can answer them in yet another online video. If you believe about this, you are able to make a funny response which offers them the data they seek out together with a exciting online video if others would want to see, each of the much better! Recall what power online video marketing has around other social websites kinds. Youtube, Facebook and blogs and forums are written text mediums. Only by means of video information your passion, as well as may come via. Body vocabulary is reported to be the vast majority of connection, and lacking a face-to-face conference, a video is your after that-best choice. Make sure that your video lessons have summaries or even transcripts from the content material. Search engines like google cannot but tune in to or see video lessons to directory them correctly. So, a thorough description from the text message or computer code will likely be your best option at getting your video graded properly. Should you be just starting marketing with video, then get a video clip up once you can. Researching techniques and strategies and discovering theory and preparing is all very good. Nonetheless, there is no more effective teacher than experimentation. Get the very first video up and you will definitely become familiar with a good deal. You must currently have a greater knowledge of how to get noticed rapidly with video lessons. You will learn the cabability to establish a entire world-broad viewers. Marketing and advertising through videos can help you jump on path in order to meet your targets. Links:
Successful organizations can easily achieve a large audience by means of their marketing techniques. At present, it's simple to just do that on the web. With good marketing with video content, it is possible to advertise your self to the world within minutes. The ideas in the following paragraphs can help. Whenever you create a movie for marketing functions make it beneath 2 a few minutes. You need your potential audience to watch the complete meaning, and should it be too much time you can expect to possibly get rid of people because they just click away. You can always keep on a considered or concept in a follow-up movie if required. Don't only depend upon video tutorials inside your marketing campaign. They can be great marketing and advertising equipment, however, they need to not change your other marketing techniques. Videos must not substitute information production like content creation or running a blog. Video lessons must basically be employed to improve the content material inside your advertising campaign and to formulate your website link collection. If you're marketing a product, build a video clip which conveys your prospects ways to use the product. You can start with opening the package, operate by way of the best way to use it jointly, after which prove to them how they may make use of it. As a result them appreciate simply how much you value your customers. Within your marketing with video, let the viewer know why it is that you supply the goods and services you do. They can effortlessly see the things you offer you, but inform them the primary reason for it. Available, real and honest communication engenders trust, which engages new market and retains previous buyers. Video clips have to be personal to capture the viewer's interest. Be exciting, helpful, relaxed and assured along with your watchers won't change the channel, as they say. The more available and truthful you are, the greater acquired you may be. Adhere to subjects you're truly enthusiastic about as which will turn out in your demeanor. Be sure that your video clips are marketed within a two-retract fashion. Permit your existing primary audience understand that new content is up, by means of your website and email or newsletter list. Nevertheless, also make sure you promote it to new readers by means of social media blogposts and search engine marketing techniques within your budget. Anytime anyone asks a question from the remarks in your video lessons, take into account when you can answer them in yet another online video. If you believe about this, you are able to make a funny response which offers them the data they seek out together with a exciting online video if others would want to see, each of the much better! Recall what power online video marketing has around other social websites kinds. Youtube, Facebook and blogs and forums are written text mediums. Only by means of video information your passion, as well as may come via. Body vocabulary is reported to be the vast majority of connection, and lacking a face-to-face conference, a video is your after that-best choice. Make sure that your video lessons have summaries or even transcripts from the content material. Search engines like google cannot but tune in to or see video lessons to directory them correctly. So, a thorough description from the text message or computer code will likely be your best option at getting your video graded properly. Should you be just starting marketing with video, then get a video clip up once you can. Researching techniques and strategies and discovering theory and preparing is all very good. Nonetheless, there is no more effective teacher than experimentation. Get the very first video up and you will definitely become familiar with a good deal. You must currently have a greater knowledge of how to get noticed rapidly with video lessons. You will learn the cabability to establish a entire world-broad viewers. Marketing and advertising through videos can help you jump on path in order to meet your targets. Links:
There are two problems. Problem one reflects the issues of the current occupant and needs addressing.
Problem two is that long term we have to stop the process of elected royalty. Perhaps a president was a progressive idea in 1787, but it risks a slide to authoritarianism in the U.S. and in many other countries today.
By 1848 one country, Switzerland, had figured out that electing presidents as kings was not a good idea. The Swiss had first-hand experience with the presidential system in France and desired to do something else. The country instituted a Federal Council of seven members. The president of the Council serves one year only.
Other countries have a parliamentary system where the PM has much less power than the American presidency.
The risk of authoritarianism will continue beyond the current administration. Systems that cannot change will end up collapsing.
When we think of Trump in the future I hope it will not be kindly. It would be wealthy people like him that start wars in hopes of making more money and send the average American to fight, lose their lives and affect civilization for the future. The good old "Industrial War Machine" at work to make heros that Trump despises because they were the losers and he was the winner. It will be shameful to make him a winner for the sins of the wealthy to enjoy the spoils. It was stressed by his father that serving the country in the military was a no-no in his book and that he would not support anything at all like it. His older brother Fred chose another avenue to be his own person and Fred Senior and his wife all but disowned him at his death. Fred Jr's family also paid the price and was left nothing in the end. It was stolen from them by you know who and siblings.
There will be no easy way through or after the election. Breathe in! Breathe out!
Educate every young person on how politics affects everything they do every day of their life and the lives of those they love.
We know Joe. We are just getting acquainted with Kamala. I listened to her book, and I believe she will be exactly who she says she has grown to be.
Here's what I have noticed about AG Kamala Harris, the second you mention the word WORK she lights-up and comes to attention. So let's all take a deep breathe when the time comes, and get to work with her and Joe. Put the us back in USA and show it some LOVE.
Unfortunately, an election victory that can't be reliably recounted is not going to be enough, any more than defeat without the possibility of recount is going to be acceptable. Whether ballots are lost in the mail, or votes are switched in rigged computers, or hacked on their way to tabulating centers, or registered voters are disqualified by one of a vast array of tricks, the result is the same: vote tallies will get "certified" that can't be effectively challenged because no full and verifiable recount is possible.
As far as I can see, the only viable way out of this impasse is to do the unprecedented: gather ballot affidavits from every voter willing to stand behind their vote and challenge every vote tally that does not reach that benchmark. Doing this would be a lot of work, even if only voters in acknowledged battleground States were canvassed; but not being ready and able to provide adjudicable evidence of errors in certified vote tallies would mean the losers were simply too lazy to do what it will take to win.
It doesn't really matter that "we shouldn't have to attest our votes in order to have them counted." Yes, it's unfair and burdensome to have to sign and notarize ballot affidavits. But so what? A stolen election is even more unfair, and nobly conceding in the face of bogus results is what got us into the crisis we are now facing.
The sources above about voter fraud are so laughably skewed, that it would take far longer than one should give to the above poster to point out the results and the disingenuous nature of all of them. Concerning the story, for instance, from West Dallas, our Texas AG, Ken Paxton, had racked up exactly one conviction In their quest to root out voter fraud in Dallas County. ...and, really...John Lett Jr.? ... really?
Never say 83% or 90% with out saying that Billionaires pay the same on the first hundred thousand or first million as anyone else. The 83% or 90% applies only after the first billion or so. It is progressive taxation, not flat taxation. Republicans never seem to understand that. What is wrong with this country is the 1% has all of the money hoarded and is not trickling it down.
"Trump's reign is going to exceed the 225 criminals and lawbreakers in the Ronalkd Reagan administration. That's right; 225 of them either quit, were fired, arrested, indicted or convicted of either breaking the law or violating the ethics code. Edwin Meese, attorney general and leading law enforcement officer, alone, was investigated by four separated prosecutors." George Carlin. Are you listening William Barr? These are people who were elected with the help of the "moral majority." Organized religion and organized crime working together to make America great again. "There have been 317 criminal indictments under three Republican presidents and only three indictments under three recent Democratic presidents." Courtesy of Politifacts, December 29, 2019
The FCC, not an appointed body, and answerable only to the president, decided on its own that radio and television were the only two oparts of American life not protetcted by free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution., (This might explain why Trump tells so many lies while being recorded.)
Recent demonstration in Germany brought out the old. Qanon is the new right wing way of thinking. Qanon. Makes about as much sense as Trump or Whatabutt. Vote!
And his "University" was a scam. Or is it better characterized as fake?
Polrization has always helped extremists. Hitler was democratically elected by a relative majority thanks to his racist and divisive (we and the others) language. At least Germans learned from their mistake. Why should we not learn from theirs?
No pardons this time. No Ford to pardon Nixon, no Trump to pardon himself. We citizens have been deprived of justice before and refuse to accept it again. All of the crooks, back to the wall and nail them.
Methinks thou protestith too much, about mail in voting. I am in the process of voting by mail, and it is connected to my registration to vote. The real reason people are blocking vote by mail is because over 80% of Republicans are OK with regular (in-person) voting during a pandemic, while the same is true of only 15-20% of Democrats. This clearly amounts to blocking Democratic votes, which is the real election fraud here. Any system can be hacked, but when we have to register to vote, and provide proof of identity as we all do, I call BS.. Voter cheating would be a rare aberration; and a BS reason to support Republicans in their obvious voter suppression efforts.
I think the top tax rate should go up to 90%, because the super rich are the root cause of the corruption destroying America. Oligarchs are a clear and present danger to democracy. The super rich consolidated ownership of the news media, and turned the news into propaganda, because the only news we hear is news they want us to hear. Then sprinkle millions of dollars into battleground states at election time, because those millions of dollars have replaced what used to be known as free speech (they control the outcome of elections, and politicians are basically puppets.. whether they know it or not, the funding puts them at office, and if they go against what oligarchs what the funding will dry up). It is naïve to think Democrats as the good guys and Republicans as bad guys. Both parties are under corporate money's control, and our owners have different management styles; we could choose bat shit crazy, or moderate Republicans (if it weren't for the bat shit crazy element, it would be much more correct to say we have one party, then not).
Many great solutions above. But, does anyone here REALLY believe, even with a Biden victory, anything changes? I wish I could, but, I can't, given the state of willful ignorance in today's America.
I'll still vote, but to expect anything better than personal therapy to come of it, is a bit niave..
EVERYONE should vote. Maybe our rulers, the malignant rich, want, for whatever reasons, will throw COVID 45 "under the bus".
"Hope springs eternal"
Covid 45 doesn't need a civil war, just enough unrest to convince some morons only a "real tough guy" like him, can save them.
America deserves a gutter rat like our current "fearless leader"..Poetic justice says I..
Damn, the Bots are active. What goes around, comes around.
Americans, by design, can no longer tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
Don't ya' just love it when a plan comes together?
Right now, we are in a new form of civil war. The war started at Charlottesville in 2017.
For Whatabutt
And check your sources before posting. You should be embarrassed. Neon Nettle:
Successful organizations can easily achieve a large audience by means of their marketing techniques. At present, it's simple to just do that on the web. With good marketing with video content, it is possible to advertise your self to the world within minutes. The ideas in the following paragraphs can help. Whenever you create a movie for marketing functions make it beneath 2 a few minutes. You need your potential audience to watch the complete meaning, and should it be too much time you can expect to possibly get rid of people because they just click away. You can always keep on a considered or concept in a follow-up movie if required. Don't only depend upon video tutorials inside your marketing campaign. They can be great marketing and advertising equipment, however, they need to not change your other marketing techniques. Videos must not substitute information production like content creation or running a blog. Video lessons must basically be employed to improve the content material inside your advertising campaign and to formulate your website link collection. If you're marketing a product, build a video clip which conveys your prospects ways to use the product. You can start with opening the package, operate by way of the best way to use it jointly, after which prove to them how they may make use of it. As a result them appreciate simply how much you value your customers. Within your marketing with video, let the viewer know why it is that you supply the goods and services you do. They can effortlessly see the things you offer you, but inform them the primary reason for it. Available, real and honest communication engenders trust, which engages new market and retains previous buyers. Video clips have to be personal to capture the viewer's interest. Be exciting, helpful, relaxed and assured along with your watchers won't change the channel, as they say. The more available and truthful you are, the greater acquired you may be. Adhere to subjects you're truly enthusiastic about as which will turn out in your demeanor. Be sure that your video clips are marketed within a two-retract fashion. Permit your existing primary audience understand that new content is up, by means of your website and email or newsletter list. Nevertheless, also make sure you promote it to new readers by means of social media blogposts and search engine marketing techniques within your budget. Anytime anyone asks a question from the remarks in your video lessons, take into account when you can answer them in yet another online video. If you believe about this, you are able to make a funny response which offers them the data they seek out together with a exciting online video if others would want to see, each of the much better! Recall what power online video marketing has around other social websites kinds. Youtube, Facebook and blogs and forums are written text mediums. Only by means of video information your passion, as well as may come via. Body vocabulary is reported to be the vast majority of connection, and lacking a face-to-face conference, a video is your after that-best choice. Make sure that your video lessons have summaries or even transcripts from the content material. Search engines like google cannot but tune in to or see video lessons to directory them correctly. So, a thorough description from the text message or computer code will likely be your best option at getting your video graded properly. Should you be just starting marketing with video, then get a video clip up once you can. Researching techniques and strategies and discovering theory and preparing is all very good. Nonetheless, there is no more effective teacher than experimentation. Get the very first video up and you will definitely become familiar with a good deal. You must currently have a greater knowledge of how to get noticed rapidly with video lessons. You will learn the cabability to establish a entire world-broad viewers. Marketing and advertising through videos can help you jump on path in order to meet your targets. Links:
Successful organizations can easily achieve a large audience by means of their marketing techniques. At present, it's simple to just do that on the web. With good marketing with video content, it is possible to advertise your self to the world within minutes. The ideas in the following paragraphs can help. Whenever you create a movie for marketing functions make it beneath 2 a few minutes. You need your potential audience to watch the complete meaning, and should it be too much time you can expect to possibly get rid of people because they just click away. You can always keep on a considered or concept in a follow-up movie if required. Don't only depend upon video tutorials inside your marketing campaign. They can be great marketing and advertising equipment, however, they need to not change your other marketing techniques. Videos must not substitute information production like content creation or running a blog. Video lessons must basically be employed to improve the content material inside your advertising campaign and to formulate your website link collection. If you're marketing a product, build a video clip which conveys your prospects ways to use the product. You can start with opening the package, operate by way of the best way to use it jointly, after which prove to them how they may make use of it. As a result them appreciate simply how much you value your customers. Within your marketing with video, let the viewer know why it is that you supply the goods and services you do. They can effortlessly see the things you offer you, but inform them the primary reason for it. Available, real and honest communication engenders trust, which engages new market and retains previous buyers. Video clips have to be personal to capture the viewer's interest. Be exciting, helpful, relaxed and assured along with your watchers won't change the channel, as they say. The more available and truthful you are, the greater acquired you may be. Adhere to subjects you're truly enthusiastic about as which will turn out in your demeanor. Be sure that your video clips are marketed within a two-retract fashion. Permit your existing primary audience understand that new content is up, by means of your website and email or newsletter list. Nevertheless, also make sure you promote it to new readers by means of social media blogposts and search engine marketing techniques within your budget. Anytime anyone asks a question from the remarks in your video lessons, take into account when you can answer them in yet another online video. If you believe about this, you are able to make a funny response which offers them the data they seek out together with a exciting online video if others would want to see, each of the much better! Recall what power online video marketing has around other social websites kinds. Youtube, Facebook and blogs and forums are written text mediums. Only by means of video information your passion, as well as may come via. Body vocabulary is reported to be the vast majority of connection, and lacking a face-to-face conference, a video is your after that-best choice. Make sure that your video lessons have summaries or even transcripts from the content material. Search engines like google cannot but tune in to or see video lessons to directory them correctly. So, a thorough description from the text message or computer code will likely be your best option at getting your video graded properly. Should you be just starting marketing with video, then get a video clip up once you can. Researching techniques and strategies and discovering theory and preparing is all very good. Nonetheless, there is no more effective teacher than experimentation. Get the very first video up and you will definitely become familiar with a good deal. You must currently have a greater knowledge of how to get noticed rapidly with video lessons. You will learn the cabability to establish a entire world-broad viewers. Marketing and advertising through videos can help you jump on path in order to meet your targets. Links:
There are two problems. Problem one reflects the issues of the current occupant and needs addressing.
Problem two is that long term we have to stop the process of elected royalty. Perhaps a president was a progressive idea in 1787, but it risks a slide to authoritarianism in the U.S. and in many other countries today.
By 1848 one country, Switzerland, had figured out that electing presidents as kings was not a good idea. The Swiss had first-hand experience with the presidential system in France and desired to do something else. The country instituted a Federal Council of seven members. The president of the Council serves one year only.
Other countries have a parliamentary system where the PM has much less power than the American presidency.
The risk of authoritarianism will continue beyond the current administration. Systems that cannot change will end up collapsing.
Perhaps even more simple than dangling a 90% marginal tax rate...
FICA contributions stop at $137,700 in 2020. Why not remove the FICA cap entirely?
Medicare has no cap so why not social security?
Other countries have no cap, e.g. Switzerland.
Not a total solution but is likely necessary to fund the trust fund.
When we think of Trump in the future I hope it will not be kindly. It would be wealthy people like him that start wars in hopes of making more money and send the average American to fight, lose their lives and affect civilization for the future. The good old "Industrial War Machine" at work to make heros that Trump despises because they were the losers and he was the winner. It will be shameful to make him a winner for the sins of the wealthy to enjoy the spoils. It was stressed by his father that serving the country in the military was a no-no in his book and that he would not support anything at all like it. His older brother Fred chose another avenue to be his own person and Fred Senior and his wife all but disowned him at his death. Fred Jr's family also paid the price and was left nothing in the end. It was stolen from them by you know who and siblings.
Roh, roh,
Feds start leveling rare civil disorder charges against demonstrators for alleged violence at Portland protests
One of Americas greatest Presidents tells it like it is,
Ronald Reagan Lays Down The Law at Berkeley
Voter Fraud Ring Caught Rigging Elections for Democrats in Texas
There will be no easy way through or after the election. Breathe in! Breathe out!
Educate every young person on how politics affects everything they do every day of their life and the lives of those they love.
We know Joe. We are just getting acquainted with Kamala. I listened to her book, and I believe she will be exactly who she says she has grown to be.
Here's what I have noticed about AG Kamala Harris, the second you mention the word WORK she lights-up and comes to attention. So let's all take a deep breathe when the time comes, and get to work with her and Joe. Put the us back in USA and show it some LOVE.
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I was told there is a 1mg dose which is stronger than the 0.5 mg. Also, if you take Xanax regularly, you can create a high level of medicine in the blood. When I left Xanax and took only a small amount of Valium, I found my feelings and memories, "said Hayes. Apresse yellow flower. How much does Xanax 15 mg Street cost? Update.. According to Xanax or if you do not need the first story of your problem, let your doctor decide it. Xanax is a powerful drug and indications of abuse can become apparent relatively quickly. These methods alleviate the symptoms and help prevent relapse. The goal may be a full detoxification (i.e., no benzodiazepine in the body) but this must occur over time. There is a steadily increased rate of alprazolam prescriptions in Bangladesh, which has a population of more than 168 million (IMSQ4, 2015, in-house data) <>]. Xanax is the trade name for alprazolam, a benzodiazepine drug usually prescribed for anxiety disorders, panic disorders and mild depression. You may also have a difficult time urinating, suffer from a dry mouth, become more talkative than usual or suffer from a decrease in appetite. Hard times such as thin, smoke, heavy things. Alprazolam is considered as a preferred anxiolytic because of its additional role as an antidepressant <>3]. I found d-phenylalanine by the best doctor who does a strange job with him. It boosts a brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which slows down the . Xanax And Ptsd I took medication, I relaxed happily and during the day a little fog was applied. Such a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) is effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety, traditional analgesics, such as new Xanax drugs, such as drugs that help the patient's normal life. 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Unfortunately, an election victory that can't be reliably recounted is not going to be enough, any more than defeat without the possibility of recount is going to be acceptable. Whether ballots are lost in the mail, or votes are switched in rigged computers, or hacked on their way to tabulating centers, or registered voters are disqualified by one of a vast array of tricks, the result is the same: vote tallies will get "certified" that can't be effectively challenged because no full and verifiable recount is possible.
As far as I can see, the only viable way out of this impasse is to do the unprecedented: gather ballot affidavits from every voter willing to stand behind their vote and challenge every vote tally that does not reach that benchmark. Doing this would be a lot of work, even if only voters in acknowledged battleground States were canvassed; but not being ready and able to provide adjudicable evidence of errors in certified vote tallies would mean the losers were simply too lazy to do what it will take to win.
It doesn't really matter that "we shouldn't have to attest our votes in order to have them counted." Yes, it's unfair and burdensome to have to sign and notarize ballot affidavits. But so what? A stolen election is even more unfair, and nobly conceding in the face of bogus results is what got us into the crisis we are now facing.
The sources above about voter fraud are so laughably skewed,
that it would take far longer than one should give to the above
poster to point out the results and the disingenuous nature of
all of them. Concerning the story, for instance, from West Dallas,
our Texas AG, Ken Paxton, had racked up exactly one conviction
In their quest to root out voter fraud in Dallas County.
...and, really...John Lett Jr.? ... really?
Never say 83% or 90% with out saying that Billionaires pay the same on the first hundred thousand or first million as anyone else. The 83% or 90% applies only after the first billion or so. It is progressive taxation, not flat taxation. Republicans never seem to understand that. What is wrong with this country is the 1% has all of the money hoarded and is not trickling it down.
"Trump's reign is going to exceed the 225 criminals and lawbreakers in the Ronalkd Reagan administration. That's right; 225 of them either quit, were fired, arrested, indicted or convicted of either breaking the law or violating the ethics code. Edwin Meese, attorney general and leading law enforcement officer, alone, was investigated by four separated prosecutors." George Carlin. Are you listening William Barr? These are people who were elected with the help of the "moral majority." Organized religion and organized crime working together to make America great again. "There have been 317 criminal indictments under three Republican presidents and only three indictments under three recent Democratic presidents." Courtesy of Politifacts, December 29, 2019
The FCC, not an appointed body, and answerable only to the president, decided on its own that radio and television were the only two oparts of American life not protetcted by free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution., (This might explain why Trump tells so many lies while being recorded.)
Recent demonstration in Germany brought out the old. Qanon is the new right wing way of thinking. Qanon. Makes about as much sense as Trump or Whatabutt. Vote!
And his "University" was a scam. Or is it better characterized as fake?
Polrization has always helped extremists. Hitler was democratically elected by a relative majority thanks to his racist and divisive (we and the others) language. At least Germans learned from their mistake. Why should we not learn from theirs?
Please always entertain the notion of the "carrot and stick" in discussions of taxation.
Thomas Picketty recommends a top tax rate of 83%.
No pardons this time. No Ford to pardon Nixon, no Trump to pardon himself. We citizens have been deprived of justice before and refuse to accept it again. All of the crooks, back to the wall and nail them.
Another good post, Thom.
Methinks thou protestith too much, about mail in voting. I am in the process of voting by mail, and it is connected to my registration to vote. The real reason people are blocking vote by mail is because over 80% of Republicans are OK with regular (in-person) voting during a pandemic, while the same is true of only 15-20% of Democrats. This clearly amounts to blocking Democratic votes, which is the real election fraud here. Any system can be hacked, but when we have to register to vote, and provide proof of identity as we all do, I call BS.. Voter cheating would be a rare aberration; and a BS reason to support Republicans in their obvious voter suppression efforts.
I think the top tax rate should go up to 90%, because the super rich are the root cause of the corruption destroying America. Oligarchs are a clear and present danger to democracy. The super rich consolidated ownership of the news media, and turned the news into propaganda, because the only news we hear is news they want us to hear. Then sprinkle millions of dollars into battleground states at election time, because those millions of dollars have replaced what used to be known as free speech (they control the outcome of elections, and politicians are basically puppets.. whether they know it or not, the funding puts them at office, and if they go against what oligarchs what the funding will dry up). It is naïve to think Democrats as the good guys and Republicans as bad guys. Both parties are under corporate money's control, and our owners have different management styles; we could choose bat shit crazy, or moderate Republicans (if it weren't for the bat shit crazy element, it would be much more correct to say we have one party, then not).